War in Ukraine

You gotta remember. Ukraine’s starting point was literally Russia. And they weren’t pressed to clean their act up till the late 2000’s. There is a lot of corruption still present there for sure. I referenced a wiki page earlier that illustrated their legislative attempts to clean their act up and I dropped it below. They’ve indeed got a long way to go. But that’s no reason to just let Russia steam roll them. Plus like it or not we agreed to provide aid up to but not including boots on the ground. And Russia’s expansionist behavior has to be stopped before it’s normalized as acceptable behavior.

Corruption in Ukraine - Wikipedia

That's an interesting article. The one thing easy to draw from it is that in a state run society where the state controls virtually everything people need to survive that corruption and bribery become facts of life. Need food - pay a bribe. Need a job - pay a bribe. That kind of thing becomes ingrained and difficult to eradicate. You could almost compare it to our tradition of tipping. Why do we tip someone for doing a job? Somehow it went from a personal thank you for doing a service well to an expected additional payment. In communist states a bribe to gain favor transitioned into the same kind of deal - an expected additional payment to provide what everyone gets. Imagine trying to say I'm fed up; I'm not tipping any more; let the employer pay for services. To me that's what it would be like to eradicate some of the basic, least evil, and most pervasive corruption around the world.
You gotta remember. Ukraine’s starting point was literally Russia. And they weren’t pressed to clean their act up till the late 2000’s. There is a lot of corruption still present there for sure. I referenced a wiki page earlier that illustrated their legislative attempts to clean their act up and I dropped it below. They’ve indeed got a long way to go. But that’s no reason to just let Russia steam roll them. Plus like it or not we agreed to provide aid up to but not including boots on the ground. And Russia’s expansionist behavior has to be stopped before it’s normalized as acceptable behavior.

Corruption in Ukraine - Wikipedia
Banning political parties and churches, arresting priests and since 2014 killing civilians in the Donbass. Sounds like there's been even more corruption right now and the last decade over there in Bandera Land.
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100k by Christmas! Come on Russia you can doooo it!

Hey, @Rasputin_Vol look at how nice Ukraine is -- trying to keep your boys warm tonight.

Good. Now they get a chance now to be out in the cold without utilities like they've been dealing Ukraine. At least for one night they got a chance to be warm and toasty; maybe the Russian soldiers can hang on to those memories to keep them warm in the upcoming weeks.
Banning political parties and churches, arresting priests and since 2014 killing civilians in the Donbass. Sounds like there's been even more corruption right now and the last decade over there in Bandera Land.
I’ve linked articles to you on Patriarch Kirill and the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine - Not a peep from your stooge ass

Yesterday I linked a dissenter in Russia getting sentenced to 8 years in prison for merely speaking out against the military. the “political dissenter” in Ukraine that I’m aware of is Viktor Medvedchuk whom is a Putin lapdog. In fact Putin is godfather to his daughter. He’s under house arrest for fraud related to oil leases illegally transferred to Russian control. House arrest. Not poisoned or thrown out a third story window you clown.

We’ve taken apart your 14k death claims multiple times. They include combatants. And you stooges completely misrepresent this data continually. If they didn’t shoot at Ukraine then Ukraine wouldn’t have shot back. And not a peep out of your stooge ass on the continual terrorist attacks against civilians in Ukraine ongoing who aren’t shooting anyone.

GTFO with your idiotic whataboutism Curly nobody is buying it. 🤡
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Good article about the difference in technology and quality of US fighters vs RUS. Couple poignant quotes in there...and some aspects i never considered. In short...RUS is too poor and lacks the industry necessary to build a real stealth aircraft. Stealth used to be based on shape of aircraft and materials/coatings that absorbed rather than reflected radar waves. Now it is far, far more complicated and based on many different technologies and design elements. I remember reading that an F22 without externals has the same radar signature as a hawk or eagle. A bird. Not a plane. Bet that new B21 Raider doesnt even have an observable signature. Period. Much like the B2 during "Bombs over Baghdad," anyway...good short read here.

