War in Ukraine

What will change? Are those mythical, elite Russian troops that have been playing war games with China and India going to show up? Or maybe the 100,000 North Korean troops are going to finally arrive in theater?
They have been fighting with kid gloves on and with a significant numbers disadvantage. The original plan of just securing Donbas and trying to force a negotiated settlement with Kyiv is out of the window at this point. They can't negotiate with 3elensky because he isn't the one calling the shots. Ukraine, just like Germany, is not a sovereign country, but is instead a US vassal.
Not really no. From what I remember it’s largely driven by the storage life of the solid rocket motor. This fiasco is also an opportunity to just shoot off the old stuff or make it someone else’s problem instead of pull old inventory for expensive R&M. Then backfill with the current version of the item. Circle of life, munition replenishment orders 🤷‍♂️

I guess those 100K's TOWS and LAWS are worthless.
They should hand them out and let us citizens have fun blowing some shot.
They have been fighting with kid gloves on and with a significant numbers disadvantage. The original plan of just securing Donbas and trying to force a negotiated settlement with Kyiv is out of the window at this point. They can't negotiate with 3elensky because he isn't the one calling the shots. Ukraine, just like Germany, is not a sovereign country, but is instead a US vassal.
They have been fighting with kid gloves on and with a significant numbers disadvantage. The original plan of just securing Donbas and trying to force a negotiated settlement with Kyiv is out of the window at this point. They can't negotiate with 3elensky because he isn't the one calling the shots. Ukraine, just like Germany, is not a sovereign country, but is instead a US vassal.
Russia is a Chinese vassal state at this point. They only get to do what they do bc daddy Pooh Bear says yes. Bunch of cucks.
June: Russia +1,500km²
July: Russia +165km²
August: Russia +460km²
September: Ukraine +10,608km²

Now tell me how much territory Russia has left after this 10k km^2 was lost?

Just to give you perspective, Shelby County is 2000 km^2. So the Ukrainians gained 5 counties while the Russians control nearly 25-30 of the rest of the country. By any measure, you can't say Russia is losing.
Russian life has been cheap from the Czars right on through Putin. There were a couple of reasonable Russian leaders just prior to Putin, so I suppose you are right "always" doesn't completely fit.
Russian life didn't become cheap until Stalin took power. You know good and damn well that the country had no problems growing under the tsars. 27 million lost through war and democide has a way of devastating a country even as large as Russia.
8 years to 23 years rocket motor life, at least USA. Batteries can be replaced I suppose. Would think a low humidity environment like the aircraft would be better.
Driving around Redstone Arsenal year ago..all them munitions bunkers built in the 50's and not climate controlled, which I suppose were choke full of weapons.
I just meandering, but millions of weapons built during the Cold War...and all useless now.
Glad to have them when or if needed though. I guess they just leave them expired because a program to eliminate would be very costly.
Just find it interesting.

Army researchers extend missile system shelf life
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There's a lot Russia doesn't know except thuggery and greed.
Says a guy that lives in a country that has be gang banging in the Middle East over the last 30 years. Says the guy that lives in a country that has helped overthrow dozens of countries since WWII.

But Russia is the goon country... ok
You can call Vietnam (Korea, too) a civil was if you like, but you could just as easily call it a revolution, or simple outright takeover of countries by outside forces. In any case both the Soviets and the Chinese were exporting communism to former colonies around the globe - and calling it "wars of liberation". Liberation would have been driving a colonizer out and letting the locals decide, but that wasn't the communist way. You chastise us for trying to bring democracy to countries and regions, but don't seem to have a problem with Russia/Soviet and Chinese bringing communist enslavement . That seems a bit naïve, or maybe just one sided.

Perhaps we did have a skewed view of communism as some monolithic entity - probably for good reason when you look at the Soviet bloc. However you can't ignore the the Sino/Soviet influence in the SE Asia "civil" wars; nor can you ignore things like the Sino/Soviet backed thousands of Vietnamese troops in Laos after all other parties had removed in respect of the Geneva treaty agreeing to Laotian neutrality in 1962. Remember it was the Cold War and the West was fighting Sino/Soviet inspired and supported (doctrine, goods, arms, and troops) takeover around the globe.
Well first off, Ho Chi Minh asked Truman to help get the French out of the area after WWII and Truman ignored him. Blown opportunity. Ho Chi Minh had no one else to turn to but the communists.

Not saying that the US should have sent military assets to Vietnam, btw. I'm saying that the US had the authority to pressure the French in much the same way Roosevelt wanted the UK to liberate their colonies across the globe. That didn't work out too well for FDR, however.
I guess those 100K's TOWS and LAWS are worthless.
They should hand them out and let us citizens have fun blowing some shot.
Lol no. I’m quite certain Ukraine couldn’t care less about shelf life requirements in the procurement spec 😂 But that’s all part of the game dude. For US to keep and maintain it we have to adhere to weapon’s contractual specified maintenance requirements. If we offload it prior to those cycles then we have no obligation.

