War in Ukraine

Your're all over the place. Honestly it's like following a driver after a Friday night binger at 3am. It's almost as if you cruise for Russian and right wing propaganda and regurgitate it here.

You're projecting.

As for the thread, time to watch some more FAB drops and listen to all the internet warriors tell me how the Ukraine is winning.

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You're projecting.

As for the thread, time to watch some more FAB drops and listen to all the internet warriors tell me how the Ukraine is winning.

I post no propaganda here, I comment on yours and others propaganda.

Ukraine is holding their own against a much more powerful, on paper, enemy.

Again here you are proving my earlier post, you are a hot, sloppy mess.
I post no propaganda here, I comment on yours and others propaganda.

Ukraine is holding their own against a much more powerful, on paper, enemy.

Again here you are proving my earlier post, you are a hot, sloppy mess.

You are projecting with lots of words but not actually presenting anything.

Just because you are commenting doesn't mean it contains anything of value.

None of this is going to change the end result. Heck, there really hasn't been anything to really talk about in this conflict since 2022 other than the FAB deployments. Nothing has changed.... slow destruction of a country. There really isn't any 3d chess going on.

They;re not winning, they're losing every day that goes by. There is no win for them, never was since the invasion. Which is why nobody will describe what a "win" is or actually have a plan to carry out the win.

I have a plan to defeat God, I'm going to wait him out. 😂This is a real war.
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This thread is hilarious. Just think if Russia spent some of its wealth improving it's own sh*thole country instead of destroying a neighboring country

This thread is hilarious. Just think if Russia spent some of its wealth improving it's own sh*thole country instead of destroying a neighboring country

As an American, I would rather worry about the U.S. improving its own shithole country.

Americans. 😂
You spend a lot of time on a message board telling others what should be important to them. What are YOU doing to make America better?

Generally, I ask questions and make obvious observations. As I mentioned long ago in this thread, I pretty much gave up on this place - I feel like I did my part. I'm not sure its worth saving?????

If the Ukrainians all want to die, its their choice. You guys are getting mad at me for really no reason.

Future Americans are going to have to pay for all this nonsense, I would rather not dump it on them. Not much I can do about it though.
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Classic Russian move. You're a well-trained comrade. "But what about ... [insert some problem about America]."

I'm sorry I don't want Ukrainians to die for someone in my government, I'm guilty. Getting upset with me is not going to change anything.

(btw I didn't read your link, you were posting links that the Ukrainians had won the war back in 2022)

Your link isn't going to change the result, you getting on tiktok an acting like a lefty commie isn't going to change the end result, you getting mad at me isn't going to change the end result, you screaming at clouds isn't going to change the end results, etc. It is fun to watch though.

It doesn't matter who side someone is on or if they are neutral... there is nothing for the Ukraine to win. Of course, that might be what you want.
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His take on blue water naval ships being obsolete is laughable, too

Right. When you are in a thread documenting the ease of sinking large naval vessels with very cheap weapons.

Next up, U.S. tanks don't burn nevermind, we already did that one.

Its laughable alright. 😅

I seriously don't know what you guys are trying to accomplish with all this.
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Right. When you are in a thread documenting the ease of sinking large naval vessels with very cheap weapons.

Next up, U.S. tanks don't burn nevermind, we already did that one.

Its laughable alright. 😅

I seriously don't know what you guys are trying to accomplish with all this.
We’re trying to educate you. But you seem to have fallen under the spell of some other posters who are nearly always wrong.
We’re trying to educate you. But you seem to have fallen under the spell of some other posters who are nearly always wrong.

You are doing no such thing. 😂

I know, large naval vessels are hard to sink than the forum goes on to show me countless large naval vessels sank, destroyed or crippled by weapons that look like they came out of a cereal box.

Yeah, you guys have been educating everyone on how U.S. tanks don't burn, the Ghost is going to destroy Russia's whole AF, 15th round of sanctions will due Russia in, how Putin has the ability to die from cancer for the 5th time, Russia has the best shovels and how Russia can't produce ammo.

Its been a real education alright.

I've also been educated on how sovereign means doing what the U.S. tells the Ukrainian bitches. Freedom is where guys handcuff men and throw them into vans to be dropped of in a ditch to receive artillery shells to the head.

