War in Ukraine

You missed the edit clown boy. Nobody is stopping you presenting your case and convincing anyone that your idiotic views somehow replace the states views of the party. You don’t need my assistance with that have at it.
I also looked up the Twitter accounts of the mainstream LP Party, LP New Hampshire and LP Georgia. So right off the bat there are 3 mainstream LP organizations that disagree with your pro war views. And I guarantee you they'd be shocked at your pro big government spending and pro censorship views you hold.

And once again show me where I support a federal minimum wage. You're creating an argument that did not even exist. Saying businesses and corporations should pay higher wages themselves and negotiate with workers on their own is not supporting a federal minimum wage.
I also looked up the Twitter accounts of the mainstream LP Party, LP New Hampshire and LP Georgia. So right off the bat there are 3 mainstream LP organizations that disagree with your pro war views. And I guarantee you they'd be shocked at your pro big government spending and pro censorship views you hold.

And once again show me where I support a federal minimum wage. You're creating an argument that did not even exist. Saying businesses and corporations should pay higher wages themselves and negotiate with workers on their own is not supporting a federal minimum wage.
Oh I’ve no doubt they’d be disappointed in me expecting us to live up to our written and signed obligations. And your comments on wages, including the federal wage limit, and your self inflated worth are already listed in multiple threads and don’t need to clog this one up further. Prove me wrong. 😂
They have tried that since 1991. That has been the point.
I thought the point was that Russia conducted a three day special military operation in Donbas to relieve the Ukrainian oppression of Russians subjugated by gay nazi death cults. Now you're telling me it's it's really about demilitarizing Ukraine and NATO.
Oh I’ve no doubt they’d be disappointed in me expecting us to live up to our written and signed obligations. And your comments on wages, including the federal wage limit, and your self inflated worth are already listed in multiple threads and don’t need to clog this one up further. Prove me wrong. 😂
Okay. Show me where I advocated for a federal minimum wage. Now I understand why it exists but that doesn't mean I support it.

And I've already provided 3 mainstream LP organizations that disagree with your views in this thread. Like I said they'd laugh you out of any LP meeting if you tried sharing with them all the nonsense you share in this thread.

Now what else you got for us Biden voter? Dang so you mean you supported both Gary Johnson and Joe Biden? Wow. That explains a lot.
Okay. Show me where I advocated for a federal minimum wage. Now I understand why it exists but that doesn't mean I support it.

And I've already provided 3 mainstream LP organizations that disagree with your views in this thread. Like I said they'd laugh you out of any LP meeting if you tried sharing with them all the nonsense you share in this thread.

Now what else you got for us Biden voter? Dang so you mean you supported both Gary Johnson and Joe Biden? Wow. That explains a lot.
You’re one post behind. You’re not for a higher minimum wage you’re just for companies being forced to pay higher wages. I’m done with your circular stupidity. You’re dismissed.

modernization of the T-72 (various versions) to 3rd-generation standard by Excalibur Army [cs]. Adds new improvements to the Scarab modernization. Addition of 196 reactive armour segments that add equivalent of 400mm steel protection. New optical and electronic targeting system, modernized night vision Optistrade for all three crew members. New laser rangefinder and improved commander's and driver's sights. Passive night vision system that does not require infrared illumination. Improved thermal sight with ballistic computer. Periscopic sights with anti-laser protection. Modernized, more powerful, 840 hp engine. Complete modernization of driver's position with a new digital dashboard. New internal and external communication systems, digital radio enabling encrypted communication. New fire protection system

A little info on the T-72EA that Czech arms industry developed.

Yeah the Russians probably have a **** ton of ammo dating back the the 1940s I would think (They stockpile everything) but I'd imagine much of the store they pull from deep storage is like this.
If you can't understand then that's your fault.

So you have a list of gripes about Biden, unrelated to Ukraine, that you say encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine. What about those policies encouraged the Russian invasion and what about Trump's policies prevented Putin from doing so? Instead of avoiding my question, articulate your reasoning.
You’re one post behind. You’re not for a higher minimum wage you’re just for companies being forced to pay higher wages. I’m done with your circular stupidity. You’re dismissed.
Dismissed? Lol. You Biden voters sure do provide some great entertainment in here at times.

Now if you actually read up on Lysander Spooner he stated it was beneficial for people to be self employed. I don't expect you to know that because reading up on Spooner and Tucker would be too much for your brain to handle.

See morons like yourself have it in your mind that Libertarianism is anti worker. Far from it actually. Not sure where you got those views but I doubt even Gary Johnson holds most of the views you hold.

There's a reason Mises and Cato love Spooner and Tucker.
So you have a list of gripes about Biden, unrelated to Ukraine, that you say encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine. What about those policies encouraged the Russian invasion and what about Trumps policies prevented Putin from doing so? Instead of avoiding my question, articulate your response.

I've given you a list of weak kneed BS that the Biden Administration has done that foreign enemies on a world stage would look at as weakness and reasons they think they could get away with invading a country they've long wanted to invade. I'm not going to keep feeding you point after point while all you do is make posts about war updates with thoughts that aren't your own.
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You know who else has my views? All of my views? Me. Now give me some other rando that is meaningless stooge boy. You’re dismissed for the rest of the evening. I’m going to XBox.
Xbox? Lol. You mean your Atari 2600? Or will it be the Commodore 64 tonight? Or did you upgrade to the NES? Maybe you can play some Double Dribble or Blades of Steel.

Last time you said that you were going to Xbox you still couldn't stay off Volnation for the night.
I've given you a list of weak kneed BS that the Biden Administration has done that foreign enemies on a world stage would look at as weakness and reasons they think they could get away with invading a country they've long wanted to invade. I'm not going to keep feeding you point after point while all you do is make posts about war updates with thoughts that aren't your own.
When have I made posts about war updates? I can't recall a single time I've posted on any of the combat specifics. I'll wait...

If you think this is because Biden is weak, should he escalate? Should he provide more sanctions, more weapons, actual boots on the ground, a nuke? What would Trump have done that would have been stronger, more sanctions, more weapons, actual boots on the ground, a nuke?
Xbox? Lol. You mean your Atari 2600? Or will it be the Commodore 64 tonight? Or did you upgrade to the NES? Maybe you can play some Double Dribble or Blades of Steel.

Last time you said that you were going to Xbox you still couldn't stay off Volnation for the night.
Ok one more post because this is hilarious. Your 3rd grade game console shaming stupidity it truly epic 😂🤡
When have I made posts about war updates? I can't recall a single time I've posted on any of the combat specifics. I'll wait...

If you think this is because Biden is weak, should he escalate? Should he provide more sanctions, more weapons, actual boots on the ground, a nuke? What would Trump have done that would have been stronger, more sanctions, more weapons, actual boots on the ground, a nuke?

Just to add to this, no matter what your politics, this is not America's fault. This was going to happen at some point. This is all on Putin.

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