War in Ukraine

The United States will not achieve air superiority in Ukraine. If they really thought they could, they would have done it by now.

Modern air defenses are no joke. I don't foresee air superiority by any group till the end in that condense space. Wonder weapons aren't going to win the war... its all about manufacturing, logistics, and ability to deliver tonnage on the enemy in bulk, plus lots of meat. One side has that, the other side does not. The Ukrainians need something outside the normal battlefield i.e. nuclear, nuclear sabotage, financial, etc.

It was always about how much the Ukrainians lose. Same as it always is, same thing I said years ago.
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So, to be clear... the Russians arrest people in their MIC that profiteer and they are ridiculed.

The Americans arrest no one in our MIC that profiteer and we are supposed to be the paragon of democracy

To be clear, the entire Russian military and government are rife with corruption, and prosecuting said corruption is only done as a politically expedient way to remove a person who has fallen afoul of Putin.

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I’m trying to figure out if Ras is getting more triggered or just holding steady with the AVI change. I’d guess it’s tied to some upcoming orc troll blitz agenda.
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@Rasputin_Vol hey Moe your orc buddies better not have to finance those wonderful eggs and other food just to make ends meet!

“The key rate is now at its highest since April 2022. The Bank of Russia raised rates to 20% in an emergency move soon after the Kremlin sent Russian troops into Ukraine in February 2022.“

“The bank also raised its inflation forecast for 2024 to 6.5–7.0%, well above its 4% target. It sees annual price growth declining to 4.0–4.5% in 2025.“

“Annual inflation, the bank's main area of concern, grew to 9.0% as of 22 July from 8.6% in June, the bank said. Inflation stood at 7.4% in 2023, compared with 11.9% in 2022.“


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@Rasputin_Vol hey Moe your orc buddies better not have to finance those wonderful eggs and other food just to make ends meet!

“The key rate is now at its highest since April 2022. The Bank of Russia raised rates to 20% in an emergency move soon after the Kremlin sent Russian troops into Ukraine in February 2022.“

“The bank also raised its inflation forecast for 2024 to 6.5–7.0%, well above its 4% target. It sees annual price growth declining to 4.0–4.5% in 2025.“

“Annual inflation, the bank's main area of concern, grew to 9.0% as of 22 July from 8.6% in June, the bank said. Inflation stood at 7.4% in 2023, compared with 11.9% in 2022.“


None of that matters because the US invaded Grenada 40 years ago to rescue some college students.
None of that matters because the US invaded Grenada 40 years ago to rescue some college students.
Eggs achary. Just as the earlier “but what about the US MIC” stupid ass reply when we got a laugh out of that Russian deputy minister of defense for logistics that is about to fall out of a three story basement window.
Nothing says "our war economy is going fantastically" like installing cope cages on T-62s and sending them to the front lines of your invasion of Ukraine, right @Rasputin_Vol ?

This isn’t a good sign for Ukraine. If Russia is relegated to sending ancient equipment into battle and Ukraine still can’t gain ground it’s not a good sign.
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This threat to Europe is not that high on their list of issues ...


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