War in Ukraine

Meduza.io/en says Surovikin is being detained and interrogated.
Prig, if Lukashenko is to be believed, just rode off to Belarus but Surovikin and several other Russian military leaders were detained and interrogated?

None of this smells legitimate. I think Putin is trying to play the world press and intelligence community for some reason. I hope our intelligence has a grasp on what is really going on.
I haven't paid any attention to the subject. But on just what you posted here I'm going to say, good. If I'm not mistaken only promotions to flag grade and promotions within flag grade need Senate approval, exactly how many O-7 and above do we need? Also why would the military reimburse someone for an abortion or fertility treatments, abortions should be available on base or covered.
I don't know if we have the right number of Generals and Admirals or not. But if any soldier has earned their stripes (or stars) they should receive them promptly. These men and women shouldn't be pawns in Sen Tuberville's political games.
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I don't know if we have the right number of Generals and Admirals or not. But if any soldier has earned their stripes (or stars) they should receive them promptly. These men and women shouldn't be pawns in Sen Tuberville's political games.

I don't recall your or anyone else's concern when Duckworth used 1100 promotions as pawns over Vindman being fired. A little consistency from you guys would be nice.

Duckworth blocks military promotions to protect impeachment witness
I don't recall your or anyone else's concern when Duckworth used 1100 promotions as pawns over Vindman being fired. A little consistency from you guys would be nice.

Duckworth blocks military promotions to protect impeachment witness

I was unaware of that; it was reprehensible then too. How is that for consistency?

More accurately, she held up promotions because his promotion was being withheld as retribution for being a whistleblower seemingly at the direction of Trump.

No matter the reason, it's disgusting for any politician to use earned military promotions as a political football. Your disdain for brass is noted.
Point being, y'all DGAS (and neither do I) about Generals/Admirals having their promotions put on hold. Don't start acting like you do.
You can bet your ass I do care. I doesn't matter if it's a PFC or a General. Every service member should receive everything they have earned. And they certainly don't deserve to be yanked around by any US Senator trying to make a political point.
You can bet your ass I do care. I doesn't matter if it's a PFC or a General. Every service member should receive everything they have earned. And they certainly don't deserve to be yanked around by any US Senator trying to make a political point.

Truth of the matter is, it is the Senate majority leader that is yanking them around. The only thing TT is blocking is a blanket voice vote on the promotions. Schummer could schedule the time to hold a vote on each individuals promotion and there is nothing TT can do about it. So blame Schumer for being lazy and not prioritizing the careers of the officers.
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Truth of the matter is, it is the Senate majority leader that is yanking them around. The only thing TT is blocking is a blanket voice vote on the promotions. Schummer could schedule the time to hold a vote on each individuals promotion and there is nothing TT can do about it. So blame Schumer for being lazy and not prioritizing the careers of the officers.
I'm glad that you agree that what they are doing is wrong.
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Ever notice how many Russian heads seem to be almost round? Surovikin isn't one of the best examples; but when heads start rolling ... literally, round is probably good. It definitely looks like the body disposal business is going to continue as a Russian growth industry. You'd probably guess the guys who are accused of aiding and abetting Prig aren't in for fancy state funerals though.
some crack heads looking to rob a gas station were able to take down power to a whole county with a gunshot. You can cut off direct military communication to various forts in the south east by cutting an unmarked cable in Atlanta.

if it was a stand up fight, sure it would be one sided. But it wouldn't be. there wouldn't be a green zone to fall back to. the military wouldn't be able to sit back and use agent orange to create safe areas for them to operate out of. They going to destroy a whole neighborhood that didn't pick a fight with them to land some helicopters like we would in Vietnam? They going go door to door like we did in Iraq ready to shoot anyone that looks at them funny?

The examples of our military fighting insurgents is laughable as we have 3x the ARMED population that either Vietnam or Iraq had total. and seeing as how neither country was privately armed before and still mounted the resistance they did, our population is 10x them, and then you add on the 100 million already armed and the problem they would face hear would be hugely different.

what manufacturing, repair, logistics, runs out of DC? our out of any of the 100+ military bases in the US?

and again, your whole assumption relies on getting an intact military ready for a fight against our civilians. there are 1.4 million total active troops, 100 million armed civilians, so it wouldn't be a 1vs5. each enlisted individual would need to kill 100, and not all enlisted are front line fighters, so each fighter would need to kill many times that number. and the other thing you refuse to address is that a high percentage of those 1.4 million soldiers are going to identify with that 100 million, as that will be there brothers, sisters, parents, and children. they aren't busting in on some far away foreigner they know nothing about, they are busting in on their neighbor Tom, wife Susie, and their own son's friend Billy. that's a steep ask.

The ironic part of the argument gets into the use of sophisticated weaponry against a dispersed set of insurgents and where our own military is headed in that regard. You could probably argue that from the air against a mobilized "band of rabble" (from Kenneth Roberts' Rabble in Arms - historical novel about our Revolution), that the A-10 being retired would be a far better choice than the F-35 (when you can keep them in the air), air superiority would be unnecessary, and there big munitions and delivery systems would be ineffective/inefficient/costly. Few bigger munitions are only good when the other guy is bunched up, and logistics is the thing of nightmares when a few people here and there can destroy the infrastructure necessary for logistics to keep complex equipment running. Seems like we typically prepare for one kind of war when a different one always comes along. Consider the Civil War battles around Chattanooga if somebody had thought to destroy the rail tunnel near Cowan, TN.

BTW Kenneth Roberts wrote several novels dealing with the Revolution, and some other interesting parts of history - they are all very readable and interesting. Northwest Passage is during the French and Indian Wars, Lydia Bailey deals with the Haiti when the slaves took over. The Battle of Cowpens is a short book about the Revolution as fought in the Carolinas (Cowpens is SC on the NC border) - very much worth finding. Fortunately Amazon is selling at least some of the books in Kindle format; otherwise they are getting hard to find.
I haven't paid any attention to the subject. But on just what you posted here I'm going to say, good. If I'm not mistaken only promotions to flag grade and promotions within flag grade need Senate approval, exactly how many O-7 and above do we need? Also why would the military reimburse someone for an abortion or fertility treatments, abortions should be available on base or covered.

I think it extends down to O-6. I know my wife sent me a link to the congressional approval when she was promoted to Captain.
Ever notice how many Russian heads seem to be almost round? Surovikin isn't one of the best examples; but when heads start rolling ... literally, round is probably good. It definitely looks like the body disposal business is going to continue as a Russian growth industry. You'd probably guess the guys who are accused of aiding and abetting Prig aren't in for fancy state funerals though.
All I know is I would be moving to a ground floor apartment
I don't know if we have the right number of Generals and Admirals or not. But if any soldier has earned their stripes (or stars) they should receive them promptly. These men and women shouldn't be pawns in Sen Tuberville's political games.

I'd definitely support Tuberville if this had been over where the Space Command is going to be located. Huntsville was the decision a couple of years ago, but the AF has it hostage in CO and is expanding Peterson AFB. Doesn't make sense to keep spending for expansion and building at Peterson when a different decision had already been made.

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