War in Ukraine

Nope. But conversely don’t get butt hurt about posting material from Putin stooges that were discredited and demonstrated as Putin stooges over two years ago.

Brian Berletic is Tony Cartalucci is Land Destroyer is The New Atlas. Why does he keep changing his online persona so much?

So how were they discredited 2 years ago to be putin stooges. I'm not butt hurt. Both countries are the same, both leaders are corrupt. I don't want ukraine to lose bit that's going to happen unless nato puts soldiers on the ground.
So how were they discredited 2 years ago to be putin stooges. I'm not butt hurt. Both countries are the same, both leaders are corrupt. I don't want ukraine to lose bit that's going to happen unless nato puts soldiers on the ground.
Macgregor had been wrong on nearly every prediction and assertion he has made on the Russian invasion.

Same for Berletic. He is not a neutral source and has put forth demonstrated Russian propaganda since the start of the war.

Carlson is … Carlson. But hey he’s not lying to you this time right? He discredited himself on every topic when his texts were outed that even he didn’t believe what he was saying. And when he protested on their release he didn’t challenge their content he was mad they were published and demonstrating he was a hypocrite.

Hey it’s clear you want to believe them. Go ahead. And when you publish them here we will reply with what we believe. They are demonstrably propaganda.
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It’s difficult to have a reasonable discussion with someone when their default position is that the US is bad, Ukrainians should leave, and the world should let Putin do what he wants to whoever he wants to do it to.

Well, that sometimes is a matter of perspective but I usually ask simple questions to find the context. I left the military in part because we were bombing people in Yugoslavia and we had open door policies, but all those open door policies became closed discussions when I asked simple questions. Like, who exactly are we bombing and what did they do to us?

Most of what I write out here is obvious observation to be honest.

The "reasonable" discussion as far as my post is fairly simple, imo, if those numbers are true than they don't need my money.

As far as them, its not my choice, but I would like my money back. Further, they can do anything they want. Next up, Afghanistan was a great piece of work.


Hint, they're not really fighting for anything... its all gone. But each his own. The new word, "Ukrainians should leave", well, kind of hard to do that when the country is building new walls and throwing people into vans.

Freedom = Throwing people into vans, dropping them out in a ditch to get a FAB to the head.

Each his own.
@evillawyer , what happened to your Dark Brandon avatar dude? You ashamed of him now that it has been shown that the emperor has no clothes? You spent the last four years praising the man but now that your party has thrown him under the bus, you pretend he doesn’t exist? How very Stalinesque 😂
View attachment 661573
Dark Brandon is the OG. But all OGs have to pass the torch at some point. Brandon did well.
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Dark Brandon is the OG. But all OGs have to pass the torch at some point. Brandon did well.
But you abandoned the poor guy too ☹️ That is the sads.
I wouldn’t say he „passed the torch“. I would say he was mugged by his own party insiders (especially Obama and Pelosi) and beaten until he dropped the torch.
There are plenty of people supposedly in the know (all speaking on condition of anonymity of course) who have said that Pelosi basically told Joe that the 25th Amendment would be invoked if he didn’t „voluntarily“ step down.
Pretty much the way the mafia would do it IMO.
I Wonder if Joe woke up Sunday morning to find a horse‘s head in his bed 😂
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But you abandoned the poor guy too ☹️ That is the sads.
I wouldn’t say he „passed the torch“. I would say he was mugged by his own party insiders (especially Obama and Pelosi) and beaten until he dropped the torch.
There are plenty of people supposedly in the know (all speaking on condition of anonymity of course) who have said that Pelosi basically told Joe that the 25th Amendment would be invoked if he didn’t „voluntarily“ step down.
Pretty much the way the mafia would do it IMO.
I Wonder if Joe woke up Sunday morning to find a horse‘s head in his bed 😂
View attachment 661617

Oh if they get their chance they'll sack her too.
If you want argue that the US cannot achieve air superiority due to the Russian/Ukraine conflict, I'll be your huckleberry.
The United States will not achieve air superiority in Ukraine. If they really thought they could, they would have done it by now.

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