War in Ukraine

By the way, the type of action I'm referring to is you don't talk about threatening sanctions you just do it! It's clear Russia is being provocative. This is what I mean by weakness. The "keep on and we're going to do something about it". Russia has seen these fools in action before with the "red line" talk.
What good are sanctions?
We had the Free Syrian Army and ISIS stage attacks in Syria.

So yes, I would not put it past the CIA or mercenaries pulling a false flag to justify some military action.
I'm not aware of this, you have any links to credible sources? And this would have happened under Obama?
I'm not aware of this, you have any links to credible sources? And this would have happened under Obama?
There was also one under Trump that caused him to call for missile strikes.

This isn't about Obama vs Trump because both administrations are guilty of nonsense in Syria.
Just looking over my historical calendar though. We are almost due for the next European/Russian disaster
1709 Sweden Invades Russia
1812 France Invades Russia
1941 Germany invades Russia
Who is next????
So we have rising energy prices here, but we are shipping LNG to Europe due to not only their power energy policies, but because we continue to interfere in Europe's ability to get their energy needs met by Russia.

Tell me again how this is really helping the average American? Or is someone else really benefiting here?

European Gas Drops 18% As US Sends LNG Flotilla | ZeroHedge
So I went to look for stats on what the EU's daily consumption is in comparison to what we are sending in this flotilla.

BP Statistical Review of World Energy - Main Indicators - knoema.com


37 billion cubic feet per day consumed.

Out of 76 U.S. LNG cargoes in transit, 10 tankers carrying a combined 1.6 million cubic meters of the heating and power plant fuel have declared destinations in Europe, shipping data compiled by Bloomberg shows.

Another 20 tankers carrying an estimated 3.3 million cubic meters appear to be crossing the Atlantic Ocean and are on a path to the continent. Nearly one- third of the cargoes come from Cheniere Energy Inc.'s Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana, the shipping data shows.

52 million (with an M) cubic feet vs 37 billion (with a B) cubic feet of daily consumption.

Surely, I'm missing something here.
There was also one under Trump that caused him to call for missile strikes.

This isn't about Obama vs Trump because both administrations are guilty of nonsense in Syria.

Trump's served its purpose unless you're saying Syrian leadership "didn't" gas their own people. You seem to be on top of foreign affairs.
Trump's served its purpose unless you're saying Syrian leadership "didn't" gas their own people. You seem to be on top of foreign affairs.
I'm going to try to be as precise as possible when I say this. With regards to the alleged chemical attack on 2017 that lead to Trump calling in missile strikes, The Syrian govt did attack one of those facilities, but there is no evidence to suggest that they were aware that sarin gas was located in the facility, nor was there any evidence that they had a motive to intentionally have an alleged saron gas release. There is speculation that the gas was staged there as by "White Helmets" or the Free Syrian Army in order to provoke a US response or it was simply collateral damage done without the intention of having an alleged gas release.
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I'm going to try to be as precise as possible when I say this. With regards to the alleged chemical attack on 2017 that lead to Trump calling in missile strikes, The Syrian govt did attack one of those facilities, but there is no evidence to suggest that they were aware that sarin gas was located in the facility, nor was there any evidence that they had a motive to intentionally have an alleged saron gas release. There is speculation that the gas was staged there as by "White Helmets" or the Free Syrian Army in order to provoke a US response or it was simply collateral damage done without the intention of having an alleged gas release.

So possibly bad info. On the flip side, Trump is decisive in his decision making and actions.

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