War in Ukraine

His troll game is getting old I agree. It's funny though how him and others on this forum talk about Trump's behavior yet they exhibit worse behavior than Trump on this forum.
There’s that total lack of self awareness I slap you across the face with continually, Curly 🤡
I look forward to Prigozhin and the FSB duking it out with Gerasimov/Shoigu's MOD.

Should make for some high-level entertainment.

Russia could finish it's own destruction with civil war, and it would be a very fitting end to the Russian Empire ... as long as the idiots don't bring nukes to a civil war. Russia has managed in just over one hundred years to go from serfdom, to anarchy and communism, to an aborted attempt at democracy; and the only thing they've actually achieved is to preserve totalitarianism.
Russia could finish it's own destruction with civil war, and it would be a very fitting end to the Russian Empire ... as long as the idiots don't bring nukes to a civil war. Russia has managed in just over one hundred years to go from serfdom, to anarchy and communism, to an aborted attempt at democracy; and the only thing they've actually achieved is to preserve totalitarianism.
Tearing themselves apart from within would be the best option for everyone else I think.

And before the appeasers start screeching yes I know they have nukes. That changes nothing let the bastards kill themselves and destroy their own economy and infrastructure
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I didn't listen to the video, but this really is the reason to keep supplying Ukraine the Soviet weapons they are used to. I can't see them keeping sophisticated US and NATO weaponry going. There's a lot of downtime moving state of the art stuff from Eastern Ukraine to a depot for repair. The thought of better stuff is certainly appealing, but the cost to retrain manpower to keep it going isn't.
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I have even told you whom I voted for in the last two elections. Willfully ignorant 😂🤡
I believe you voted for Gary Johnson. I don't doubt that. He was an awful candidate so I see why you'd vote for him. But I don't believe you and some others in here voted for Jo Jorgensen like you claim. If that's who you claim you voted for. She only received 1.18% of the vote. Some people simply claim they voted for her because they are scared to admit they voted for Biden. So I don't believe you, Biden voter.
I believe you voted for Gary Johnson. I don't doubt that. He was an awful candidate so I see why you'd vote for him. But I don't believe you and some others in here voted for Jo Jorgensen like you claim. If that's who you claim you voted for. She only received 1.18% of the vote. Some people simply claim they voted for her because they are scared to admit they voted for Biden. So I don't believe you, Biden voter.
I voted for Trump in 2020 Curly. And I told you that. However I understand with limited mental capacity that retention is likely a first causality.

I used JoJo to beat you over the head with on your ignorance of the american libertarian party
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I’m not a Democrat Larry. I’m not sure I’d consider myself GOP either. I’ve self identified as being more Libertarian on the majority of my views but it isn’t a monolithic set of views for me. However your fellow stooge isn’t mentally equipped to deal with that. I at least don’t think you’re stupid and willfully ignorant.

That’s your label you stein voter you 😂

Although it’s simply amazing in this day and age how many don’t understand the difference and that’s sad. You can indeed be left or right of center as a libertarian. Stein would align left libertarian even though she was a Green Party candidate. Johnson is right aligned.
That’s your label you stein voter you 😂

Although it’s simply amazing in this day and age how many don’t understand the difference and that’s sad. You can indeed be left or right of center as a libertarian. Stein would align left libertarian even though she was a Green Party candidate. Johnson is right aligned.[/QUOTE]

There's a lot of shifted alliances in this thread ... makes for interesting reading.
Yes there is, and you can count me as one of the screw Ukraine factions. I'm sick of war and if Ukraine has to ceed part of it's country to Russia to prevent blowing up the rest of the world so be it.
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I voted for Trump in 2020 Curly. And I told you that. However I understand with limited mental capacity that retention is likely a first causality.

I used JoJo to beat you over the head with on your ignorance of the american libertarian party
I don't recall you telling me you voted for Trump. If you did it might have been a post I skipped over. I would rather admit to voting for Trump than Biden.

And no I don't believe that many people on here voted for Jo. If they did then they should be the first to question the results of the last election and why she only received 1.18% of the vote.

We can go over the LP platform if you prefer? We can also discuss some of the figures in American Libertarianism that Mises, Cato and Reason look up to. Just let me know when you're ready. And we can continue our discussions of the founding fathers of Libertarianism - Spooner and Tucker.
I don't recall you telling me you voted for Trump. If you did it might have been a post I skipped over. I would rather admit to voting for Trump than Biden.

And no I don't believe that many people on here voted for Jo. If they did then they should be the first to question the results of the last election and why she only received 1.18% of the vote.

We can go over the LP platform if you prefer? We can also discuss some of the figures in American Libertarianism that Mises, Cato and Reason look up to. Just let me know when you're ready. And we can continue our discussions of the founding fathers of Libertarianism - Spooner and Tucker.
I’m not going to debate anything with you ever again. You’re disingenuous, you deflect, you are not an honest broker in any exchange, you flat out lie and continually misrepresent data and information, and you play the victim card on it every damn time when you’re called on it. Louder is the only poster willing to entertain your dumbassery and that’s your own fault.

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