War in Ukraine

The FBI is on my lawn wanting to know who the NorthDallas40 guy is.
Dude when I filled out my 5 year update I always called my listed references so that A) they’d know they might get questioned and B) no I didn’t do anything illegal. I’ve had people call me all nervous and uncomfortable wanting to ask me what’s up and I’d laugh and tell them what was going on 😂
No doubt in my mind..the Pentagon is the biggest Laundry on the Planet.

Back to Ukraine..how does Biden get to appropriate tens of billions without Congressional approval?
He doesn’t lawfully. Only Congress can allocate money to buckets. POTUS has some discretionary buckets but only Congress can put the allowance in there. Again that’s the law.
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I aint reading that gov hogwash. So complex even a lawyer and synonym expert could not reconcile. Confusion by delusion., just like every law, tax code..
Oh well. Your answers on funding oversight are laid out in a brief summary there 🤷‍♂️. Only the first page matters. Funding is the last topic on the first page.
$2.1Trillion of unaccountability. Tens of Billions in Ukraine aid and not transparent..
Hell. we are screwed.
Heh. Well I did a Google search and it came up with no B2 accident yesterday.

So.... link?
I heard a retired general talking head on the "television set" comment the other day that the $850+ billion that congress has proposed to appropriate to the Pentagon for next year was totally insufficient. These guys are out of control with their multimillion dollar weapons that they want. Junk most of them and get back to basics.

B-2 Stealth Bomber Damaged During Emergency Landing | The Drive

The article references the previous B-2 failure and this one as two incidents. Note this statement:

With such a tiny fleet, and just over half of it being fully operational at any given, any significant damage to a B-2 is a major event.

A Marine F-35 made an emergency landing a Kadena (Okinawa) a week or two ago. The nose gear collapsed while the plane was being towed. The military has had a rash of other landing gear problems lately. The costs add up. The big issue is reliability - some Australians are unhappy with their F-35 purchase - cost, reliability, and continual upgrades. To me the F-35 is a big blunder - neat plane - but high maintenance. If you can't keep planes like the B-2 and F-35 operable in ideal conditions; how do you keep them operable in battlefield conditions? I agree with VolStrom, there is a huge need to get back to the basics and simpler stuff that just works. If you can't keep planes in the air, pilots don't get the proficiency to use them to the best advantage ... and immovable planes are sitting ducks for bombs, missiles, or hurricanes.
B-2 Stealth Bomber Damaged During Emergency Landing | The Drive

The article references the previous B-2 failure and this one as two incidents. Note this statement:

A Marine F-35 made an emergency landing a Kadena (Okinawa) a week or two ago. The nose gear collapsed while the plane was being towed. The military has had a rash of other landing gear problems lately. The costs add up. The big issue is reliability - some Australians are unhappy with their F-35 purchase - cost, reliability, and continual upgrades. To me the F-35 is a big blunder - neat plane - but high maintenance. If you can't keep planes like the B-2 and F-35 operable in ideal conditions; how do you keep them operable in battlefield conditions? I agree with VolStrom, there is a huge need to get back to the basics and simpler stuff that just works. If you can't keep planes in the air, pilots don't get the proficiency to use them to the best advantage ... and immovable planes are sitting ducks for bombs, missiles, or hurricanes.

B-21 was designed from the outset with these concerns in mind.
B-21 was designed from the outset with these concerns in mind.
I can't wait for every man, woman and child in the US (minus 100 million illegals) to have to contribute $150,000 for a plane that will never fly and if it does will be as sorry as the F-35.
I can't wait for every man, woman and child in the US (minus 100 million illegals) to have to contribute $150,000 for a plane that will never fly and if it does will be as sorry as the F-35.

The B21 has been flying around for years.

Given its impossible mission, the F-35 is an amazing platform.
There’s a good reason why the B52, C130 and A10 haven’t been put out to pasture just yet.

And it's also why the F22 Raptor and the FA18 super hornet will continue flying for a long, long time. The F16 is still flying around too. You don't scrap good stuff, especially when you have the best pilots in the world to operate it. That is the main difference. U.S. pilots are hands down the best.

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