War in Ukraine

I don't expect anything to happen in a vacuum. Multiple adversaries see opportunities for expansion but China wouldn't do anything before the Olympics.

The Olympics in the CCP..just wonderful. They ****ed the world with this COVID stuff, we shut down economies and they get the stupid Olympic prize. Hell. if Hitler can get it....
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The State Department also sent out an alert this morning warning Americans to reconsider travel to Ukraine because of the threat of Russian invasion and that things could change suddenly. We also sent cyber and air defense personnel from the DoD to go over Ukraine's weaknesses in those areas. Also December 25th is the last time the Soviet flag was lowered for the final time so pretty big date.
I read a recent article, linked by Ras, where Putin and their leaders discussed Gorbachev errors. You don't start this when a strong WH. You start this with a bunch of suckers that talk loud and that's about it.

A former America military official talked about how Putin and Xi responds to action not talk. Strength not weakness.

America needs a bull in the White House…
I read a recent article, linked by Ras, where Putin and their leaders discussed Gorbachev errors. You don't start this when a strong WH. You start this with a bunch of suckers that talk loud and that's about it.

A former America military official talked about how Putin and Xi responds to action not talk. Strength not weakness.

China's history has been to focus on changing the dynamics on the ground so that they take the space without even fighting. Thats how Hong Kong was taken over with a wimper. My guess is that, unless something has changed, that is how they will approach Taiwan. Bluster a lot and buy up politicians on the island. Focus on becoming strong enough (which they are well on their way) to where a conflict would likely be a solid win, then negotiate a takeover under the shadow of that threat.

Russians, however, operate a bit differently and have definitely shown a willingness to invade, especially when it is so close to them and a strategic necessity.
America needs a bull in the White House…
Why? Ukraine is of no significance to me or my neighbors or Middle Tennessee or the United States as whole. Let the Euros worry about it. Meanwhile, you need to have your azz worried about the fascists that are in your own country.
I hope they do, so those little feckless twits can suffer and decide whether or not to send in their own son's to be put up for slaughter instead of offering up the Americans for a change.

I agree but I think I haven't made my point well enough. No country would probably be in this position if Trump was in the WH.
Russians, however, operate a bit differently and have definitely shown a willingness to invade, especially when it is so close to them and a strategic necessity.
Invade? Eastern Ukraine is mostly ethnic Russian. You really think they would have to come in kicking down doors and cracking skulls... or would they likely be welcomed?
Invade? Eastern Ukraine is mostly ethnic Russian. You really think they would have to come in kicking down doors and cracking skulls... or would they likely be welcomed?

Just because your ethnic Russian doesn't mean you want Putin to invade. There are plenty of ethnic Russian Ukrainians who have taken up arms against the invader.
Just because your ethnic Russian doesn't mean you want Putin to invade. There are plenty of ethnic Russian Ukrainians who have taken up arms against the invader.
OK. How many of those Eastern Ukrainians turned down Russian passports when given the option?

One million passports: Putin has weaponized citizenship in occupied eastern Ukraine

If the Kremlin’s current forecasts are accurate, there will be one million Russian citizens living in occupied eastern Ukraine by the end of 2020, representing at least a quarter of the entire population. This will transform the so-called separatist republics of eastern Ukraine into Russian passport protectorates.
Invade? Eastern Ukraine is mostly ethnic Russian. You really think they would have to come in kicking down doors and cracking skulls... or would they likely be welcomed?

I think many (up to the Dnieper) are very pro russian but there is a sizeable minority who are very anti. Even the pro are unlikely to want Russia to annex them, however. Putin's real goal however, is to make sure a united Ukraine never becomes a Nato staging point. When Western Ukraine makes such rumblings, it plays into Putins hand.

And yes, when Trump was President, both Ukraine and Taiwan were far far far less likely to have issues. Despite his rhetoric, Trump was perceived to be a strong and unpredictable leader, who did not start conflicts without purpose. Would be predators take pause. But when leadership looks weak, like Biden (and may well be actually compromised by multiple governments), the wolves lose their fear of the fire and begin to calculate their chances to take out stragglers.
We may have our Gleiwitz/Shelling of Mainila incident coming soon as pretext for action. Today the Russian Defense Minister accused that American private military contractors are in eastern Ukraine preparing for chemical "provocations"
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Really? Who has a more recent history of fabricating gas attacks: Russia or the United States?

Do you honestly believe that American PMCs are getting ready to launch a chemical attack in Ukraine Ras? I mean seriously do you really believe this?
Do you honestly believe that American PMCs are getting ready to launch a chemical attack in Ukraine Ras? I mean seriously do you really believe this?
We had the Free Syrian Army and ISIS stage attacks in Syria.

So yes, I would not put it past the CIA or mercenaries pulling a false flag to justify some military action.
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The Olympics in the CCP..just wonderful. They ****ed the world with this COVID stuff, we shut down economies and they get the stupid Olympic prize. Hell. if Hitler can get it....
The amount of cash that passed under the table during the selection process would simply stagger you
The amount of cash that passed under the table during the selection process would simply stagger you

All about money every time. Don't know what specifically you are referring to but the World Cup probably gives an indication.
Just feels like sellout for cash at every turn of Western process. Soulless
Do you honestly believe that American PMCs are getting ready to launch a chemical attack in Ukraine Ras? I mean seriously do you really believe this?
Well, Ras believes that 97% voter turnout occurred for the “referendum” in occupied Crimea. So….

None of this would even be an issue if NATO hadn't been moving into former Soviet states and then overthrown an elected leader in Ukraine in 2014.

By the way, the type of action I'm referring to is you don't talk about threatening sanctions you just do it! It's clear Russia is being provocative. This is what I mean by weakness. The "keep on and we're going to do something about it". Russia has seen these fools in action before with the "red line" talk.

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