BTW Rogozin is a dirty Russian who 100% deserves...
December 23, 2022, 07:44 Rogozin was wounded in the groin and may lose his reproductive organ - media Wounded in the occupied Donetsk, the ex-head of Rosksmos Dmitry Rogozin, it turns out, not only the fifth point is injured. On December 21, in Donetsk, in the Shesh-besh restaurant, the occupiers' party on the occasion of the birthday of the former chief "cosmonaut" of Russia ended tragically. For some guests, this was the last event in their lives, and for Rogozin himself, it turned out to be a shameful injury. The media released new details. It turns out that the birthday boy has more injuries. According to the DPR militants' public pages, Rogozin received a shrapnel wound to the soft tissues of the head, a penetrating shrapnel wound to the buttocks, a penetrating shrapnel wound to the left thigh, as well as the groin, the Ukraine 365 Telegram channel reports. The head and trunk of the penis have been dissected, the former Russian Deputy Prime Minister and head of Roskosmos is threatened with a complete amputation of the penis. Doctors are fighting to save the reproductive organ, but the chances are very small.