War in Ukraine

I saw that vice credit cards are being declined due to not paying bills. Apparently they're hurting financially
I wonder if they spent way too much on traveling and production. They used to report in areas many other western journalists wouldn't dare going and their production quality was always top notch it seemed. Then they rode the woke train more after Trump was elected.
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Business is booming!

The invitation said the event was “supported by” Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Pratty & Whitney, and Lockheed Martin — their logos emblazoned on the invite, reportedly prompting some observers to “laugh out loud.”​

This DC party invite shows all the money to be made off the Ukraine war
From the beginning I have said in this very thread supporting this war is supporting transferring American taxpayer funds to defense contractors, politicians, and the most corrupt government in Europe.
Lol. Well let’s see. Lancaster, Ritter, Lira, Berletic, Ivandjiiski and their associated blogs or web pages for starters. And you know it. But let’s hear your idiotic denial anyway.
So you're saying the Russian government is paying them. What proof do you have?
Kissinger is a Putin Puppet

Kissinger: It's Time For Negotiated Peace In Ukraine To Avoid World War | ZeroHedge

The celebrated diplomat penned an essay entitled "How to Avoid Another World War" for the new issue of The Spectator wherein he spelled out that the ambition of hawks in the West to break apart Russia is likely to unleash nuclear chaos. "The time is approaching to build on the strategic changes which have already been accomplished and to integrate them into a new structure towards achieving peace through negotiation," Kissinger wrote.

The only issue is that the US/West have shown themselves to be untrustworthy and negotiators in bad faith. Angela Merkel admitting in two different interviews in recent weeks that the Minsk agreements were simply stalling tactics for NATO to build up the Ukraine Army is proof.

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