Does Russia has the right intellect and the right structure to do that? You are talking a country that went from serfdom to communism and never really developed or understood capitalism after the USSR collapsed.
WTF are you babbling about? The transition from the USSR to Yeltsin was a disaster in the 1990s, but you cannot even lie and say that since Putin took over that Russia hasn't picked itself up and been
FAR more of a free market/capitalistic economy than the United States (same goes for China in that same time period, btw). Go ahead... come up with your best lie and tell me in 2023 that the US economy is better than Russia's or China's. We stopped being a physical economy that made real world products and started engaging in financialization, propping up real estate to give people a "wealth effect" in home prices and handed millennials/Gen-Z a service economy where Boomers can talk s#!t about them and ask why are they not moving out of the basement, buying their own homes and starting families.
It's a country seeming dominated by the remnants of the wealthy Soviet regime, mafias, and oligarchs ... with all those overlapping.
There are still remnants of that in their economy. But not to the severity you believe, Had it been as corrupt as you are suggesting, there is no way that Russia's economy would be as vibrant as it is right now under sanctions... or even without sanctions.
I'm not sure that even with an abundance of natural resources you can do anything with that kind of corruption and centralized greed. An honest entrepreneur isn't going to have much chance to start anything, and the people in position to build something will only exploit the resources (natural and people) for themselves.
It is interesting that you acknowledge right here that people and nature are obvious resources... yet you believe that Russians would willingly plan to destroy their land with a ZNPP nuclear attack or kill the human resources they have in an indiscriminate manner.
I'm not sure that even with an abundance of natural resources you can do anything with that kind of corruption and centralized greed.
Here you are popping all of this s#!t about Russia while you just witnessed yourself here in America Joe Biden shutting down Keystone Pipeline in his first few days in office and going about de-industrializing America in other ways. You hate Russia more than you love your own damn country. Your anger and fury is misdirected at someone halfway around the world rather than where it needs to be placed at. Again, you Boomers have a problem with carrying over this hatred from the Cold War and ignore the destruction that your friends and neighbors are doing right here at home. Just a bunch of ideologically driven idiots.
An industrial revolution built on what more or less amounts to slavery with the wealth never distributed is never going to equal an industrial revolution where the workers benefit and become real consumers.
And I agree with every word you typed here. But here is the problem. Which economy looks more like the one you are describing here in this rant: Russia's or America's? Hell, you are on record complaining about American wages, even though wages haven't shown real growth (adjusted for inflation) since 1980. You Boomers have one foot in the grave (so you DGAF) and the other foot firmly planted in the Cold War... when the USSR was run by communists, atheists and propagandists.
Russia can import foreign companies like Shell to do something with the resources, but the profits don't profit the country ... only the ultra rich. You can bet even the land with the resources won't be owned by anyone not already rich and with connections or by the crooked government. It's our version of the Robber Barons only they own the government and organized crime, too.
MFer have you looked above your morning coffee and newspaper and seen the country you live in right now? If Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, etc isn't a corrupt oligarchy/robber barons here in America, then WTF is it? You sound goofy right now.
You'd need a revolution by the very people who never knew what freedom is ... hard to imagine and work for something you know nothing about.
And your Boomer azz sits here and wonders why the millennials and Gen-Z generation polling shows them embracing socialism. Talk about being tone deaf. The country you live in right now is WTF you are perfectly describing, not Russia... or even communist China.
They would have to overthrow the very people that handle all the power and control all the resources, and it's not like our revolution where we defeated a power from across the sea in the days of sail.
Well, spoken like a true American... just overthrow foreign regimes that don't go along with our agenda. OK... but you MFers don't have that same smoke or energy when it comes to the leadership right here at home... now do you? You MFers (Boomers, MAGA, 2A, etc) sat back with your guns and your Constitution while this govt right here in America shut down businesses, locked people down, arrested them for not complying to arbitrary rules (mask mandates) and have allowed this govt to molest your grandma at the airports (TSA) and commit literal highway robbery thanks to civil asset forfeiture brought on by our alleged wars on drugs and terrorism.
Again, you hate Russia more than you love America, Boomer.