War in Ukraine

Got a feeling Pootin should be looking closer to home for the sources of his terrorist problems. Sounds like his FSB buddies didn't learn much from the old KGB days - or they've gotten lazy.
I've read some people claiming on Reddit and other platforms that Russians suspect organized crime elements from areas that Putin marginalized when he favored the other families from Moscow etc.
This is a pretty good move IMO. The timing says if you arm Russia we will arm Taiwan. Besides you should be happy. It's a sale not a gift.


Edit: if you were Biden what would you do?

Would have been working since January 2021 to move the bulk of American mfg out of mainland China. We're prisoners by our own doing until we gtfo of China altogether. It's proving to be the most expensive cheap labor ever.
For you guys that listen to Joe Rogan, listen to his podcast with Peter Zeihan. Very interesting analysis on this conflict. The how's and why's of how this conflict NEEDS to unfold are very well explained. A few interesting takes:

- In a war of movement, the Russians have proven to be absolutely incompetent to this point.

- There's no version where Putin survives if he goes nuclear. If Ukraine pushes Russia out and goes over the border into Russia where the government is threatened by Ukraine, Putin would go nuclear.

- Russians have lost over 100,000 troops. Estimates Russia would back out of the conflict once they lose around 500,000 soldiers. Long way to go.

- A direct fight (conventional) between NATO and Russia, it would be 1000:1 casualties against Russia. Russia is completely incompetent and just throws more bodies at a situation.

- If Ukraine loses and Poland is next, there will be a direct fight between NATO and Russia. Russia will lose and there will be a general nuclear exchange.

- Russia is completely committed to this because their demographics are in such decline that if they don't win this conflict, they'll be turning out the lights on Russia anyway between 2050 and 2070 anyway. This is a land/resource/population grab for all intents and purposes.

It's a long podcast, but well worth the listen.
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Just look what covid did. If we blocked all Chinese imports, we would instantly shut down the pharmaceutical, chip, chemical, tool, appliance, automotive and anything you can buy in Walmart businesses. We have hitched our wagon to China, and it's not coming loose anytime in my lifetime.

We better be working on it though. It's incredible the wisdom that older generations - including at least some of us boomers - would apply to our trade with China. The best is simply "don't put all your eggs in one basket". We did, and they are likely to get scrambled - just not in the frying pan. Generally I shudder when thinking of the corporate, banking/investment, and government thinking; and it's not getting better.
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We better be working on it though. It's incredible the wisdom that older generations - including at least some of us boomers - would apply to our trade with China. The best is simply "don't put all your eggs in one basket". We did, and they are likely to get scrambled - just not in the frying pan. Generally I shudder when thinking of the corporate, banking/investment, and government thinking; and it's not getting better.
I am not talking shat but your proposal is to listen to those who created the mess? That seems...well I will go with odd to not be D
Would have been working since January 2021 to move the bulk of American mfg out of mainland China. We're prisoners by our own doing until we gtfo of China altogether. It's proving to be the most expensive cheap labor ever.

The writing was on the wall even years before that; but for the slow crowd, the supply chain issues after Covid should absolutely have been a wakeup call - panic attack would be quite fitting. If the potential electronics disaster and after effects should China attack Taiwan doesn't shake people into immediate action (more that just a couple of plants here); then we're simply screwed going forward. We've made it possible for China to hit us harder simply by shutting down exports than what Covid did.
I am not talking shat but your proposal is to listen to those who created the mess? That seems...well I will go with odd to not be D

I blame politicians as much for pushing globalization as any other group. I generally think our corporate and government "leadership" sucks - completely incapable of any long term thought process, of considering system dynamics, or of considering consequences. For the record, the arrogant and narcissistic of all generations who want top positions are generally the people least reflective of society and the worst choices for leadership positions - government or corporate. I'm saying listen to everyday people who have made their way in the world rather than the people in positions of power who have screwed it up.

And Donjo before you say anything, no I do not believe these numbers are completely accurate. I do believe some of them are inflated and exaggerated. However, lets say these number are inflated by 50% (which I seriously doubt they are). That would still mean that Russia has lost over 75000 troops in a year. By contrast, the US lost one seventh of that in Iraq and Afghanistan in a decades time. And I don't care who you are, if you're relying on Iran for military support, you are not in a good situation.
Russia was down 40,000 by last summer already.

source: US military intelligence
Afghanistan and Iraq after 2003 were basically insurgencies and armed militants fighting against a professional army, so it would make sense for the US to have low casualties. Russia on the other hand has been fighting a professional army that has been armed and trained by NATO.

Fighting goat herders with sandals and AK-47s is far different than what we are seeing in Ukraine.
We (and I was part of that) rolled Afghanistan and the Taliban government/fighters with less than 10,000 troops. We lost 60 people in the time frame it took to take over the country.

We (and I was part of this too) rolled Iraq, a professional standing army with 3-4 times more soldiers on the the ground than we brought (160,000) in six weeks. We took over an entire country full of Russian equipment and battle hardened troops (Desert Storm/ Iran war) and rolled them in 6 weeks. In that first year we lost less than 500 people. In the ensuing years the insurgency wasn't a bunch of goat herders it was islamist baathists with extensive training.

Your country, Russia, can't even take over a country who sits at 21st in the world in regards to military strength. Hell, you guys can't even get much past the pieces you already helped to steal several years ago.

And NATO training? LOL. Imagine playing Madden (that's a football game here in America) and trying to play professional football. THAT is the training they got. And its been done by extremally small groups of "NATO" troops for the past few years.

You're butt hurt that that #2 ranking your team has might have been extremely inflated and you are being embarrassed on the national stage and in todays world its going to be really hard for most civilized people to ever reconcile your actions.
Might as well educate the invading orc faithful on a term they’re about to see plastered over and over 😂

Pyrrhic victory - Wikipedia

A Pyrrhic victory (/ˈpɪrɪk/ (listen) PIRR-ik) is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Such a victory negates any true sense of achievement or damages long-term progress.
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