War in Ukraine

I know that is what the western propaganda tells you. Watch video of them rounding up men off the street against their will to go fight.

Same thing the Russians are doing and they are doing it on a larger scale. If the Ukrainians did not want to fight the Ukrainian armed forces would have laid down arms the first week of the war and not continued the struggle for almost a year now.
Same thing the Russians are doing and they are doing it on a larger scale. If the Ukrainians did not want to fight the Ukrainian armed forces would have laid down arms the first week of the war and not continued the struggle for almost a year now.
The Russians have been shown in the past year of being inept and weak in terms of having any measurable wins in the media war against the US. Snake Island, Ghost of Kyiv, tractors, Russia running out of missiles...

Flawless victory for the US.
Forbes on the Russian economy (December, 2022).

IMO the brain drain is the biggest loss they've suffered. All their young, bright 20-somethings hauled ass out of the country rather than being pressganged into WWI bayonet charges.

Russia will not recover from this whole debacle for decades.

Moreover, I don't see Putin holding onto power this year. The Sword of Damocles is hanging...

Anderson: You have pointed out the Russian economy stagnated even before the sanctions imposed in 2022. What are the biggest economic problems Russia and Russians face today and in the coming years?

Taylor: The biggest economic problem that Russia and Russians face today is, of course, the war. Instead of an expected growth of around 4% for 2022-2023, Russia's economy is expected to decline by 8% over those two years. Sanctions have hit production in key sectors very hard, and the effects will continue to mount. The government is shifting to a wartime economy, which means even more state control and military spending and less investment in human capital such as education and health care.

Hundreds of thousands of educated, young workers have left the country, and several hundred thousand more Russian citizens have been mobilized for war rather than productive pursuits—not to mention the roughly 100,000 casualties so far. Living standards will continue to fall, and an increase in wage arrears and unemployment seems inevitable as well. Longer term, the Western shift away from Russian oil and gas brought on by the war will undermine Russia’s most important economic sector.
Flynn?!? LMAO.

Poor dude lost his mind... QAnon broke his thick skull.

I'm sure someone who made it through the ranks of the NSA is deeply concerned about your opinion of his mental prowess. Now tell us also how a team would be better off if you were the headcoach.
So your husband dies and they give you fuzz from the a$$ end of a ferret? Slava Ukraini!

It gets cold there and Russia tends to keep blowing up apartment buildings, homes, and knocking out power, so those Ukrainian fur coats are a lot more practical than the towels the Russians are handing out to their war widows.
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Still better to try and find Ukraine more of the Russian planes they already fly. Russia built their planes to fly from crappy airfields without problems; we didn't do the same. The Ukrainian AF knows Russian technology already; giving them new western aircraft falls under the category of trying to change horses in midstream - just not a good idea. They do need an influx of aircraft, but the middle of a war isn't the time and place to learn to use and maintain complex hardware.
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I'm sure someone who made it through the ranks of the NSA is deeply concerned about your opinion of his mental prowess. Now tell us also how a team would be better off if you were the headcoach.

Flynn was the national security advisor for three weeks, prior to that he was privately employed after he retired from the military. I'm not sure he ever "navigated the ranks of the NSA." Just clarifying.
I mean. Dude witnessed, firsthand, the dissolving of what he believes is sovereign Russian territory. Putin’s been waiting since 1991. Just a matter of time before he made his move. I’m not siding with the guy but how would you feel being extremely patriotic to the US and seeing it unfairly split up into other countries? Resentful maybe?

Ahh, the never ending Russia wasn't the Soviet Union ... or maybe it was depending on how things need to be spun. There's a UN treaty signed by Russia and Ukraine delineating boundaries complete with detailed maps showing the border. Russia/Putin simply reneged on the deal. It's just that simple. If you don't want the deal, don't sign it in the first place.
Allegedly, Wagner has received 10 million applications from Americans wanting to die in Ukraine fighting for a former KGB translator.

There's 81M "Americans" we should recommend to Wagner; I'm sure they'd make fine soldiers - some wouldn't even have to be KIA to be dead. Most are already mentally MIA.
Finally, a SAAB that's reliable and actually provides some bang for the buck.

It looks like militaries all around the globe (with the exception of Russia) are learning a lot about what the next battlefield may look like. Tanks for one look like risky business, and you get the impression that drones have a lot to do with successful targeting. Russia seems to be in the WW2 mode that civilian areas make for the best targets ... being immobile and all; just send a missile, drone, or artillery round in the general vicinity and you are bound to hit something.

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