War in Ukraine

As I’ve said the comments mentioned in that article also has been rehashed about a dozen times. And Zelensky has never asked for direct US action he’s expecting us to live up to our security assurances commitments in the Budapest Memorandum

If Ukraine loses the war, will the US send troops to Ukraine to push Russia out to keep Russia from invading other NATO countries as Zalensky implies they will?

If Ukraine loses, does Zalensky expect/ask for direct US intervention?

If Ukraine loses and Biden does nothing/no intervention, does that mean Biden had no real plan all along and the US has flushed 100 billion dollars (and growing) down the toilet?

If this war continues on for another year or 2 or longer, should the US pour an endless amount of money into it, especially if there is no plan to directly intervene and send US troops to Ukraine if Ukraine loses?

What is Biden's endgame plan if Ukraine loses the war or even if Russia takes firm control of the eastern half of Ukraine and will not concede it back to Ukraine? Will the war end with Russia keeping half of Ukraine and Biden does nothing? Russia keeping half of Ukraine a "win" in Biden's book?

Inquiring minds want to know.
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If Ukraine loses the war, will the US send troops to Ukraine to push Russia out to keep Russia from invading other NATO countries as Zalensky implies they will?

If Ukraine loses, does Zalensky expect/ask for direct US intervention?

If Ukraine loses and Biden does nothing/no intervention, does that mean Biden had no real plan all along and the US has flushed 100 billion dollars (and growing) down the toilet?

If this war continues on for another year or 2 or longer, should the US pour an endless amount of money into it, especially if there is no plan to directly intervene and send US troops to Ukraine if Ukraine loses?

What is Biden's endgame plan if Ukraine loses the war or even if Russia takes firm control of the eastern half of Ukraine and will not concede it back to Ukraine? Will the war end with Russia keeping half of Ukraine and Biden does nothing? Russia keeping half of Ukraine a "win" in Biden's book?

Inquiring minds want to know.
As I’ve said multiple times now the pretext that was omitted was further Russian aggression into the Baltics which would absolutely trigger article 5. So no calm your tits nobody including Zelensky has said the US will actively fight if Ukraine loses unless NATO is attacked at which point we are obligated. That is the crux of that whole exchange which you continue to misrepresent
Hey @volinbham taje a look over this analysis when you get a second.

Constructive Ambiguity of the Budapest Memorandum at 28: Making Sense of the Controversial Agreement

I found these two points rather disturbing but really par for the course in hindsight frankly. Purposely using language differences to obfuscate

Third, the English version mentions “security assurances,” while Ukrainian and Russian texts provide for “security guarantees.” This different wording is often explained by the fact that in Ukrainian and Russian, the words “assurances” and “guarantees” are allegedly considered to be synonyms. However, there are much better, more accurate substitutes for “assurances” in Ukrainian and Russian, namely “запевнення” and “заверения.” The parties likely put different terms in different languages to create ambiguity. In retrospect, the Ukrainian Parliament probably would not have agreed to the term “assurances,” because “guarantees” represent something definitely more substantial. As a matter of international law, both terms can potentially signify political and legal obligations with varying degrees of obligations up to military support. For example, in 1975, President Nixon provided South Vietnam with “absolute assurances” of U.S. “swift and severe retaliatory actions” “with full force.” Still, the word “guarantee” is customarily used with more robust commitments like those provided within military alliances and mutual defense treaties. The particular caution of U.S. diplomats toward the use of “guarantees” in diplomatic discourse (when clear legal obligations are not at issue) is exemplified by the following comment on Iran’s request for potential guarantees of nonrepudiation of the Iran nuclear deal: “There is no such thing as a guarantee; that’s not in the nature of diplomacy.”

Fourth, the Budapest Memorandum’s Ukrainian version provides that it “enters into force upon signature.” The International Court of Justice found this specific wording to be an “indicator” of a legally binding memorandum without the need for ratification. However, English and Russian versions provide an iterated softer language that the memorandum “will become applicable upon signature,” which contributes to its ambiguity.
If Ukraine loses the war, will the US send troops to Ukraine to push Russia out to keep Russia from invading other NATO countries as Zalensky implies they will?

