War in Ukraine

Dude your math sucks.

19% not 50%+.


You're right, I read this wrong.

As of 2021, the bulk of the Chinese population was aged between 25 and 59 years, amounting to more than half of the population. A breakdown of the population by broad age groups reveals that around 62.5 percent of the total population was in working age between 16 and 59 years in 2021. Age cohorts below 25 years were considerably smaller, although there was a slight growth trend in recent years.
It's simple. You guys and gals think it's okay for the U.S. and other countries to support and do whatever they want in Ukraine without consequences. If a country wants to help Russia out then you guys and gals get outraged. Same thing every single time. I just never bought into the pearl clutching you all do on here.
No outrage, the point you're ignoring is that there should be no reason for what was supposed to be the worlds #2 military to need help fighting a small neighbor in conventual warfare.

It illustrates perfectly that one of your talking points....... Russia is doing just fine......... Is absolutely false.
I want to see the occupying Russians evicted. Then the Moldovan citizens living in Transnistria and the Moldovan government can figure it out without Russian interference. As it should have been all along Curly.

And I’d avoid picking up that book if I were you your hypocrite ass would likely burst out into flames.
What proof do you have that the Moldovans and Ukrainians living in Transnistria wish to leave? Common sense would tell me they would have moved already. They live peacefully there and you're wishing and hoping they get attacked.
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What proof do you have that the Moldovans and Ukrainians living in Transnistria wish to leave? Common sense would tell me they would have moved already. They live peacefully there and you're wishing and hoping they get attacked.
I’m not talking about civilians Curly they can work that out with the lawful Moldovan government. I’m talking about the Russian military occupiers that need to be evicted ASAP

China sucks. There is no free government and no free speech. Plus they basically eat ANYTHING that swims or moves. Nasty.
I once saw a video of a lady dredging sludge from a sewer to use in her wok in some street restaurant shanty. Granted it was rural China, which is about 1000 years behind urban China, but still nasty AF.

That being said my girlfriend is half Chinese so I do enjoy that part of their culture when she lets me.
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Transnistria would be like a bunch of Chinese citizens moving to Knoxville, declaring that Knoxville is an independent country, and inviting the Chinese military in to enforce their declared status.
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I'm not interested in reading your religious scripture.

They are doing just fine. Likely much better than the two neighbors they are sandwiched in between.
For sure. And that’s because of the same occupying bastards that have over stayed their welcome and need an eviction notice Curly. It fact it would appear most of Europe would be better off if Russia was evicted off the planet.
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For sure. And that’s because of the same occupying bastards that have over stayed their welcome and need an eviction notice Curly. It fact it would appear most of Europe would be better off if Russia was evicted off the planet.
The people of Transnistria are occupying their own country? If Russian troops are there then they are there by invitation. We've been over all this before.
The people of Transnistria are occupying their own country? If Russian troops are there then they are there by invitation. We've been over all this before.
Man I love to watch your willful lack of intelligence in action tripping over itself. The 1500 or so garrisoned Russian occupiers are the ones occupying Transnistria.

You should look forward to the soon to be negotiated terms between the Moldovan citizens of Transnistria and their lawful government free from external Russian interference 😂
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Man I love to watch your willful lack of intelligence in action tripping over itself. The 1500 or so garrisoned Russian occupiers are the ones occupying Transnistria.

You should look forward to the soon to be negotiated terms between the Moldovan citizens of Transnistria and their lawful government free from external Russian interference 😂
The 1500 troops were invited by the fine citizens and government of the sovereign nation known as Transnistria. Remember, you and others have previously stated you have no problem with invitations. So I'm not sure why the pearl clutching over 1500 troops.

If the ethnic Moldovans and ethnic Ukrainians have such bad lives in Transnistria then why haven't they crossed over to the border of Moldova or Ukraine? I mean I understand completely why they wouldn't want to live in the national socialist regime known as Ukraine. Seems like they are doing just fine in Transnistria.
The 1500 troops were invited by the fine citizens and government of the sovereign nation known as Transnistria. <snip>.
Stopped reading right there. Because there is no sovereign nation of Transnistria. Even Russia doesn’t recognize them. The only recognition comes from the circle jerk of break away regions existing inside of former Soviet satellites 😂
China's sun is setting some. You will see more and more pull back from globalization. It will be more hemisphere specific. South America and Mexico will be producing more and more of our stuff. China will also be so bad upside down with their old one child policy having took them out at the knees. They shot themselves in both kneecaps decades ago.

China’s secretive investments in Colombia
Adriaan Alsema February 13, 2023

Companies controlled by China’s authoritarian government have been granted critical infrastructure projects in Colombia and plan to expand their influence.

The Chinese government’s increased stakes in Colombia are the result of trade deals made with Bogota between 2008 and 2019, and Beijing’s growing imperial ambitions.

Many of the projects controlled by Chinese corporations were obtained with the help of regional elites and the administration of former President Ivan Duque after a visit to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in July 2019.

Since this visit, foreign direct investment from the Asian giant skyrocketed and thousands of Chinese workers traveled to Colombia allegedly to work on Chinese projects.

Bogota and Beijing have been secretive about the extent Chinese state companies gained control over Colombia’s critical infrastructure.

China's secretive investments in Colombia
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So while The West brags about KIAs, Kadyrov is talking about lives that were saved. Let's hope Eugene returns to his family and is able to return to a normal and more prosperous life.

In the area of the city of Kremennaya LPR, during the offensive operations of the Akhmat special forces, together with the fighters of the 4th brigade of the 2nd army corps of the RF Ministry of Defense and the paratroopers of the Russian Airborne Forces, several fortifications of NATO bandits and Ukrainian Nazis were discovered and stormed.

As a result of clashes, nine representatives of the National Guard of Ukraine were eliminated, one turned out to be smarter than his colleagues and surrendered. The name of the lucky one is Eugene. He will now live and will definitely return to his family. This is the main thing.

As the commander of the special forces battalion "Akhmat" Ismail "Hunter" said, the list of Ukrainian prisoners of war is updated daily. Our fighters are doing a great job in this direction. The attitude towards Ukrainian prisoners of war is good. Once in the location of Russian soldiers, they receive food and the necessary medical care.

Each serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has a great chance to stay alive and quickly return to his relatives - this is to stop resisting the Russian troops, lay down their arms and surrender. This is the most correct and sober decision, which is only possible under these conditions. Especially when the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not care about its soldiers at all and sends them “surprise” directly to the line of fire.

I thank our valiant Akhmat special forces and all Russian brave soldiers for their devotion to the interests of the Fatherland and the defense of the Motherland! Together we will definitely break the back of the Nazis. There is no doubt about it! AHMAT-POWER!!! ALLAH AKBAR!!!

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