War in Ukraine

It would seem like they were happy to be working with Russia in 2022 until the U.S. told there stupid sovereign asses what to do.

"Ukrainians are just people to take pisses on."

Sign - The World

It's everyone's fault except the country doing the actual invading. The Russians are actually the good guys here because they offered to not kill the victim after the rape.
It's everyone's fault except the country doing the actual invading. The Russians are actually the good guys here because they offered to not kill the victim after the rape.

See, I actually don't believe that. I don't think that makes them good guys. The situation sucks, I kind of see it from their pov but the other side of the equation is it worth it. (idk) I would say every day that goes by in this actually shows that it was probably needed. Either way, its for them to sort through.

Life sucks. I just don't remember all you guys crying about all the Iraqis, Afgans, Libyans, Syrians, etc. dying for no reason. And when I say no reason, I mean no reason what so ever. Let alone all the Americans that died for no reason.

Either way I would say this will probably go on for some time, I said nearly 2 years ago... a decade or two is plausible.
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Please provide a link to where I said anything about an assassination strategy, thanks.
Its very possible in 2014 that was the case. I'm not sure what your point is.

The hope was to take out the head of government and to force negotiations in 2022, that failed. The price was paid. There is no way the Russians thought they could control the "country" and take "control of the country" in two weeks without cutting off the head.

The hope was to cut off the head of the snake. that didn't happen.
There was no way Russia could control the country in two weeks with a military force. The Ukraine is basically the biggest country in Europe. The only way to control the country was by taking out the Comedian.

You are combining two different things. 1.) taking control by taking out the head of government 2.) taking control by military force through the country with the head of government intact

Doing #1 was the hope, that failed. Nobody thought #2, which is what is implied by all these posts on this forum by people.

Are those not references to an assassination strategy?
Posting a link really stuck in your craw.

Welcome to big boy discussions, LSU.

No, you're just not providing anything of real value and doing it under the guise of asking to "share", "post", "link".

Most of your post are just meant to be trolling. Its okay to be a troll I guess.
Well if you measure "winning" by the amount of territory gained, you would still be looking foolish. But if you measure victory by men and equipment removed from the battlefield, then you would see that Russia is cakewalking.
Guess it depends on stated goal when declaring war. What was Russia’s stated goal?
so very salty.

questions are difficult.

As you can see, your ability to troll is very easy to replicate. There isn't anything great about it. I got to go for today. I hope the rest of your trolling goes well today.

As far as the Ukraine, things will work out naturally.... the glitch is being fixed. Not much anyone is going to do about it. **** around and find out.

Taking out the head of government is not my way of saying assassination. If they took over the head of government, the rest of the government has to operate separately.
this is out of order. Im still catching up from earlier convos.

I took that out of context. Sorry. My fault. "head of the snake" means something to me that you didn't imply.

In what way was Russia to take out the head? And, are we talking about zelensky, Z and others, or someone besides z?
It would seem like it should have made it easier to kill them. None of this is easy, all you internet warriors need to sign up. The U.S. really never controlled anything, it was an American Illusion. Which is why I say all of the Ukraine will have to be basically destroyed.

It take time to kill people and to destroy a country. Not sure what the difficulty is in this. The Ukrainians are not a few goat herders.

There is nothing easy about any of this, and its a high probability we are closer to the beginning than the end.

I mean, did you guys give an update on how Afghanistan was going everyday? Nope, a bunch of stupid Americans lost their lives for no reason. Bravo. So, let's move on to messing up another part of the world.
We haven't been updating the situation in Ukraine everyday either. we argue about what is going on around the fighting daily, but rarely discuss the day to day fighting.

and considering this website wasn't even around when Afghanistan started, or even the 2 years after, you are comparing apples and oranges. but yeah there was pretty consistent talk about how we should have been out of afghanistan.
Well if you measure "winning" by the amount of territory gained, you would still be looking foolish. But if you measure victory by men and equipment removed from the battlefield, then you would see that Russia is cakewalking.
victory is defined by the goals. under your assumption Russia's goal is simply to kill people and blow stuff up. thats a far cry from the anti-western crusade you have sworn up and down that Russia was on fighting for their very survival.

always good to see you drop another narrative when it no longer fits.

and there have been far too many defeats to say Russia is cakewalking. what happened to retaking Kharkiv, a month ago you were championing the collapse in that region. you got the couple hundred Russians stuck on the wrong side of the river. all of those are unnecessary Russian losses if their goal is to just kill people.
Its very possible in 2014 that was the case. I'm not sure what your point is.

