War in Ukraine

Don't be yet another person projecting false emotions onto me. I said if true, and thought it sounded questionable. It's too public to do that while asking for money. They're going to be sneakier than that. Interesting that people support it happening though even if it isn't true. The blind faith people have for Zelensky is amazing to me. It amuses me to think of that because underneath all this propaganda some people are embezzling funds. It's foolish to think that all this money is 100% all going to defeat Russia especially if they're as incompetent as folks claim. Some here are even against all oversight of American aid. Suddenly corruption in Ukraine doesn't exist. I believe that it does and since I don't trust any of these characters, I just assume a lot that I see is propaganda. That bit of it was funny. Your reaction to it is funny to me as well. I'm mad I didn't do research lol. That bit was funny too. I couldn't just be gullible and wrong, I had to be emotional as well. I thought posting it twice conveyed a more lighthearted skepticism but I enjoyed the exaggerating and smug whining tone of your narrative when you responded. Like I care enough about looking like a fool to get mad over it. I do pick up that it annoyed you a bit and will now probably periodically post it in the future then laugh hoping you're annoyed at being the source of inspiration.

Dude, just let it go. You saw that nonsense on Twitter, and it gave you a confirmation bias-boner, and you couldn't help yourself.

Just take your 'L' like an adult, your attempt to backpedal away without admitting that you were flat wrong to believe some rando nonsense it just sad.
We fought Chechnyaians in Afghanistan. So take that bs elsewhere. Know your stuff before you spout your bs. We’ve been fighting Russia and Iranian supported militias and militaries for years.
And the question is why were we fighting in these conflicts in the first place?
You said Russia and China never have. This is true, of course. The problem is that you ignored the millions murdered by communists just so you can kvetch about ONLY the US’ sins of the past. It might score points with other like-minded simpletons, particularly in this thread, but it’s intellectually dishonest to leave out context.
When have I ever ignored or denied the millions that Stalin and Mao killed. I want you to show me that post.
Russia wants Crimea for naval bases. Russia want's eastern Ukraine so it has unimpeded passage to Crimea ... and naval bases. Then Turkey is either compliant or screwed. Russian nuke subs are a global problem - not just European. Ukraine was in the way; Turkey will be in the way.
Wait... what are you saying here about Turkey? Are you suggesting that Turkey will go against Russia?
Russia gave money, guns, and military vehicles to Taliban during our war. You think these goat farmers had aks, bombs, knowledge etc. without help from a larger entity?
I doubt the Russians were giving guns, money and military vehicles close to the $80 billion in cash (literal cash) and prizes when Biden left Kabul. Plus, am I to suspect that the gas station masquerading as a country could maintain that level of support over 20 years?
I doubt the Russians were giving guns, money and military vehicles close to the $80 billion in cash (literal cash) and prizes when Biden left Kabul. Plus, am I to suspect that the gas station masquerading as a country could maintain that level of support over 20 years?
The amount is not the topic. They gave all the things we are. Payback is granted. Unless you have looked this evil in the eye why do you talk such nonsense. One way is not better or worse than the other. Both is bad but you defending one side while both sides are doing the same thing is saddening.
I have not. But the Russians apparently have an issue with them for some reason.
Competition for the Russian Orthodox Church for one. And from talking to Jehovah Witnesses they do not believe in Heaven and Hell. I think that's an issue many other churches probably have with them as well. Plus a few of their other beliefs.
Competition for the Russian Orthodox Church for one. And from talking to Jehovah Witnesses they do not believe in Heaven and Hell. I think that's an issue many other churches probably have with them as well. Plus a few of their other beliefs.
Yes, because a merciful and all powerful and loving God would definitely create a hot torture chamber. That's not a silly idea at all.
A picture is worth a thousand words... The REAL Three Stooges holding a stage prop flag with the US flag hidden in the background. A comedian, a whore and an octogenarian alcoholic...


This is an international embarrassment.

Figures. Boot locker status confirmed. Has Zelensky sent you a personal 8x10 with him dressed in his girly dance attire yet? You and the others who continue to support Ukraine are a stain on this nation. I bet you were dreaming your jorts when Pelosi and Harris were holding the Ukrainian flag. You are pathetic.
Same reason your people were there too.
Just because they are there doesn't mean we need to be there. What kind of sense does that make to send our troops halfway around the globe in these conflicts? How does that affect Main Street USA?

The amount is not the topic. They gave all the things we are. Payback is granted. Unless you have looked this evil in the eye why do you talk such nonsense. One way is not better or worse than the other. Both is bad but you defending one side while both sides are doing the same thing is saddening.
No need for payback if we mind our own business and get of the business of nation building and expanding Anglo-American empire.
Are you aware that we have issues right here in America?

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