Keep in mind I’m not talking about a handful of years. Shelf life requirements on our stuff was over a decade easily. However the stuff I worked on had no material like a rocket motor.

For a quick example I googled the shelf life of C-4. According to the gov site as long as it’s kept within the mandated temperature and humidity requirements it is considered to have indefinite shelf life.
You chastise us for trying to bring democracy to countries and regions, but don't seem to have a problem with Russia/Soviet and Chinese bringing communist enslavement . That seems a bit naïve, or maybe just one sided.
I have nothing good to say about the USSR or China under Mao. And Xi right now is far has his good points with regards to how he has handled China's economy for the most part, but I do not like his social controls and our fellow Americans wanting to copy the ChiComs practices here.

The US had earned so much goodwill capital after WWII around the globe and immediately began to lose all of it once The Dulles brothers and others in the State Department, Pentagon and CIA began to overthrow govts and rob countries of resources. The Communists in USSR and China seemed like the only option available to counter the US hegemony.

We pizzed away our goodwill.
8 years to 23 years rocket motor life, at least USA. Batteries can be replaced I suppose. Would think a low humidity environment like the aircraft would be better.
Driving around Redstone Arsenal year ago..all them munitions bunkers built in the 50's and not climate controlled, which I suppose were choke full of weapons.
I just meandering, but millions of weapons built during the Cold War...and all useless now.
Glad to have them when or if needed though. I guess they just leave them expired because a program to eliminate would be very costly.
Just find it interesting.

Army researchers extend missile system shelf life
The bunkers do have climactic controls from what I remember. However more importantly they’re thick walled and beneath ground level.
If there is any place in the world that should just self eradicate or self immolate it is the ME sandbox ... all of it. Then we can get the oil in peace without dealing with hopped up Islamic disciples.
I used to think this way 15-20 years ago. Then I got a little bit wiser and more informed.
What in recent history or extended history makes you think that Putin or any Russian leader cares about the lives of Russians? At the very least he was willing to conscript 300k of them.

And when you call for using nukes, even just tactical nukes, on Ukraine, that includes a sizable number of the ethnic Russians Putin was out to "save".

Even without the fallout.

Not with tactical nukes. A tactical nuke could be deployed which is only say 50-100 times the size of a normal conventional weapon. Instead of taking out cities, you take out city blocks. However, its still best to use it on enemy territory, just like any other weapon.
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Now tell me how much territory Russia has left after this 10k km^2 was lost?

Just to give you perspective, Shelby County is 2000 km^2. So the Ukrainians gained 5 counties while the Russians control nearly 25-30 of the rest of the country. By any measure, you can't say Russia is losing.
It took Russia 6 months to gain only 17% of Ukraine. And as that post shows they have been stagnant for the last three months. Ukraine got 2% of that back in the last month. And more to the point Ukraine is still gaining back territory while Russia continues to lose territory. Yes Russia is LOSING territory in the current battlefield engagements. And they’ve even admitted it
They have been fighting with kid gloves on and with a significant numbers disadvantage. The original plan of just securing Donbas and trying to force a negotiated settlement with Kyiv is out of the window at this point. They can't negotiate with 3elensky because he isn't the one calling the shots. Ukraine, just like Germany, is not a sovereign country, but is instead a US vassal.
Putin's failure to take all of that into account is just more verification of Russian incompetence.
I saw the most cynical and ridiculous post on ZeroHedge a few days ago. I am 75% sure it was said jokingly, but he sai that Germany and Russia have had enough of Poland and have decided to split up Poland between the two of them to put out that fire once and for all. Sounds ridiculous, but if the Poles played a part in the Nordstream attacks, many in the German political class (outside of the greens) are going to be pizzed.
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The bunkers do have climactic controls from what I remember. However more importantly they’re thick walled and beneath ground level.

You ever see that 60 Minutes segment many year ago about Army surplus? Not munitions, but gear. It was insane.
All that trillions is sitting somewhere.
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I saw the most cynical and ridiculous post on ZeroHedge a few days ago. I am 75% sure it was said jokingly, but he sai that Germany and Russia have had enough of Poland and have decided to split up Poland between the two of them to put out that fire once and for all. Sounds ridiculous, but if the Poles played a part in the Nordstream attacks, many in the German political class (outside of the greens) are going to be pizzed.

Germany is emasculated..Italy just gave them the middle finger after being bailed out a decade ago,
You ever see that 60 Minutes segment many year ago about Army surplus? Not munitions, but gear. It was insane.
All that trillions is sitting somewhere.
Yeah the DoD procurement system is a model for inefficiency. I don’t think it could have been done worse if they set out to make it as inefficient as possible 🤷‍♂️

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