The hope was to take out the head of government and to force negotiations in 2022, that failed. The price was paid. There is no way the Russians thought they could control the "country" and take "control of the country" in two weeks without cutting off the head.

The hope was to cut off the head of the snake. that didn't happen. There was no way Russia could control the country in two weeks with a military force. The Ukraine is basically the biggest country in Europe. The only way to control the country was by taking out the Comedian.

You are combining two different things. 1.) taking control by taking out the head of government 2.) taking control by military force through the country with the head of government intact

Doing #1 was the hope, that failed. Nobody thought #2, which is what is implied by all these posts on this forum by people.
they did think they would control the whole country, they just thought they wouldn't face any resistance from the people.

They bought their own bs and thought that half of Ukraine would rise up to join their army. when none of that happened, and instead some civilians were fighting against them their whole strategy fell apart. they really thought they were liberating and the people would see them as such, but Ukraine rightly saw them as occupiers. Its one of the reasons they had to remove so many people from the area they controlled to avoid an organized people's resistance.

taking out Zelensky and any others wouldn't have changed how popular Russian troops would be in Ukraine. their grandparents would have lived thru Holodomor and Stalin's purges, their parents would have lived under soviet (russian) thumb, many of them probably remembered the joy when the wall fell and they gained their freedom.
Well there were two things going on. Ethnic russians in the East. And them working with the U.S. and working to join NATO.

By all accounts the Comedian withdrew from negotiations for an agreement in 2022 because of the U.S.

No, I would not be dying for that nonsense. Completely avoidable, imo.

Your country is being invaded right now. 😂

There is no such thing as "ethic russians". Russian is not an ethnicity.
It would seem like they were happy to be working with Russia in 2022 until the U.S. told there stupid sovereign asses what to do.

"Ukrainians are just people to take pisses on."
Sign - The World

Keep pretending that anyone cares about the Ukraine, its entertaining.
wouldn't you mean 2014?

and no it wouldn't. the guy they elected, and then later ran off, won on a campaign of closer ties to the west. There was no popular rebellion as long as he was pushing ties with the west. then when he suddenly ditched the west, and signed a deal with Russia, the people rose up against him. because he lied, went against what they wanted, and was clearly bought out by the Russians.

and no the Americans didn't tell them what to do. even your own conspiracy doesn't actually say we told them what to do. you are grossly over simplifying your own conspiracy to twist it to be worse for the west. We told Ukraine, through Boris, that if they fought the Russians we would help Ukraine. That is not telling them what to do. and nothing we could have been offering/threatening would have been worse than Russia invading, so its not like we reasonably could be assumed to have unfairly weighted their decision.
Taking out the head of government is not my way of saying assassination. If they took over the head of government, the rest of the government has to operate separately.
those are two different things.

taking out is not the same as taking over.

you are back tracking because the stuff you made up is getting pointed out as false again.
Per your link Russians are of East Slavic ethnicity.

They are a specific ethnicity but you have subgroups. Technically you can take 90% Europe and basically lump them into 4 groups: Celtic, Germanic, Greco-Roman, Slavic. East Slavic would also include Ruthenian/Ukrainian, Belorussian, and others. You can even trace Russians even further down into categories such as Novgorodian, Tverian, Ryzanian, Rostovians, Muscouvite,etc., with Muscouvite being the chief founder of modern Russia. I am sure "Ras" could explain better than I did in this post.

Russian is definitely an ethnicity and has its core regions around Moscow, Novgorod, Smolensk, and Ryazan.

There are still some odd exceptions such as Hungarians who are more Turkic/Central Asian in origin.
They wanted to break free from Russian influence at least to the extent of having legitimate, free and fair elections. Something the Russians aren't huge fans of, so I hear.
If they want to break free from that affiliation, and they are a sovereign nation, good for them.

Russia has no say in Ukraine's self determination.
Guess it depends on stated goal when declaring war. What was Russia’s stated goal?
De-militarize Ukraine, No Ukraine in NATO, De-Nazification

Let's not pretend we haven't been down this road before. He clearly stated the objectives of the SMO, and the SMO will not end until all objectives are met.

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