War in Ukraine

The OP wasnt about final success. The original point was about INITIAL success. I even said as much in the post you quoted.

This is the same bs you guys pull, just make up arguments no one is having.
Lol. Okay so now it's about initial success. Perhaps you should be more specific next time.

So we can agree that overall it wasn't a success in Iraq?
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Again, that's not the conversation that was going on.

The question was about would we do better. Not if we would have success, and that success was never defined.

For me having fewer losses would be better. So yes our military would do better in the current situation than Russia is.

That's the conversation, stop with the straw man bs.
Yes that has been the conversation going on. You and a few others claimed what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan were victories. They were not and you along with the rest of your jobbers have failed to prove anyone challenging your opinions wrong.

Perhaps you and your crew need to stop with the straw man BS. Has that ever crossed your mind?
Nope. And you know well I speak of the history of this nation. We're hate based, you see it everywhere. Just check vintage advertisements, and so much more. But forget, experience has long taught me, our mainstream prefers to think we're the world heroes. While in reality, we are the foremost predatory nation of all. Basically lying to ourselves. But thems that prefer not to know the truth, can't know or acknowledge it.
Yes everyone does. Go read the real basis for all of our fairy tells. They are violent and disturbing. The brothers Grimm. The Hindi believe there was a war of the gods. Chinese and Japanese have made heroes of their medieval warriors. Look at any dance of an "uncivilized" people, and it's people dressed up for war wielding weapons. Heck even the Haka and other dances by the various Samoan/pacific islanders is about intimidation before battle.
Yes everyone does. Go read the real basis for all of our fairy tells. They are violent and disturbing. The brothers Grimm. The Hindi believe there was a war of the gods. Chinese and Japanese have made heroes of their medieval warriors. Look at any dance of an "uncivilized" people, and it's people dressed up for war wielding weapons. Heck even the Haka and other dances by the various Samoan/pacific islanders is about intimidation before battle.
No. Not everyone does.
We 100% won and achieved our initial goals in both Iraq wars and in Afghanistan in spite of the incompetence of our senior officers and Sec of Defense. What we lost was the peace because we tried to nation build.

What you boobs fail to understand is that our military can function on the battlefield without officers because we do have a professional NCO corp, Russia doesn't.
@DonjoVol here is the start of that conversation about INITIAL success

It's not my fault you ignored it when you jumped in. You should also have read two of my follow up posts stating INITIAL.

I did specify, you just didnt comprehend it on your march to erect strawmen.
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And let NATO build up an army on their doorstep? And attack for 8 years Russians living in Donbas?

Again, 8 years of diplomacy with a dishonest broker in The West. The US wouldn't have been patient for 8 days in the same situation.
Russia invaded after 8 years. Not NATO.

There is no clause in a ceasefire that either nation cant build up.
We're going to have to add the following to their talking points list now:

Russian Military Incompetence
Sack of Potatoes
Dumbazz Hot Takes
"We defeated the Taliban even though they are back in control"
Smooth Brain
"150 Billion will bring Russia to its knees"
Don’t sweat it Curly we’ll remind you daily. 🤡
After 20 years? That's a long time to build back, especially for a group with international support and the ability to regroup in adjacent countries without risk.
Doesn't matter if it was 20 days or 20 years. They never went away and we never defeated them. Not sure why that is hard for you to understand.
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Doesn't matter if it was 20 days or 20 years. They never went away and we never defeated them. Not sure why that is hard for you to understand.
We killed their dads. Twenty years later was a new generation. Unless we’re willing to go full genocide there are going to be more followers. It wouldn’t have mattered if the country was willing to fight for their freedom that was gifted to them on the backs of our military. But we do realize you’re not equipped to process this.
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We killed their dads. Twenty years later was a new generation. Unless we’re willing to go full genocide there are going to be more followers. It wouldn’t have mattered if the country was willing to fight for their freedom that was gifted to them on the backs of our military.
What the hell are you talking about? The current leaders there aren't exactly young guys.
And they would have.

