War in Ukraine

Why is your response to Ukrainian civilians being killed by Russia, "Ukraine should surrender", and not "Russia should remove it's troops form the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine, and stop killing civilians"?

Because I live in reality not in your gay Western Death Cult alternate reality. Ukraine was given years to accept a peaceful resolution to this, those chose provocation in Russia's view. Russia isn't leaving, deal with it, now what? Peaceful end by negotiation or last Ukrainian option. Thats reality.
Because I live in reality not in your gay Western Death Cult™ alternate reality. Ukraine was given years to accept a peaceful resolution to this, those chose provocation in Russia's view. Russia isn't leaving, deal with it, now what? Peaceful end by negotiation or last Ukrainian option. Thats reality.

So in your reality, as long as a country has nuclear weapons, they have carte blanche to invade their neighbors, and demand territorial concessions for "peace"?
Because I live in reality not in your gay Western Death Cult alternate reality. Ukraine was given years to accept a peaceful resolution to this, those chose provocation in Russia's view. Russia isn't leaving, deal with it, now what? Peaceful end by negotiation or last Ukrainian option. Thats reality.
The rest of the world is dealing with it Larry. They’re arming Ukraine to the teeth so they can kill as many of your fellow Russian countrymen as possible. That’s actually what Ukraine wanted. Maybe you should deal with that?
Ok, lets leave make believe world and deal with this realistically.
Why is it make believe?

Answer: Because Russia invaded Ukraine for a land grab and will not leave as long as Ukraine opposes it.

You believe the only solution is for Ukraine to capitulate and Russia will leave it alone.......... until Russia decides it wants more. If Ukraine capitulates it's only delaying the next Russian military incursion on it's soil.

If it fights now it may keep Russia from ever again invading it or a neighbor. It seems to me they have decided to fight the good fight. It's their right to do so, it's not for you or anyone else to criticize them for self determination.
So in your reality, as long as a country has nuclear weapons, they have carte blanche to invade their neighbors, and demand territorial concessions for "peace"?

Yes, welcome to reality where larger Countries force their will onto smaller ones. Must have been lonely living under that rock all these decades.
Why is it make believe?

Answer: Because Russia invaded Ukraine for a land grab and will not leave as long as Ukraine opposes it.

You believe the only solution is for Ukraine to capitulate and Russia will leave it alone.......... until Russia decides it wants more. If Ukraine capitulates it's only delaying the next Russian military incursion on it's soil.

If it fights now it may keep Russia from ever again invading it or a neighbor. It seems to me they have decided to fight the good fight. It's their right to do so, it's not for you or anyone else to criticize them for self determination.

No, there are many possible solutions, I just get tired of reading the fake virtue signaling by some of you who like to pretend you are worried about the Ukrainian people while supporting the continuation of this conflict. You are either a complete imbecile or completely disingenuous.

Some of us knew this would be Ukraine's destiny if they didnt settle for peace with a much larger power that has the ability to crush them. They haven't and here we are, they are being crushed. A pawn in the Western Death Cult's globalist game of chess.
No, there are many possible solutions, I just get tired of reading the fake virtue signaling by some of you who like to pretend you are worried about the Ukrainian people while supporting the continuation of this conflict. You are either a complete imbecile or completely disingenuous.

Some of us knew this would be Ukraine's destiny if they didnt settle for peace with a much larger power that has the ability to crush them. They haven't and here we are, they are being crushed. A pawn in the Western Death Cult's globalist game of chess.
Why is your blame directed at only the countries helping them.......... And not the country "crushing" them?

And you want to call others names?

Very few here are fake virtue signaling, they are condemning a foreign invader in Europe attempting to Deboe a smaller country for it's land and resources. You allow that to become common practice and chaos ensues.
Because I live in reality not in your gay Western Death Cult alternate reality. Ukraine was given years to accept a peaceful resolution to this, those chose provocation in Russia's view. Russia isn't leaving, deal with it, now what? Peaceful end by negotiation or last Ukrainian option. Thats reality.
Tell us again you're a paid Russia troll without actually telling us you're a paid Russian troll.
Yes, welcome to reality where larger Countries force their will onto smaller ones. Must have been lonely living under that rock all these decades.

If that's where we are going, then I don't want to see any more complaints from you, @DonjoVol or @Rasputin_Vol about US bases hosted by foreign nations, and their relative distance from Russian borders.

The US is a nuclear power, and can place bases in whatever countries it wishes with those government's consent, and Russia will just have to suck it up, or we'll turn Moscow into a glass sheet.

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This channel has some good videos on deployments around the globe.

I see a bunch of M113's though and I would bet this is European stock from the day. Some MLRS that have been sitting in a warehouse.

If that's where we are going, then I don't want to see any more complaints from you, @DonjoVol or @Rasputin_Vol about US bases hosted by foreign nations, and their relative distance from Russian borders.

The US is a nuclear power, and can place bases in whatever countries it wishes with those government's consent, and Russia will just have to suck it up, or we'll turn Moscow into a glass sheet.


The West has been and is today trying to impose it's will on Russia, like it does to every other Country across the globe. What are you even talking about? This is the way the world works
Hey @Rasputin_Vol, sounds like your lads are sweeping the Darwin awards this year.

When I saw the Russian tanks advancing in a group style formation and getting blown to pieces I knew that they had learned absolutely nothing about the battlefield since the 1930's. They do the same thing over and over, throwing men and equipment into the meat grinder. Can't change a tigers stripes I guess.
When I saw the Russian tanks advancing in a group style formation and getting blown to pieces I knew that they had learned absolutely nothing about the battlefield since the 1930's. They do the same thing over and over, throwing men and equipment into the meat grinder. Can't change a tigers stripes I guess.
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