War in Ukraine

I won't immediately champion anything. I'm fiscally conservative. Yes, we are where we are because of the idiot in office. Weakness invites aggression. Our enemies sniffed it out. That is the reason we are in this mess. Anyone else will inherit this if it's still going on. By all accounts, it will be and there will be more countries involved. Then again China just wants us to weaker financially and militarily which we are by all accounts in part because of this Ukrainian investment but also other bad ideas of the Biden Administration.
This is all partisan politics for you Breathe. At least be honest with yourself.


So I remember reading mid last year that when the initial assault on Kyiv was pushed back to the border they flooded the whole area which largely prevented any possible advance thru there again as they initially did. I’d guess those marshes are frozen right now and if they have any chance of making that assault again they need to act now.
I have family members who are just reflexively anti-war. It can be frustrating to deal with. With them, I think the rape analogy works well -- should a woman who is being raped, in order to stop the rape, just start consenting? That's effectively what these peaceniks are telling Ukraine. If you just let Russia do as it pleases in Ukraine and take what it wants, there will be no more war.
It is a poor analogy. The rape analogy is pretty much binary. But in geopolitics, there are 3rd part players that muddle the situation. You obviously know this, right?

A rape is essentially a crime involving two parties.
It is time to withdraw from Bakhmut and fall back to another defensive location. The window to be able to withdraw safely is rapidly closing and the defenders there did their jobs. They bled the Russians/Wagner dry and tied up valuable resources and manpower for months. Ukrainian command can not allow this to become another Azovstal.
3 years ago, I never would have NEVER been on the same side of ANY argument with Medea Benjamin.

You guys are pushing the polar opposites closer together over Ukraine.

Or you and Medea are just living proof that the horseshoe theory is accurate.
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If it happened, why are they only showing stock/file footage?

Not saying it didn't happen, just wondering why we don't have any evidence of the damage that they claim now and compare it to this picture.

I also saw where it was the work of Belarusian partisans so who knows? No officials from Belarus or Moscow are talking about it right now.
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