And they are not losing.
lol. Tactical retreats that will show the world why they are good. War crimes while retreating. Losing flagship of Black Sea Fleet. 100,000 dead in less than a year. Threatening nuclear war constantly. Rendered combat ineffective outside of any third world engagement.

Yep. Yall are killing it!!
If we defeated them handily then they would have never returned back to power.
Taliban was defeated in 3 months. Afghanistan leadership and their people allowed them to return to power, Comrade, after the US essentially turned all operations over to them years ago.

I hope you haven't been getting extra rations of potatoes for your internet trolling work because its terrible.

Third worlders, much like Russians, are extremely corrupt and don't take well to any legitimate military training. The US's major mistake was believing that they could train up some sand people into decent soldiers. Sort of like how Russia approaches their military training. Its all about going through the motions for the $ then folding like a cheap suit.
Yes everyone does. Go read the real basis for all of our fairy tells. They are violent and disturbing. The brothers Grimm. The Hindi believe there was a war of the gods. Chinese and Japanese have made heroes of their medieval warriors. Look at any dance of an "uncivilized" people, and it's people dressed up for war wielding weapons. Heck even the Haka and other dances by the various Samoan/pacific islanders is about intimidation before battle.

There you go again, on, and on, and on, and rehashing what has already been discussed.

I was at a party and this fella said to me
"Something bad is happening, I'm sure you do agree
People care for nothing, no respect for human rights
Evil times are coming, we are in for darker nights"

I said, "Who are you to talk about impending doom?"
He got kinda wary as he looked around the room
He said, "I'm a minister, a big shot in the state"
I said, "I just can't believe it, boy I think it's great
Brother, can you tell me what is right and what is wrong?"
He said, "Keep on rocking baby, till the night is gone"

On and on and on
Keep on rocking baby, till the night is gone
On and on and on
Till the night is gone
On and on and on
Keep on rocking baby, till the night is gone
On and on and on

Till the night is gone
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Their plan would have worked for a quick resolution to the conflict had the US and UK not intervened, genius. Once it became clear that Ukraine was doing the bidding of NATO, this became Russia vs NATO and not just Russia vs Ukraine.

You really have zero appreciation for what Russia is doing right now fighting NATO in their own backyard and gradually demilitarizing them in terms of men and equipment.

Russia has time, the weather and the resources on their side.

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The belligerence of NATO gradually ramped up after 1991 and the expansion eastward made things worse. Not to mention Georgia 2008 and the coup in 2014... and the attacking of the people of Donbas for the past 8 years. The past decade and a half has seen far more escalation.
What did NATO have to do with Georgia in 2008?
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NATO shouldn't be on Russia's doorstep anymore. I mean considering how incompetent the Russian military is and that they are considered the "Trailer Park of the World" then NATO seems like it's just a big waste of time and money now.
And with how incompetent and worthless NATO is, Russia shouldnt be concerned at all about where they reside. I mean Russia is already defeating NATO right?
Because there was definite proof he actually was there..
You are willing to accept one video but not another? One set of planned photo ops but not another?

It's been standard practice for Zelensky to make visits to various contested regions, or newly liberated areas. Not sure why you are balking at this one.
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So let me get this understood. The Soviet Union collapsed, the Russian Federation was weakened and of no threat anymore, but yet they were now shaking in their boots at a weakened Russia?

And another thing, why can't you people understand that the fault is not on any country that may or may not have wanted to join NATO. The fault lies on NATO for accepting these countries and breaking the promise of not expanding east. Or really, the fault lies on NATO for not disbanding after 1991 and instead forming a different European security agreement that included Russia but excluded the US.
why should a defensive pact dissolve? Those nations could still be attacked by someone other than Russia, and NATO could still get called up.

And as it turns out as of February 24th 2022, at the least, there is still a very good reason for NATO to exist.

This ignores the 2008 Georgian expansion. And The continued occupation of Moldovan and Armenian territory.

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