I think this current conflict is closer to WW1 than WW2 for several reasons.
1. Both conflicts were from a fading super power trying to maintain power over a nation that used to be under their direct control. Asutria Hungary vs Serbia.
2. both started over a relative change in power. Yeah WW1 was the assassination's of the heir, not the leader. But Russia is ticked that their paid for stooge leader of Ukraine got evicted, you are seeing a similar change at the top of the countries that displeases the old power.
3. Plenty of overlap in ethnic Austrian/Hungarians and Serbs, Russians/Ukrainians, between the lands, so the specific borders are in question.
4. both have fought each other over the territory in the past, so its not an unheard of conflict between two peaceful neighbors.
5. the serbs couldn't stand up to AH on their own and relied many of the same western powers to stay in the fight. Ukraine isn't part of NATO, but clearly is relying on NATO to stay afloat.
6. if the old super power loses they are very clearly looking at massive internal issues, and could easily lose more land. Putin has had open critics for the first time in a while from multiple sides. Pro Peace, vs Pro Escalated war. With Russia it may not lose land, but their influence over the old Soviet states is in deep question. You have already seen Kazakhstan seize the Russian space programs assets, and Russia had to duck out of their defensive alliance with Armenia when Azerbaijan attacked. This could be similar to effect to AH and Germany getting carved up. which would lead to future wars.
7. a peace treaty with pushes the disunification, or exchange of land from the losing super power, could very clearly be cause for a future war.
8. plenty of nationalists on both sides of both wars.
9. trench warfare
10. a lot of new technology being introduced that is leading to wide spread losses on both sides with no real answer, drones in this case.
11. worldwide epidemic (Spanish Flu vs Covid), Spanish Flu was during WW1, depending on your timeline for this current Ukrainian conflicts, its been going on since 2014, so Covid hit during that.
12. a lot of subterfuge and behind the line attacks. Sometimes attributed to various parties, both involved and not. There were a ton of bombings in the Allasace Loraine region of then Germany before WWI. And you saw Germany unleash the communists on the Russians. you have the Russians attacking shipping in the Black Sea, the Nord Stream attack, Ukraine's missile killing two Poles in Poland, the Russians downing our drone.
13. Entangling alliances. The west is in danger of getting drug into multiple conflicts at the same time despite not being directly involved in the initial fighting.
those were the positive relations (actually relating this conflict to WW1), here are some negative correlations between this conflict and WW2, which also pushes it to WW1 imo.
1. No immediately previous conflict lead directly to this one, nor had destroyed the will to fight, or wiped out a generation.
2. No internal violence lead to the internal leadership of the current powers. Putin has been in power for a long time, Hitler took over quickly. The french before WW2 faced massive internal problems. The italians had their own civil warish time for WW2. Ukraine saw a change in government, but it was largely peaceful.
3. all of the countries involved are relatively intact compared to what the nations were facing in WW2.
4. this fight is a lot less ideologically-centric than WW2. Democracy vs Nazis vs Communists. this fight is about who is in charge in Ukraine, not how they rule or what ideology rules. yeah there is some east vs west cultural things going on, but its not directly government related like WW2.
5. at least currently those involved are mostly European countries with supporting a side. Like WW1. If China fully entered as a force that would negate this point. But WW1 was 95% a European conflict that took place in a limited scale across the world, some running sea battles, some good resistance in Eastern German Africa, and the Pacific was quickly lost to Germany. I would think even with China entering it stays more limited than WW2, as it would be swapping Asia and Africa.