War in Ukraine

My opinion is they never should have been there.

They were invited initially by Mali. Funny though that the Russians have a right to intervene in its former colonial holdings according to you but the French doesn't have the same right. So why is it okay for one but not the other?
Ukraine isnt a victim. The people are, not the govt. They brought this on their people and the Western Death Cult is prolonging their suffering, which you support.
What is this western death cult of which you speak? You mean that thing where we try to be considerate of others and treat them with dignity?
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The point is that there were clowns in here saying that the British could beat the Russians by themselves.
Nobody in their right mind thinks Ukraine could defeat the UK ergo based on how they’re smacking that Russian ass it’s a logical conclusion Russia would fold like a cheap suit to the UK. But since NATO has guaranteed Russia’s peace for over 70 years now clearly there is no risk of that. Turns out only former Russian satellites need to worry about getting invaded… by Russia.
They were invited initially by Mali. Funny though that the Russians have a right to intervene in its former colonial holdings according to you but the French doesn't have the same right. So why is it okay for one but not the other?
Really, in an ideal situation, you shouldn't need to have foreign boots on your territory at any time. Assuming what you are saying is true that the French were initially invited, it is clear now that they are no longer invited right now. There was obviously some reason why they did a 180. was it a political change in the country? Did the French do something to antagonize the Malians?

But lets get back to the original comment you made that sparked my response...

Being serious for the moment the French are now the European military power/partner over the Brits. Plus they are willing to use that military power too.

When are we going to have countries that are more recognized for their diplomatic skills rather than military power? Lavrov just left Africa this past week and was treated like a rock star. Janet Yellen went to Africa lecturing them about sanctions on Russia.

The Europeans/US don't have an ounce of diplomatic skills.
What is this western death cult of which you speak? You mean that thing where we try to be considerate of others and treat them with dignity?
No, the Western Death cult are the countries that are pumping in weapons, arming and supporting Nazis, advancing woke politics, promoting debt economies, austerity and IMF loans, and allowing crime, corruption, human trafficking, etc to reign supreme.
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Russia is bankrupt. they are not capable of being our enemy
We should keep an eye on them just like we do everyone else. China on the other hand is itching for a fight. Their military is anyway. I agree that it’s not smart but that’s what they’re doing and therefore we should be ready to defend ourselves against whoever. We should stop trying to be the world’s police force.
this dust up between Russia and the Ukraine is still none of our concern.

Funny how nobody is trying to invade russia, even tho they have lost 80% of their criminal "shock troops", and are buying weapons from china and n korea. How about joining the real world?
Russia can hurt.. a LOT of people, and they continue to do so (that's what they do), but they would be eliminated in weeks if they hit the button.
94-mile range precision guided missiles approved by US. Basically 2x the range of HIMARS. Delivery shortly.

Russia? Yeah, you're completely f*cked now.

Pull up a chair and watch the fireworks, gents. Every Russian soldier in Ukraine (save some of Crimea) will be in range of a guided missile with a strike accuracy of 1 meter.

Even Hogg might be (relatively) happier to know they're only $40K each.

And, oh, BTW it hits moving targets as well.

To quote @volgr ... "just like HIMARS, not a gamechanger."

Per Rueters:

"...One of the officials said a portion of the package, expected to be $1.725 billion, would come from a fund known as the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), which allows President Joe Biden's administration to get weapons from industry rather than from existing U.S. weapons stocks.

The USAI funds would go toward the purchase of a new weapon, the Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) made by Boeing Co (BA.N), which have a range of 94 miles (150 km). The United States has rebuffed Ukraine's requests for the 185-mile (297-km) range ATACMS missile."

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Ukrainians are not sitting on their asses. They are way, way smarter than russia, and probably more American than America rn. They are picking themselves up and launching from roads, fields, and anywhere else. They are fighting. We do not give them the means to destroy russia (we could). We give them the means to fight back. One hit of the button and the world goes into destroy the kremlin mode. Russia would not be eliminated, their military would. An entire globe would put them out of commission faster than stormy daniels legs opening. There is a reason russia still exists. Russia wants that area for the raw materials. It's one of the most reasource rich areas on the globe. They want it back.
IDK ask where the Ukrainian Air Force is launching from to conduct sorties when they should have been eliminated on day one of the war.
I’d be shocked if they sent F-16s, Grippens, Eurofighters, or Tornados. I’ve been around tanks, IFVs, and combat aircraft through out my career. The histrionics around tanks is overblown just some simple type transition is all that’s needs. But our combat aircraft is a different story. They are much more complex and finicky than the Russian garbage and they break frequently. So it would be aircraft plus spares. Doesn’t make sense. I still think it makes more sense to get NATO partners to give Ukraine their old Russian junk and backfill that with western aircraft.
Nobody in their right mind thinks Ukraine could defeat the UK ergo based on how they’re smacking that Russian ass it’s a logical conclusion Russia would fold like a cheap suit to the UK. But since NATO has guaranteed Russia’s peace for over 70 years now clearly there is no risk of that. Turns out only former Russian satellites need to worry about getting invaded… by Russia.

Agreed. British war equipment is superior to what the Ruskies have.

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