As I said, I don't know what you guys are trying to accomplish, but continue on....

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You are doing no such thing. 😂

I know, large naval vessels are hard to sink than the forum goes on to show me countless large naval vessels sank, destroyed or crippled by weapons that look like they came out of a cereal box.

Yeah, you guys have been educating everyone on how U.S. tanks don't burn, the Ghost is going to destroy Russia's whole AF, 15th round of sanctions will due Russia in, how Putin has the ability to die from cancer for the 5th time, Russia has the best shovels and how Russia can't produce ammo.

Its been a real education alright.

I've also been educated on how sovereign means doing what the U.S. tells the Ukrainian bitches. Freedom is where guys handcuff men and throw them into vans to be dropped of in a ditch to receive artillery shells to the head.

As I said, I don't know what you guys are trying to accomplish, but continue on....

Looks like I struck a nerve.

Our next topic is whether or not flipping burgers at McDonald’s is “skilled” labor.
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Looks like I struck a nerve.

Our next topic is whether or not flipping burgers at McDonald’s is “skilled” labor.

No, you are wishing you struck a nerve. I find all this pretty ****ing hilarious. I mean you're in a thread where there are countless articles, photos, videos, etc. of the thing you say I somehow got wrong. It would seem like you should be pissed off at the people posting it, not me.

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, but carry on...
No, you are wishing you struck a nerve. I find all this pretty ****ing hilarious. I mean you're in a thread where there are countless articles, photos, videos, etc. of the thing you say I somehow got wrong. It would seem like you should be pissed off at the people posting it, not me.

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, but carry on...
Charmin Soft has me on ignore so he can’t see this. But he’s not smart enough to realize the distinction that we aren’t saying much cheaper weapons can’t take out capital ships we are just pointing at the keystone cops Russians inability to defend against them. A very important distinction. On a US man o war the Phalanx CIWS will mulch any drone that gets within gun range.

It’s why the Houthi pests keep attacking defenseless merchantmen instead of a ship that can defend itself. The orcs clearly cannot defend themselves based on the tonnage sitting on the bottom of the Black Sea
No, you are wishing you struck a nerve. I find all this pretty ****ing hilarious. I mean you're in a thread where there are countless articles, photos, videos, etc. of the thing you say I somehow got wrong. It would seem like you should be pissed off at the people posting it, not me.

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, but carry on...

Mods really do need to make you a custom "Dunning-Kruger" label at this point.

It's staggering how many subjects of which you are so obliviously ignorant, and yet still prattle on as if your make any sense whatsoever.
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You're argument is the same argument put forth by all "fiscal conservatives", right up until the moment where X needs to be cut, and suddenly, we're back to "deficit spending isn't bad when we do it, trust me bro." (see deficit increases from 2017-2019).

Whether you agree with aiding Ukraine or not, no matter what happens, whether we continue to support them or not, it will have zero net effect on government spending, or deficit increases; absolutely zero. America's financial future is not poised to collapse because we sent a couple of billion dollars worth of weapons that we purchased over the last 20+ years to Ukraine, and will have to pay to replace them at some point. The long term economic ramifications to the US economy of not helping them far outweigh the comparably miniscule cost associated with actually helping them not be subjected to genocide and occupation by Russia.

Like the chart I posted earlier, it doesn't matter who is in office, it doesn't matter which program or expenditure that you want to cut, as long as the feds are comfortable paying the debt financing costs, the deficit spending will continue.

If it wasn't aid to Ukraine, it would be some other expenditure that you'd harp on as being 'the reason we are in so much debt', and yet cutting that expenditure sill wouldn't impact federal fiscal policy. When it comes down to it, it's just you wanting to fence straddle, talk about how Russia shouldn't be invading Ukraine, but do nothing to help them, because helping them costs money, and since you like to pretend that all deficit spending is bad when it's convenient, spending money to help Ukraine is bad.

