War in Ukraine

Don't forget that Biden was blackmailing Ukraine officials in violation of U.S. law as VP.

They better get in there and fight, or here comes the sanctions hammer for signing agreements with Russia.

Do you determine the content of your posts by going back and reading @Rasputin_Vol's nonsense posts from a year ago?

Why would they when they have to US taxpayer to foot the bills?
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But not corrupt enough to stop the flow of U.S. tax dollars ...

Haven't we been told by the resident vatniks that Ukraine was on the doorstep of imminent NATO membership, and that Russia was forced to invade to stop it?

Now you're telling me that NATO told them they have to deal with their corruption issues before they'll even consider it?
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So how are all of you Zelensky lovers taking the news that he and his country are super corrupt and can’t join NATO? I am sure all the billions and billions we have given him have been spent on just defending his country from the bad red man. Right?

lol. Keep supporting our demented leader sending this corrupt clown billions.
Haven't we been told by the resident vatniks that Ukraine was on the doorstep of imminent NATO membership, and that Russia was forced to invade to stop it?

Now you're telling me that NATO told them they have to deal with their corruption issues before they'll even consider it?
Awwww somebody upset because his favorite dictator is being called out for his theft 😂😂😂😂
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Awwww somebody upset because his favorite dictator is being called out for his theft 😂😂😂😂

Seems like you might need this:

Just a friendly reminder, I havent read this thread in months:

Ukraines chief negotiator with Russia, named Arakhamia, has said on the record:

Russia agreed to end the war, as long as Ukraine pledged to remain neutral and not join NATO

This was in 2021.
The US and UK wouldn't allow it.
Hundreds of thousands of men and boys have died in Ukraine from EACH nation since then. Ukraine has been almost completely destroyed. All of which was completely unnecessary, and only happened because defense contractors in the MIC own every politician at the Federal level....on BOTH sides of the Uniparty. They all need to be tarred and feathered and term limits imposed. Lobbying should also be outlawed. What good does it do for citizens to choose representatives in this Republic...and then allow corporations which do not share our best interests to BRIBE them millions of dollars to betray us?!

If you aren't pissed at the federal government, then you have not been paying attention while they destroyed this country and screwed up most of the world over the last 40 years. Bastards. We should be allies with Russia AND China. Instead this dipsheit admin has got those 2 allied against us. Disgraceful.
Just a friendly reminder, I havent read this thread in months:

Ukraines chief negotiator with Russia, named Arakhamia, has said on the record:

Russia agreed to end the war, as long as Ukraine pledged to remain neutral and not join NATO

This was in 2021.
The US and UK wouldn't allow it.
Hundreds of thousands of men and boys have died in Ukraine from EACH nation since then. Ukraine has been almost completely destroyed. All of which was completely unnecessary, and only happened because defense contractors in the MIC own every politician at the Federal level....on BOTH sides of the Uniparty. They all need to be tarred and feathered and term limits imposed. Lobbying should also be outlawed. What good does it do for citizens to choose representatives in this Republic...and then allow corporations which do not share our best interests to BRIBE them millions of dollars to betray us?!

If you aren't pissed at the federal government, then you have not been paying attention while they destroyed this country and screwed up most of the world over the last 40 years. Bastards. We should be allies with Russia AND China. Instead this dipsheit admin has got those 2 allied against us. Disgraceful.

No that's not what he said.

He said they didn't trust Russia, and that Russia's demands were untenable to bein with, so it was already a non-starter.
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Those guys' eyes make it clear they know they're not coming back. But Western death cult and whatnot. Right @volgr?

When's your side gonna send the rich white boys from St. Petersburg and Moscow?

They already are getting member privileges without being a member of NATO or the EU.
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Yeah except for the fact the Ukraine was denied a MAP back in 2008, and NATO membership for them was pretty much never brought back up until Russia escalated their 8 year old invasion in 2022.

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