War in Ukraine

You think it was their "strategy"back on 2/24/2022, to end up in a war of attrition in Ukraine, burning through thousands of soldiers in meat-wave attacks for 2.5+ years, while emptying their reserves of armor and artillery?
According to some reports, it hasn't effected their fighting strength. It's only served to harden their troops, strengthen the supply lines, and refine their tactics ... for an easier fight when trump will rule the west, kind of like saruman in the two towers.
According to some reports, it hasn't effected their fighting strength. It's only served to harden their troops, strengthen the supply lines, and refine their tactics ... for an easier fight when trump will rule the west, kind of like saruman in the two towers.

I don't think a country can lose as many aircraft, ships, artillery pieces, tanks and MBTs, as they have, and it not affect their overall fighting strength.

It's already evident that Russia can no longer mass artillery like they did in 2022. The black sea fleet has been forced to relocate time and again to try to keep it from coming under attack, which further limits their utility.

Not to mention the fact that Russia has essentially turned over their ground forces in its entirety, with nearly all the original forces that they invaded with having been killed or incapacitated.

That's unsustainable, even for Russia. Which is why we are seeing them try to recruit Cubans, Nepalese, Indians, and such.
People are most rational than you think. Putin's power derives from oil and gas wealth. He'd surely go to war to protect that money on which his continued leadership rests.
How did Ukraine threaten his wealth? They had no issue with the pipelines and their main export was grain I believe. Putin uses diversions and illusions to stay in power. Make no mistake, he would kill a million Russians to stay in power. Which he is well on his way to doing. He made a huge mis-calculation about Ukraine.
How did Ukraine threaten his wealth? They had no issue with the pipelines and their main export was grain I believe. Putin uses diversions and illusions to stay in power. Make no mistake, he would kill a million Russians to stay in power. Which he is well on his way to doing. He made a huge mis-calculation about Ukraine.

Ukraine being a prosperous next door neighbor, with so much of the population with relatives in Russia, is the biggest threat to Putin's power.

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So Putin is just nothing more than an egotistic bank robber:)

Essentially he's a mob boss, with an entire country under his control.

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Theres really no way russia would have expended the amount of blood and treasure it has over whatever cultural differences they claim as reasons for invading. Their intent extends much further westward.
Why not? nations have been destroyed over that very issue.

their intent doesn't lie any further west. they have no where else to go west. their intent to push whatever non-NATO areas they can. which is why Finland joined. they saw that Russia isn't going to test NATO, but will test any individual nation that borders them.
How did Ukraine threaten his wealth? They had no issue with the pipelines and their main export was grain I believe. Putin uses diversions and illusions to stay in power. Make no mistake, he would kill a million Russians to stay in power. Which he is well on his way to doing. He made a huge mis-calculation about Ukraine.

All governments use illusion to stay in power. The government doesn't really even exist.... its a figment of your imagination.

Just a simple observation, the miscalculation that occurred was mostly due to trying to save lives in the beginning - obviously that didn't work. Russia came to the table and Ukraine did as well back in 2022, the U.S. interfered and told the Ukraine not to agree. As far as we know, there was an agreement in principle that the sides had basically agreed to.

It would seem like the United States is willing to sacrifice to the Last Ukrainian.
All governments use illusion to stay in power. The government doesn't really even exist.... its a figment of your imagination.

Just a simple observation, the miscalculation that occurred was mostly due to trying to save lives in the beginning - obviously that didn't work. Russia came to the table and Ukraine did as well back in 2022, the U.S. interfered and told the Ukraine not to agree. As far as we know, there was an agreement in principle that the sides had basically agreed to.

It would seem like the United States is willing to sacrifice to the Last Ukrainian.
"as far as we know" from Russian sources, who waited almost a year to release ANY news about the peace deal, and waited until after Ukraine ran its one successful counter offensive?

the extents of the peace talk were clearly overblown by the Russians to cover for their failings on the battlefield at the time. The Ukrainian sources all say the Russian peace was dead on arrival before the Americans or Brits got involved. The peace deal required Ukraine to give up land the Russians didn't hold, completely replace the Ukrainian government, occupation by Russian forces, while Ukraine couldn't have a military. I feel like there is something else I am missing, but I remember there were several non-starters in there.
Should we start a pool to guess how many will be eaten?

