War in Ukraine

Yeah I’ll need more than your claim or any of your standard Russian state media sources to even consider that they are “being dragged from their homes or off the street to go fight” Mr Gas Station Sushi
Those lines at the Russian borders were Russians fighting to get back in to go fight in this 3 day special operation.
If it doesn’t then shut the money off.
Go read my edit to my other post to you. We should absolutely be taking this tack with Europe. It’s their back yard. I don’t think the strong arm method you’re forcing on now has any place in talks with Ukraine but with all the financiers sure.
Go read my edit to my other post to you. We should absolutely be taking this tack with Europe. It’s their back yard. I don’t think the strong arm method you’re forcing on now has any place in talks with Ukraine but with all the financiers sure.
It's not the rest of Europe's responsibility either.
How are they socialist views on employment? Saying people should be making more money is not socialism. That is basic Capitalism and Libertarianism. You're just too ignorant to realize it.

And you still refuse to take me up on studying Libertarian idols like Lysander Spooner and Benjamin Tucker. I've offered and even given you two names to study on. Or perhaps you already have and decided you don't want to embarrass yourself on the topic.
Would it be the same level of conversation ducking from you as when it came to the Communist party in Russia?
Would it be the same level of conversation ducking from you as when it came to the Communist party in Russia?
I still don’t know why you even offered him. You know it’s a waste of time. I won’t ever engage him on any serious detailed discussion he’s too much of a disingenuous troll and flat out liar to waste the time on.
@volinbham as I exchanged with @hog88 upon more contemplation, as is usually the case with dealing with a small child 😂, I think the consideration you’re wanting to see happen should actually be going on right now behind closed doors with France, Germany, UK, and others. In fact it would be rather short sided for it not to be going on. But I do think at this point in time that’s still premature to have with Ukraine. They’ve got a fairly full plate with expected upcoming offensives and counter offensives. As time goes on and war weariness kicks in the eventual talks to end this will occur. And it’s best to not get caught flat footed.
I've given you a list of weak kneed BS that the Biden Administration has done that foreign enemies on a world stage would look at as weakness and reasons they think they could get away with invading a country they've long wanted to invade. I'm not going to keep feeding you point after point while all you do is make posts about war updates with thoughts that aren't your own.
The Russians have found themselves bogged down in a US/NATO backed quagmire that will negatively affect them for years to come and may lead to the ouster of their President. It appears you as well as our "foreign enemies" may have miscalculated America's strengths and weaknesses.

Edit: I notice you never miss an opportunity to bash Biden. Some might suggest you suffer from..well.. BDS.
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Those things were designed in the 50s, still waiting for the first use of the T-55s you know its coming.
Jiminy Christmas...what happened in here? Used to be a halfway decent thread with posts about dead Russians and cool videos and memes etc.

Now we have THE most derelict morons that ever infected the PF in here trolling all the honest posters in here. Good grief.

Some of these Alts need a trip to banned camp. Woodsman has been posting crazy rants and stories in the FF for seemingly a decade...he is a real, weird, dude.

DD is clearly an alt IMO, a troll if ever there was one with apparent drug/alcohol problems in the evenings because what he posts is nearly illegible sometimes. I believe he is the evil twin to one of the usual liberal suspects. Took him no time at all to become the village idiot/whipping post of the PF....i think he/she is the alt that is used when the liberal that made DD is hammered.

Jiminy Christmas...what happened in here? Used to be a halfway decent thread with posts about dead Russians and cool videos and memes etc.

Now we have THE most derelict morons that ever infected the PF in here trolling all the honest phosters in here. Good grief.

Some of these Alts need a trip to banned camp. Woodsman has been posting crazy rants and stories in the FF for seemingly a decade...he is a real, weird, dude.

DD is clearly an alt IMO, a troll if ever there was one with apparent drug/alcohol problems in the evenings because what he posts is nearly illegible sometimes. I believe he is the evil twin to one of the usual liberal suspects. Took him no time at all to become the village idiot/whipping post of the PF....i think he/she is the alt that is used when the liberal that made DD is hammered.

I think DD may finally be in poster heaven. Anybody know what finally was the last straw?
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Degrading the capacity of Russian conventional forces as a threat to greater Europe for decades to come for pennies on the dollar and all without one American life lost.
How did demilitarizing the taliban work?
How did removing a despot in Iraq and Libya work out?

People keep pointing to the start of WW2 as the warning, when really they should be looking towards the end of WW1 as the real warning of what not to do.
Jiminy Christmas...what happened in here? Used to be a halfway decent thread with posts about dead Russians and cool videos and memes etc.

Now we have THE most derelict morons that ever infected the PF in here trolling all the honest posters in here. Good grief.

Some of these Alts need a trip to banned camp. Woodsman has been posting crazy rants and stories in the FF for seemingly a decade...he is a real, weird, dude.

DD is clearly an alt IMO, a troll if ever there was one with apparent drug/alcohol problems in the evenings because what he posts is nearly illegible sometimes. I believe he is the evil twin to one of the usual liberal suspects. Took him no time at all to become the village idiot/whipping post of the PF....i think he/she is the alt that is used when the liberal that made DD is hammered.


I wouldn't label @NorthDallas40 a derelict moron. That's a bit harsh. Maybe an old, senile warmongering Longhorn but not a derelict moron. Shame on you Marcus.

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