If Ukraine loses, does Zalensky expect/ask for direct US intervention?

If Ukraine loses and Biden does nothing/no intervention, does that mean Biden had no real plan all along and the US has flushed 100 billion dollars (and growing) down the toilet?

If this war continues on for another year or 2 or longer, should the US pour an endless amount of money into it, especially if there is no plan to directly intervene and send US troops to Ukraine if Ukraine loses?

What is Biden's endgame plan if Ukraine loses the war or even if Russia takes firm control of the eastern half of Ukraine and will not concede it back to Ukraine? Will the war end with Russia keeping half of Ukraine and Biden does nothing? Russia keeping half of Ukraine a "win" in Biden's book?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Sounds like you've decided on the answers to your begged questions already.
Kinda like begging Iran and N Korea for military aid, Curly? That kind of desperation? 🤡
Begging? What proof do you have that they were begging? Perhaps, those two countries simply offered to help them out or asked if they might need something. You know kind of like if I am stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and someone comes by and offers help.
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Begging? What proof do you have that they were begging? Perhaps, those two countries simply offered to help them out or asked if they might need something. You know kind of like if I am stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and someone comes by and offers help.
LMAO that’s a typical hot take you’d make to try and justify the bald dwarf even possibly needing help from his third world 💩 puppets 😂🤡
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You're playing up the disinformation. His full statement was that American sons and daughters would fight in Europe again if Ukraine loses because Russia will then move against NATO.
He’s been told multiple times. As you already know he isn’t interested in feedback correcting the patent misinformation and lying in the content he posts
Imagine Twitter in 1776. Someone would dig up video of some indiscretion George Washington did when he was 20.


Please do no compare Zelensky to George Washington. Some of you progressives are have really gone all in. Oh to long for the days we could just call for the guys in the white coats and strait jackets to knock on doors.

Does @NorthDallas40 agree with this too? Lol.
Please do no compare Zelensky to George Washington. Some of you progressives are have really gone all in. Oh to long for the days we could just call for the guys in the white coats and strait jackets to knock on doors.

Does @NorthDallas40 agree with this too? Lol.
I’ve been pretty clear on what I believe Breathe. Including you’ll flip flop in a New York minute if it’s expedient for the GOP narrative for you to do so.
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I’ve been pretty clear on what I believe Breathe. Including you’ll flip flop in a New York minute if it’s expedient for the GOP narrative for you to do so.
There is unfortunately too many politicians already in the GOP supporting the billions and weapons going to the national socialists over in Ukraine. We need more American patriots like Marjorie Taylor Greene in office.
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If Ukraine loses the war, will the US send troops to Ukraine to push Russia out to keep Russia from invading other NATO countries as Zalensky implies they will?

If Ukraine loses, does Zalensky expect/ask for direct US intervention?

If Ukraine loses and Biden does nothing/no intervention, does that mean Biden had no real plan all along and the US has flushed 100 billion dollars (and growing) down the toilet?

If this war continues on for another year or 2 or longer, should the US pour an endless amount of money into it, especially if there is no plan to directly intervene and send US troops to Ukraine if Ukraine loses?

What is Biden's endgame plan if Ukraine loses the war or even if Russia takes firm control of the eastern half of Ukraine and will not concede it back to Ukraine? Will the war end with Russia keeping half of Ukraine and Biden does nothing? Russia keeping half of Ukraine a "win" in Biden's book?

Inquiring minds want to know.

All good questions that nobody in the press is asking the administration.

Be prepared to be called a Putinista.
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As I’ve said multiple times now the pretext that was omitted was further Russian aggression into the Baltics which would absolutely trigger article 5. So no calm your tits nobody including Zelensky has said the US will actively fight if Ukraine loses unless NATO is attacked at which point we are obligated. That is the crux of that whole exchange which you continue to misrepresent

Yes but what about the rest of his post? How long do we keep financing the Ukrainian war effort? What if Russia takes Ukraine and doesn't attack the Baltics?

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