War in Ukraine

This is why you have BRICS Nations breaking from the West and the unipolar Western Death Cult led global order is falling apart.

I don’t blame other nations breaking away from us but they aren’t running to Putin and Putin isn’t the reason they are.
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I don’t blame other nations breaking away from us but they aren’t running to Putin and Putin isn’t the reason they are.

They are beaking away for a lot of the same reasons. That is the important takeaway, not that they arent "Running to Putin" (which is silliness).
If the Western Death Cult left Ukraine, Ukraine would have to seek a peaceful resolution. This stops when America wants it to stop.
If Russia wanted a peaceful solution they would go back to their side of the border and stay out of other nations affairs.

This ends when Russia wants it to end. They invaded....... They go home, it's over.
Make your argument make sense then.
You live in America I would believe. Don’t you like your freedoms and the life you live? As sad as it is America has to do things proactively. Whether that is so what the CIA, special forces, whatever does. It’s not always right but we’ve lived a very great life in this country. I don’t see how people can hate America if you live here. You are on the internet bashing your country and nothing will happen to you. That is awesome part of it
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You live in America I would believe. Don’t you like your freedoms and the life you live? As sad as it is America has to do things proactively. Whether that is so what the CIA, special forces, whatever does. It’s not always right but we’ve lived a very great life in this country. I don’t see how people can hate America if you live here. You are on the internet bashing your country and nothing will happen to you. That is awesome part of it
but, but what about the gays? Putin doesn’t let them have a stage in his Russia and the eggses are so cheaps!!!
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If Russia wanted a peaceful solution they would go back to their side of the border and stay out of other nations affairs.

This ends when Russia wants it to end. They invaded....... They go home, it's over.

Does Russia have the right to invade Ukraine if it feels threatened? Absolutely, but you can't expect the rest of the World to believe it much like the US invading Iraq in 2003. Stupid foreign policy decisions have consequences and in some ways the US is still paying for the ill advised invasion of Iraq. I suspect Russia will be paying for this one for a long time as well. The US aid to Ukraine needs to end and Europe needs to sort their crap out for once not rely on the US
When Russia is satisfied Ukraine, as a Western Death Cult proxy, is no longer a threat to Russia, the war ends. Thus, if the Western Death Cult leaves Ukraine, a peaceful resolution will be quickly found.
When was Ukraine ever a threat to Russia once it gave up its nukes?

The western death cult didnt get there until after the Russians. please please please make the incredibly dumb argument that we somehow meddled first in a region under Russian control since before the war of 1812. It is literally impossible for us to have meddled in the region before the Russians.
Ukraine as a Western Death Cult proxy is very much a threat to Russia, which the last year has proven. Are you really that ignorant?

How has the last year proven they are a threat...Russia invaded Ukraine. Your neighbor breaking into your house to shoot your kids doesnt get to claim self defense of the home he left to break into yours.

And besides I thought Russia was easily handling NATO in Ukraine, but they are a threat?
No, I'm fine if they end it today. However, that isnt going to happen when the Western Death Cult keeps provoking further escalation. This stops when the US stops, simple as that.

How does the country that was invaded by a foreign power "provoke further escalation" by defending their territory and their people?

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