War in Ukraine

I'm just looking at it from the perspective that almost all of Ukraine's neighbors to the west are NATO countries. Belarus is to the north of the region you are talking about for incoming logistics. That means Russia has to either actively involve Belarus or an air strike would have to cover a lot of Ukraine, and Russia doesn't have air superiority. Does Russia actually have other weapons (missiles, cruise missiles, drones) with the accuracy to hit targets over that distance, and would countries like Poland see the strikes coming their way and just assume they are supposed to hit Ukrainian targets near the border? Looks like risky business where the incoming weapons and supplies are still concentrated.

In the past we and other NATO countries have had a lot of surveillance planes flying near the Ukrainian border that you assume are looking at what's flying over Ukraine. BTW ADSB isn't showing anything there right now which doesn't mean they aren't there, but there is an RC-135 Rivet Joint cruising the China coast from northwest of Okinawa down to Taiwan and back - flying out of Kadena - Okinawa.
The Russians have launched ground and air attacks from Belarus. That's beyond using it as training area and depot for equipment.

I am surprised that doesnt get brought up more.

The Belarussians allowing the Russians to cross their borders on a violent military mission raises all types of red flags.

And it's not like Vietnam where they are sneaking a few guys at a time through rural areas. These are big army groups, out in the open with will blown support from the locals. Plenty of reports of Belarussian hospitals being used to treat wounded Russians.
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Russian soldiers "advance" on Bhakmut.

There's two kinds of people that remove bodies. One that tries to block out mentally what they're doing, and the dude waving at them with someone else's hand.

Keep up the great work Putin!

WHERE'S WALDO? See if you can find them all (33). Solution below.













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It seems finally the West is “all-in” now. We’re sending Bradley’s, the French are sending AMX-10 tank destroyers, and the Germans are sending Marder IFVs. Now the Polish have announced they have an agreement with other European countries to send Leopards to Ukraine.
It seems finally the West is “all-in” now. We’re sending Bradley’s, the French are sending AMX-10 tank destroyers, and the Germans are sending Marder IFVs. Now the Polish have announced they have an agreement with other European countries to send Leopards to Ukraine.
So to be clear, the weapons they are sending now is "all in"? Nothing more after this? Or when these weapons don't change the outcome, will the West (try to) escalate more?
Tell me you’re not shocked that Chechens are fighting the Russians after what they did to their homeland? They’ve been fighting in Ukraine since 2014.
No, you missed the point. That looks like a NATO trained militia group... similar to ISIS/Al Qaeda/Free Syrian Army. From what I was able to gather, it looks like that militia is associated with some other Caucuses that went around not only in the Chechen Wars, but were in Syria and Iraq destabilizing the region. So once again, it looks like NATO/US is funding another terrorist group. And while in Ukraine, they were part of a group tied in with the Right Sektor. Very shady group of individuals.
What’s funny? They’re are better and more modernized equipment than what the Russians are throwing into the fight.
Is that supposed to be a jab at Russia? Why is NATO scrambling to gather up tanks and equipment for Ukraine now? What happened to all of that equipment that Ukraine started the war with? Where did it go? Did those old Russian weapons grind them to dust?

See, you can't have it both ways. You can't pop s^^t about Russia using inferior equipment and tactics, but at the same time be scrambling for weapons and needing $100+ billion to save their bacon....
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It seems finally the West is “all-in” now. We’re sending Bradley’s, the French are sending AMX-10 tank destroyers, and the Germans are sending Marder IFVs. Now the Polish have announced they have an agreement with other European countries to send Leopards to Ukraine.
Wonder what Bradley variant they’re going to send/ have already sent. Will they all be Bradley Fighting Vehicle, or will some of them be Cavalry Fighting Vehicles? Will they have system that provides GPS coordinates when something is lazed with the LRF?

AMX-10 RCs are, as I understand it, used as recce/cav elements as the M3 would (and the M2 possibly could). I think the Bradleys and AMXs would complement each other well when used together. Bradleys have the TOW for stand-off engagements while the AMXs can provide immediate fire support against softer targets that the Bradleys can keep pinned.

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