War in Ukraine

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Is that supposed to be a jab at Russia? Why is NATO scrambling to gather up tanks and equipment for Ukraine now? What happened to all of that equipment that Ukraine started the war with? Where did it go? Did those old Russian weapons grind them to dust?

See, you can't have it both ways. You can't pop s^^t about Russia using inferior equipment and tactics, but at the same time be scrambling for weapons and needing $100+ billion to save their bacon....
But Russia having to mobilize 300k more troops means they are winning...

Talk about having it both ways.
Going after the head of state would be over the top. I'm wondering if this is Kadyrov just throwing out stuff or he may be tipping off a change in strategy by Russia.

Ramzan Kadyrov

"I see that some are worried about foreign aid to Ukraine. Do not worry! This is a money laundering scheme. Officials from the West and Ukraine will plunder these funds and no more than 15% of the total amount of support will reach the trenches.
It's better to worry about something else. The fighting is now going on in Russia. These are our regions that wished to become part of our state in order to protect the population from the satanic actions of Ukrainian and NATO nationalists. Therefore, there should be no negotiations. We must hit the lair of Satanists in the center of Kyiv! It is necessary to hit the main defender and agitator of this vile ideology - Zelensky.

A year ago, world powers underestimated our country, they believed that Russia was practically ruined from the inside by pseudo-liberal provocateurs - agents of the West. And today, the entire NATO bloc supplies weapons and its fighters under the guise of "foreign mercenaries", but cannot tip the scales in their favor. Just imagine: THE ENTIRE NATO BLOCK has thrown forces, but cannot do anything!

As they just did not try to influence Russia. They miscalculated in one thing - we honor our traditions, religion, culture. It is impossible to deceive believers with foreign "values" when the Koran is burned on the streets of the West, and newspapers with caricatures of the Prophet ﷺ are sold on the shelves.

We are at war against Satanism and all its worst manifestations. You know what I'm talking about, I don't want to list it all. This is our spiritual strength. And this spirit cannot be broken!

Yes, the Ukrainian population is dying. But they should be offended that they are dying in vain for the right of the West to hold rainbow parades in front of children, and not for their national values. Sodom and Gomorrah were punished by the Almighty. And today this sword of sacred punishment is in the hands of Russia!"

Oh good. Satan is back to being hunted. The crusade is back on boys!

And we know how well those go, and that they are never subverted by those in power....
Hearing more and more reports about these salt and other mines in Bakhmut and Soledar. Apparently, these are mines that go 100m deep and are large enough to hold tanks, equipment and soldiers.

This may shape out to be another Azovstal encirclement and stalemate.
Hopefully the rebels left behind plenty of modern Russian equipment.
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Congrats on the stupidest comment I’ve read on here today and that’s saying a lot.
He isnt wrong, but you are right it doesnt refute the point.

Hitler pushed the psuedo Arayan Race crap all day long, even though he didnt fit it at all. Tall, blonde, blue eyes.
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He isnt wrong, but you are right it doesnt refute the point.

Hitler pushed the psuedo Arayan Race crap all day long, even though he didnt fit it at all. Tall, blonde, blue eyes.
He isn’t wrong. However the gay western death cult Nazis is a meme in and of itself and trying to sell that stupidity as he did is patently stupid.
Wow they missed by 30m. That is complete trash targeting accuracy in this day and age.

If Russia were semi competent, Ukraine could set out some cellphones in a field to give Russians a target for their Iranian and N Korean missiles and drones. Problem is that they'd probably miss and hit something important.
He isn’t wrong. However the gay western death cult Nazis is a meme in and of itself and trying to sell that stupidity as he did is patently stupid.

Donjo should also have added that many of the top Nazi's were drug addled and had some severe psychological issues. The old Prussian officer corps was mostly OK, but the other parts (SS, SD, etc) had plenty of sewer grade psychopaths. Hermann Göring was completely screwed up ... and probably/possibly second in line - first in any food line. Pootin would probably have fit right in if he didn't get shot for trying to take over.
So in the world of propaganda did Russia kill a lot of Ukrainian troops or not. Seems Russia has doubled down on the claim.
Zelensky adviser Arestovich proposed to make Ukraine a monarchy and "collect the lands of the Rurikovichs" KXan 36 Daily News - ePrimefeed

In his fantasies, he compared the situation in the Ukraine to a plot from The Lord of the Rings and called for the “return of the king”. According to Arestovich, the only options are to declare a monarchy in Ukraine and a statement that “we are collecting the lands of the Rurikids.” He referred to the example of the United Kingdom and the restoration of the monarchy in Spain after the fall of Franco’s dictatorial regime. Arestovich did not say who should be the “first Ukrainian monarch” and whether this will happen in the foreseeable future.
Spoiled, ungrateful MFer right here... And more weapons is the path to peace. At some point, these geniuses in Ukraine are going to have to realize that they are the suckers in this scam. "to the very last Ukrainian"

Kuleba: No one has done enough for Ukraine yet - TeleTrader.com

"Ukraine is grateful to partners for their military aid, but we should remain honest with one another: no one has done enough as long as Russian boots remain on Ukrainian ground. Arming our country for victory is the shortest way to restoring peace and security in Europe & beyond," he tweeted.


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