The Su-57 is marketed as stealth fighter but radars have between 6 to 10 times greater detection range against the Felon compared to F-22 & F-35. Here’s why. - The Aviation Geek Club
Agree. When you look at the list of corrupt countries, it seems Africa and the ex-Soviet countries are well represented in the most corrupt status. You can almost break the worst of the offenders into some distinct categories. Africa and the Middle East because of tribal histories. Ex-communist states because communism is nothing but corruption. S America and environs because of Spanish colonialism. In each case there's some well established corruption backed by elements of power (sometimes legitimate - sometimes an offshoot of powerful state agencies like the KGB - often nothing more than brutality). Africa, the ME, and S America have decades of corruption and have shown little will to break it - centuries of tradition with no real attempt at progress.
Uhhh... have you looked at the Anglosphere and Western Europe since March 2020?
Good. Now they get a chance now to be out in the cold without utilities like they've been dealing Ukraine. At least for one night they got a chance to be warm and toasty; maybe the Russian soldiers can hang on to those memories to keep them warm in the upcoming weeks.
What do you mean by "at least for one night"? Are you admitting that before now, the Russians have had the advantage in these areas until this one instance? Does that mean Russia is losing or Kyiv is losing?
Good article about the difference in technology and quality of US fighters vs RUS. Couple poignant quotes in there...and some aspects i never considered. In short...RUS is too poor and lacks the industry necessary to build a real stealth aircraft. Stealth used to be based on shape of aircraft and materials/coatings that absorbed rather than reflected radar waves. Now it is far, far more complicated and based on many different technologies and design elements. I remember reading that an F22 without externals has the same radar signature as a hawk or eagle. A bird. Not a plane. Bet that new B21 Raider doesnt even have an observable signature. Period. Much like the B2 during "Bombs over Baghdad," anyway...good short read here.

The Su-57 is marketed as stealth fighter but radars have between 6 to 10 times greater detection range against the Felon compared to F-22 & F-35. Here’s why. - The Aviation Geek Club
Uhhh... you do know that this conflict has pretty much been the end of manned aircraft being effective in combat and the emergence of unmanned drones and missiles, right?
So you have no numbers on either side... but your gut (and the MSM) tells you that Russia will lose more.


No, not my gut or the MSM. History tells me that Russian soldiers are poorly trained, poorly led, poorly equipped and incompetent. Without western manufacturing and supplies Russian (USSR) wouldn’t have won a war since militaries became mechanized. There is nothing that has happened in this military folly that shows they have learned their lesson or why I should expect anything but history repeating itself.
No, not my gut or the MSM. History tells me that Russian soldiers are poorly trained, poorly led, poorly equipped and incompetent. Without western manufacturing and supplies Russian (USSR) wouldn’t have won a war since militaries became mechanized. There is nothing that has happened in this military folly that shows they have learned their lesson or why I should expect anything but history repeating itself.
Russian or Soviet? Or does it really matter? Either way, are you saying that times in 2022 are the same as they were whenever you are basing you opinion on? Do things not change or are things static?

Using your logic, WTF has the US win since WWII?
Russian or Soviet? Or does it really matter? Either way, are you saying that times in 2022 are the same as they were whenever you are basing you opinion on? Do things not change or are things static?

Using your logic, WTF has the US win since WWII?

If 2022 is different then it will be the first time the Russian (USSR) military hasn’t been completely incompetent.

We can win battles because our soldiers are superior in training, equipment and intelligence, a private in the US Army has more military bearing and knowledge than a Russian NCO or Jr officer. But yes our civilian leadership and officer corp over the rank of O-5 are generally incompetent and too often corrupt just like the Russian military which has cost us victory in the wars we have fought. The biggest difference between the US military and the Russian military Is we have a competent NCO corp and educated enlisted soldiers who can function in the absence of officers.

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