War in Ukraine

Do you know for sure how much is going vs not going? This administration is corrupt. I'm guessing you don't know they are sending prison inmates covid checks either because no one is talking about it.
WTF I’m talking about Europe’s defense spending. Their published increase spending in defense which doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the stuff you keep interjecting.
If folks were wondering how Crimea became populated with ethnic Russians.

The Russians did that in a lot of Soviet republics which is why many have large Russian ethnic groups. Now I don't know if this was a long term plan by the Soviets to allow future Russian governments to meddle in former Soviet territories if the USSR ever collapsed or not but if so it was master plan.
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The Russians did that in a lot of Soviet republics which is why many have large Russian ethnic groups. Now I don't know if this was a long term plan by the Soviets to allow future Russian governments to meddle in former Soviet territories if the USSR ever collapsed or not but if so it was master plan.

The original goal was the Russianization of the other SSRs, with the desire that it would lead to actual Russification in the populace.
History has proven that certain events were drips that eventually escalated into larger conflicts. We have always known Russia's aspirations to get back the old USSR block. I believe the event that started this whole thing was not necessarily Russia going into Ukraine, but them waiting until the United States elected another weak leader.

Biden is that weak leader. So whether or not to give Ukraine is not the core issue. The core issue is realizing there is a failure in the White House that made Russia believe they could go into Ukraine. Expect China to make moves in Russia's direction in the coming months while we continue to see high inflation and massive debt.

I think the Republican congress may be serious about cuts to offset a debt ceiling increase.
Just FYI, this is pretty much only believed by American conservatives and Rupert Murdoch owned news outlets.
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Did they get the same pollsters that did the Crimean and other three referendums to conduct this shiite “polling” Moe?

Oh wait. Even in this likely OBE “poll” from 2019 we have this little nugget. Womp womp.

Despite the majority of Belarusians supporting a union with Russia, the overwhelming majority, 75.6 per cent, also want both countries to remain independent, with only 15.6 per cent of supporting the creation of a single state.
Did they get the same pollsters that did the Crimean and other three referendums to conduct this shiite “polling” Moe?

Oh wait. Even in this likely OBE “poll” from 2019 we have this little nugget. Womp womp.

Despite the majority of Belarusians supporting a union with Russia, the overwhelming majority, 75.6 per cent, also want both countries to remain independent, with only 15.6 per cent of supporting the creation of a single state.

Maybe they sent Igor Girkin over to Minsk?
The Russians did that in a lot of Soviet republics which is why many have large Russian ethnic groups. Now I don't know if this was a long term plan by the Soviets to allow future Russian governments to meddle in former Soviet territories if the USSR ever collapsed or not but if so it was master plan.
It was certainly a long term plan to cement Moscow's control over the regions, but I don't think it was considering the aftermath of the collapse so much as trying to prevent it.
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Someone is keeping an eye on something.

Sniffing comms of both Russian occupiers and Ukrainians positioning on the border trying to figure out who is gonna shoot first is my guess. And to be that close I’d have to guess there is significant fighter escort available too.
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It was certainly a long term plan to cement Moscow's control over the regions, but I don't think it was considering the aftermath of the collapse so much as trying to prevent it.
It's also lead or at least added to their population decline. The Russians arent gentle in their moves, and usually the Russians they bring in arent as self reliant as the natives. So it's hard for those pockets of Russians to grow when they are reliant on outside support.
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Ignoring again the massive protests that erupted after Luka's false election results.

Come now, you know that was just an attempted "CIA coup", just like Ukraine. All Belarusians love President-for-life Potato head.
Just some straight ass Orwellian sh*t.

That’s some straight up delusional propaganda right there. Germany would dispose of them within weeks. I’m guessing maybe that “rapper” thinks they’ll annex East Germany back under the Soviet umbrella.
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History has proven that certain events were drips that eventually escalated into larger conflicts. We have always known Russia's aspirations to get back the old USSR block. I believe the event that started this whole thing was not necessarily Russia going into Ukraine, but them waiting until the United States elected another weak leader.
Now where are you getting this from?

Biden is that weak leader. So whether or not to give Ukraine is not the core issue. The core issue is realizing there is a failure in the White House that made Russia believe they could go into Ukraine. Expect China to make moves in Russia's direction in the coming months while we continue to see high inflation and massive debt.

I think the Republican congress may be serious about cuts to offset a debt ceiling increase.
Had NATO not been arming and training Ukraine on it's border, had the US not overthrown Yanukovich and alienated the people in Donbas and other areas with heavy Russian populations and had they abided by the Minsk I & II agreements, none of this would have happened.

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