Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!
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People been saying that for 10 months. Enough with the fore play then get it over with.
Based on what the farmers and their John Deere tractor brigade have pulled off, he should be very worried.
Putin staged his equipment for months before he invaded, 10 months later and his merry band of idiots is closer to their border than they were on day two.
It's got to be humiliating. A super power? LOL.
If it weren't for the innocent and unnecessary lives being sacrificed by Pootin it would be a lot of fun to watch. Sadly, Russia has proven to be nothing more that a much less operationally capable, vodka soaked version of the Taliban. Resorting to terrorize civilians to make up for their impotence.
There isn’t going to be any way to define a win for Russia from this debacle. These morons have exposed themselves to the world as being a paper tiger militarily and they’ve suicided their economy to try and support this lost cause. It’s going to be pure entertainment watching them continue to decompose over the next few years and see if they can actually make it to civil war.I want him to define "win".
They'll never be able to occupy Ukraine, they ought to be worried about holding on to Crimea.
With 100k dead/wounded - I dare say that it'd be hard to convince friends and family of those that they've somehow "won." But hey, maybe they will feel better knowing that their childs death helped stamp out all the gay nazi's in Ukraine and ignore that it was really putin *****ing the bed by trying to put the band back together.
You do realize who is in control of Afghanistan now, don’t you? The irony is thicc..
Whole different kind of war. We aren't any good at that version.
But, we are more geared for Russia in Ukraine. Not saying Ukraine will "win". But, more likely to get a better settlement.
If NATO can scrape together about 100 F-16's for Ukraine, that is a difference maker in an European style conflict.
They won't need any/many tanks.
Difference maker…perhaps, but I think this war will be won or lost just like it’s playing out…war of attrition. I believe Russia is willing to play the long game..
They always have..
Lol. An ignorant bunch of vodka swilling morons.
Lol I’d forgotten about Brucey. I think he actually learned about his tax liability fate hereThe Russian cheerleaders here are equally challenged. So sad that @volgr and @LSU-SIU simply quit their team altogether.
And did @JuicyBrucey escape that South Korean debtors prison yet?
No they haven't. WWI was one of the big reasons they overthrew the Czar, they were tired of the war, the Winter War the population started grumbling after 3 months. Napolean's invasion and WWI yes, but that is because they were invaded and in danger of being subjugated. That's not the case now.
Begging the question - WikipediaYou do realize that Ukraine is occupying part of Russia right now? The Oblasts annexed into the RF(right or wrong)…will be fought for over the short and long term.