War in Ukraine

Just stop. You said there weren’t NATO arms in Ukraine before the invasion. You were wrong.

There’s always been Russian arms in Ukraine…

I’m saying that if you want to say that there were NATO arms in Ukraine prior to the invasion then you have to admit they were there because Russian arms were there.
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I’m saying that if you want to say that there were NATO arms in Ukraine prior to the invasion then you have to admit they were there because Russian arms were there.
And thanks to the incompetence of the Russian military, there’s Iranian, Chinese and North Korean arms in Ukraine.
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Look dude. It isn’t true. I know you REALLY want it to be true but it isn’t.

And your point was decided in 1994 when we signed the Budapest Memorandum. We are spending entirely too much there I absolutely agree on that. However we committed to help including lethal aid if they are attacked. We are NOT committed to sending troops. The additional spending just committed in the spending bill is entirely too much until they burn thru the huge amount of money already committed we shouldn’t be committing more.

If you feel so strongly on this I’d suggest you write your congressman and state the US shouldn’t be committing to entangling agreements not in our hemisphere. And I’d agree with that. But it’s way too late on this issue.
The Budapest memorandum bears no legal obligation of assistance. Our gov is using the Ukraine war to launder money pure and simple.
In this discussion it’s a broad term used to describe our tax dollars being stolen and routed through the “defense of Ukraine” excuse to end up in politicians, bureaucrats and select MIC supplies pockets.

I mean, you can't really redefine the English language in order to fit a narrative; that's not how it works.
😂 WTF have you been, that has been happening for quite awhile.

You can't just call something "money laundering" , when there's a clear definition as to what "money laundering" actually entails.

And the federal government has no need to "launder money" in order to obfuscate the source, as the source of the money is quite clearly the federal government itself.

If you are claiming some sort of combination of 'graft' and/or 'kickback' is occurring, I've yet to see anyone produce evidence of such.
Not clear what point you're trying to make. Is it, (1) only "moral saint" states have a right to exist, (2) only "moral saint" states should get our funding, even when attacked by states that are even more corrupt, or (3) something else.

I don't think anyone denies Ukraine has had a spotted past in terms of good governance, but why is that of relevance to whether we should support them given that (a) they're an ally, (b) they're a functioning democracy, and (c) they were attacked by an imperialistic dictatorship that wants to deny them independent statehood and take some or all of their lands or turn them into a vassel state (a la Belarus).
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Their net worth prior to him taking office was I think around $20M. I fail to see how them pissing away their private wealth on about 4 Patriot missiles is gonna solve anything. Hey if it makes you feel better to bitch about it go ahead I guess. But it doesn’t invalidate them seeking help to keep their country from getting over ran. Like I said last time this came up go nuts lady enjoy your Christmas because if you lose this war it could very well be her last.

You know he might be on to something. Think about it. If Pootin had to fund his war personally, and if members of congresses and parliaments had to fund militaries, this might be a far more peaceful planet. At least we'd be back to using wooden clubs instead of multimillion dollar missiles.
The Budapest memorandum bears no legal obligation of assistance. Our gov is using the Ukraine war to launder money pure and simple.
LMAO crap like that is why people don’t trust us. If we have no intention of adhering to the agreement for our own convenience then don’t sign the damn thing to begin with.

Congrats you want to behave just like Russia in this case.

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You know he might be on to something. Think about it. If Pootin had to fund his war personally, and if members of congresses and parliaments had to fund militaries, this might be a far more peaceful planet. At least we'd be back to using wooden clubs instead of multimillion dollar missiles.
Wait... what are you saying here about Turkey? Are you suggesting that Turkey will go against Russia?

Nope. I'm saying that Russia could be more adamant about getting in and out of the Bosporus. For all it's size, Russia has a real problem with sea access, and the Bosporus is important ... and straddled by Turkey. I'm not so sure that Turkey's real objection to Sweden becoming part of NATO has to do with the fact that it puts two NATO nations in strategic locations with respect to Baltic access - almost like a case of jealousy and Turkey being put more on the spot with Black Sea importance.
You can't just call something "money laundering" , when there's a clear definition as to what "money laundering" actually entails.

And the federal government has no need to "launder money" in order to obfuscate the source, as the source of the money is quite clearly the federal government itself.

If you are claiming some sort of combination of 'graft' and/or 'kickback' is occurring, I've yet to see anyone produce evidence of such.

1. The source of the money is us, our tax dollars.

2. The administration, its bureaucrats are using Ukraine, MIC contractors to obfuscate the source of the money being returned to them. If that isn’t laundering I don’t know what is.

3. Even the POTUS just can’t openly stuff his pockets with our tax dollars. The source has to look legitimate.
😂 WTF have you been, that has been happening for quite awhile.

Ever notice when somebody uses a term like "salty" these days, you have to try and figure out from context and source just which version of the term "salty" the are trying to use. "Salty" language didn't used to have a damn thing to do with being teary eyed.

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