War in Ukraine

I'm guilty at times myself of judging my interpretation of a post rather than the author's intent.

For example, I see many posts that come of as more "yippee!, Ukraine is doing our dirty work for us" than they are intended to be.

Likewise I see many posts I see as more morbid cheerleading of a horrible situation than they are intended to be.

The best policy is probably to assume good faith (as you have with me) and ask for clarification rather than prepare the angry response.


I see this as an opportunity to exchange thoughts and maybe provoke thought. One thing we all have to recognize is that it's a quick and easy medium, so thoughts and words are frequently too unpolished. I've read some of my posts sometime after the fact and wondered what I was trying to say. Sometimes I know a lot of stuff sounds better in my head than what I see on the screen; I suppose it's much the same for others. Anyway, I agree with ND40 that I see what you post and your ideas as some of the most considered, considerate, and adult written here. I always like to remember the first verse of "The Parting Glass" when I write here; it doesn't fit perfectly, but it's not a bad reminder being civil and enjoying other's thoughts.

Oh, all the money e'er I had, I spent it in good company. And
All the harm that ever I've done, alas it was to none but me.
And all I've done for want of wit to mem'ry now I can't recall; So
Fill to me the parting glass, Good night and joy be with you all.
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I haven’t thought of or worried about Russia being a threat since the early 90s.

I remember laying on my back in a broomsedge (sage) field on a cold sunny October afternoon in 1962 looking up at the clouds.

My whole family had been glued to the TV for the last couple of days waiting on the latest reports of a possible nuclear war with Russia. Back then there was no such thing as 24 hour news. There was only a 30 minute broadcast at 6PM or 6:30PM and another one at 10PM every day. They also had news bulletins breaking throughout the day reporting things like: "President Kennedy has ordered a blockade of the Cuban island and will stop by force if necessary any Russian ship from entering Cuban waters. Some people are calling this an act of war". "Stay tuned for more information" I mean HOLY ****, war with Russia? It was a very real thing and could happen without further warning.

It was after a moment like that that I walked out to our vacant field and laid down. The tall sage blocked the wind and the sun heated my skin and clothes. It was quite comfortable but in was not comforting. I stayed there for a good while trying to imagine what it would be like if nuclear war broke out. I can tell you that everything I imagined was scary. I can tell you that people throughout the country were feeling a lot like me

I guess I have always felt that Russia is the primary threat to....well.....everyone. I guess I always will. When any mention of the Cuban Missile Crisis comes up I always think back to that sage field.

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More billions pledged to the Ukrainian dictator. I mean it’s laughable at this point. You Zelensky sack swinger support anything this snake oil salesman says. On one had, you will talk about how bad this country is when it comes to Medicare for all. Yet on the other hand you support our senile circus monkey president just giving away money.

You who support Biden probably are the same ones who complain about corporations not paying good wages right? Well since Biden just wants to throw money away, why not do this. Biden is obviously committed to giving Ukraine money indefinitely. So instead of sending people who don’t deserve any of our money, how about giving adult Americans who make under a certain amount reoccurring payments? Would any of you support that?
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More billions pledged to the Ukrainian dictator. I mean it’s laughable at this point. You Zelensky sack swinger support anything this snake oil salesman says. On one had, you will talk about how bad this country is when it comes to Medicare for all. Yet on the other hand you support our senile circus monkey president just giving away money.

You who support Biden probably are the same ones who complain about corporations not paying good wages right? Well since Biden just wants to throw money away, why not do this. Biden is obviously committed to giving Ukraine money indefinitely. So instead of sending people who don’t deserve any of our money, how about giving adult Americans who make under a certain amount reoccurring payments? Would any of you support that?
I completely understand what you're saying. I'm not a Biden voter or supporter myself but I do believe corporations should pay better wages. Which some have started doing these last 5 years.

Just keep in mind most in this thread only support this war in Ukraine because their media and political figures in this country told them to. They will support whatever they are told to without question.

Then you have some in here who still live in the 1980s and think the Soviet Union is still around. It is really hard for them to escape that mindset.

Then you have the ones who support it because they have admitted they work or have worked for defense contractors and the MIC. Apparently there is a cult like mindset with some of that crowd that I was unaware of.
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Some sort of false flag event is happening in Bryansk. Russia is claiming uniformed Ukrainian soldiers crossed the border and have started randomly shooting and killing people and have taken hostages.

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