If you were truly concerned about 'all of the violence we are keeping a lid on' erupting, then you'd want to do everything in our power to hamper Russia's naked imperialism, since they are literally aiding the likes of Iran and North Korea, who are and will directly contribute to the 'eruption of violence' that you profess to fear.
again, I have no sacred cows. I want it all cut. the military, welfare, healthcare, government bureaucracy, bloated acquisitions; I literally can't think of anything I think we shouldn't cut, or at the very least completely reform. You can go back and find posts with me calling out Trump for spending, while he was president I was a leftist commie scum bag; I still get in arguments about Trump and his myriad of failures and the budget is one of the first things I bring up. This is your problem, you can't handle the complexity of someone actually holding to a standard instead of blowing whichever way their political party takes them.

cut. it. all.

what long term ramifications of not helping them? We don't import their grain. we don't use the russian fuel that flows through their country. before it became politically convenient to grade them on a curve they were considered more corrupt than Russia. Putin isn't going to do crap to NATO. look at Finland, they joined NATO and Putin didn't even mutter under his breath about it? Why because he knows he is a paper tiger compared to NATO. he can beat up on an isolated nation much smaller than him, but he is no real threat to anyone else. this is just fear mongering bs that got us into Afghanistan and Iraq the second time. I bet you think neither of those did any financial harm to us.

and yes it has done financial damage to us. I posted a couple articles months ago talking about how we have already drained our stockpiles more than they projected, military found something like a 10% deficit. and we are giving them plenty of money as well, we are still paying their pensions. I doubt we are doing that with old M2s. and you are straight up lying to say its zero damage. 107 billion dollars over 2 years is not nothing. I am willing to cut 50 billion from 20 different sources.

Russia beating up their neighbors is nothing compared to what happens when all of Europe goes to war. you are acting like Austria Hungary fighting Serbia is the worst thing that can happen, while WW1 kicks off. today is no different, when China attacks Taiwan, the Philippines, and maybe a few others; NK attacks the South. even in our own Hemisphere, Venezuela is trying to start something, Haiti is falling apart. There is a reason Frederick the Great said "He who defends everything, defends nothing." we are stringing ourselves out too much, we have red lines, actual alliances that we need to stick to. but under your current march we won't even be able to stand by them.

heck just last weak Saudi Arabia pulled out of their petrodollar agreement with us. it won't be long until the rest of OPEC does the same. what happens in your magical world when we aren't the reserve currency and we are massively broke? History repeats itself, the US is not immune from that. We will collapse from the inside from the weight of our financial ineptitude.

and no we can't just keep going on. 1 trillion in debt INTEREST payment per year. You are really going to have pull a source to say we can afford to spend 1/4 of our intake just on the INTEREST and keep spending more than we make. the US's credit rating will take another hit, forcing higher interest rates, which means us civilians will see higher interest rates, which means less spending, which means less income to be taxed, which means the deficit will just grow and grow and grow; until someone or something happens that finally says enough is enough.
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View attachment 651836

Americans continue to treat everyone as complete morons.

Imagine if Nazi Germany during World War II had approached the USSR with a proposal to put the issue of limiting the production of any weapon (tanks, airplanes, or BM-13 Katyusha) on a separate negotiating track. Like, let's limit their production. Absurd, insane, the ravings of a madman?

But the United States is quite seriously suggesting that we negotiate a new treaty on strategic offensive arms reduction. They will supply the neo-Nazis with all kinds of weapons, including long-range missiles and airplanes, and discuss a new START treaty with us.

What a bunch of bigoted, cynical bastards! No, this is possible only after refusing to supply arms to the Bandera regime and blocking its admission to NATO.

Otherwise, everything should develop in a completely different scenario. That, as in 50-60th years of XX century, in the USA total psychosis with construction of bunkers from Russian bombs and missiles on all territory has come. Let all their elite worry! Let them tremble and shake, rotters! And let some of them throw themselves out of the window with the words, "The Russians are coming!" As former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forrestol did on May 22, 1949, while in a psychiatric hospital.
London Naval Conference 1930, might want to look into it. which was just a continuation of an agreement in Washington some years earlier.

and also there is nuclear non-proliferation agreements that the US and USSR both signed and went by.

the geneva convention does similar. whatever banned biologics, can't remember if that was geneva or something else.

remember how butt hurt your were by the deployment of depleted uranium rounds?

plenty of examples of treaties limiting the size of armies, production of certain weapons or equipment.

as always I am amused by your (Russian) ignorance you (Russia) think is some gotcha.

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