Or is that too morbid?
All governments use illusion to stay in power. The government doesn't really even exist.... its a figment of your imagination.

Just a simple observation, the miscalculation that occurred was mostly due to trying to save lives in the beginning - obviously that didn't work. Russia came to the table and Ukraine did as well back in 2022, the U.S. interfered and told the Ukraine not to agree. As far as we know, there was an agreement in principle that the sides had basically agreed to.

It would seem like the United States is willing to sacrifice to the Last Ukrainian.
Ukraine can stop fighting any time it wants to and there is nothing that the United States can do about it. I absolutely disagree with your line of thought on that. Also when looking at the tactics being used from the beginning to now, there was never a concern about saving lives. Its fine to disagree with the United States role in all of this. That is what being of free thought and mind is all about, but do not let that blind you as to what that maniac is in Moscow. He has put nuclear weapons in Belarus and now they are threating to use them. Why do you think he did that? Belarus would be the launchers get the blame and then be obliterated by the response. Moscow and Putin would skate. That man is evil!!
Should we start a pool to guess how many will be eaten?

Or is that too morbid?
Another guy that needs to go.
Ukraine can stop fighting any time it wants to and there is nothing that the United States can do about it. I absolutely disagree with your line of thought on that. Also when looking at the tactics being used from the beginning to now, there was never a concern about saving lives. Its fine to disagree with the United States role in all of this. That is what being of free thought and mind is all about, but do not let that blind you as to what that maniac is in Moscow. He has put nuclear weapons in Belarus and now they are threating to use them. Why do you think he did that? Belarus would be the launchers get the blame and then be obliterated by the response. Moscow and Putin would skate. That man is evil!!

Are you sure about that? How many Ukrainian officials has the U.S. gone after for money laundering over the last few decades. (You don't remember the Biden call, showing them who the boss was?) I would say if the had settled, the U.S. would stop returning their phone calls and add them to the sanctioned lists.

All of that is fairly meaningless at this point, I would say the present course and the glitch will be fixed.

He has put nuclear weapons in Belarus and now they are threating to use them.He has put nuclear weapons in Belarus and now they are threating to use them.

I don't blame Russia, next up closer to the U.S. is possible.

but do not let that blind you as to what that maniac is in Moscow

Seems logical to me, they've only been telling the U.S. for like 30 years what was going to happen.

Why do you think he did that?

Seems logical.

The outcome was already determined back in the 90s, see Congressional Record showing the U.S. military warning Congress of the strategy being used.

As I mentioned, I think all of this is fairly meaningless at this point... its about the slow destruction of that place now. I can say, Putin is a ton nicer than I would be.
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Ukraine can stop fighting any time it wants to and there is nothing that the United States can do about it.
The US can certainly stop them.... we can simply stop giving them weapons. And why do you all have this sadistic craving to see them fight to the last Ukrainian?

I absolutely disagree with your line of thought on that. Also when looking at the tactics being used from the beginning to now, there was never a concern about saving lives. Its fine to disagree with the United States role in all of this. That is what being of free thought and mind is all about, but do not let that blind you as to what that maniac is in Moscow. He has put nuclear weapons in Belarus and now they are threating to use them. Why do you think he did that? Belarus would be the launchers get the blame and then be obliterated by the response. Moscow and Putin would skate. That man is evil!!
The nukes are in Belarus as a deterrence. Nothing more, nothing less.
The US can certainly stop them.... we can simply stop giving them weapons. And why do you all have this sadistic craving to see them fight to the last Ukrainian?

The nukes are in Belarus as a deterrence. Nothing more, nothing less.
You keep trying to twist the narrative and convince everyone Ukraine should just accept the rape. Nobody is forcing Ukraine to resist your invading orc buddies. They choose to resist. That’s been the case from day 1 and you cannot carry enough water to change it.
The US can certainly stop them.... we can simply stop giving them weapons. And why do you all have this sadistic craving to see them fight to the last Ukrainian?

The nukes are in Belarus as a deterrence. Nothing more, nothing less.
you have the first bit backwards. there is nothing the US can do to force Ukraine to KEEP fighting.

a deterrence to what? NATO didn't invade Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine. No one has even looked at Belarus despite the Russians launching multiple attacks from the country, Russia using it to store equipment, repair equipment, and treat the wounded. all the things that you have said meant the west is at war with Russia Belarus has been doing.

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