War in Ukraine

Well im not sure. I thought was interesting. Can you provide any proof?
Well there are op ed pieces written by both directly published on RT Russian state media. Not relinking of pieces they published elsewhere it’s their own original opinion pieces written for publication on RT. Were those written for free? (The answer is no) Macgregor is also published regularly on TASS not sure about Carlson. But there is the hilarious Carlson grocery store video opinion piece on his recent trip to Moscow. And there is always Carlson’s show airing on RT Today. (Edit it’s not RT Today it’s another Russian state channel and it’s also a rebroadcast)

A little Occam’s Razor goes a long long way. They aren’t expending all of this pro Putin energy for free.
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Don't waste your time with that Jabroni.
Lol. Going thru some extra strength Monkey Butt today Moe? I was happy to answer his request and show that copy righted media was presented on Russia state media. I’m sure there was no compensation or consideration offered for airing the programming amirite? 🤡

Interesting video that summarizes the West's ability to conduct air operations (and defense) in a real war, or lack of. I think most of it was obvious in 2022, but by 2024 it sticking out like a sore thumb. He goes into production or the lack of quite well too. Basically, at the end of the day... even if the systems work which is suspect, they're not produced (and costs) in the quantity needed in a real war.

Interesting video that summarizes the West's ability to conduct air operations in a real war, or lack of. I think most of it was obvious in 2022, but by 2024 it sticking out like a sore thumb. He goes into production or the lack of quite well too. Basically, at the end of the day... even if the systems work which is suspect, they're not produced in the quantity needed in a real war.

Along with Macgregor and Carlson here is another paid Russian stooge, Brian Berletic
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You keep posting these pictures like they are fact lol
You keep posting these pictures like they are fact lol
The reason I keep posting these have been discussed several times but since you need to be spoon fed, here goes...again. Everyone agrees that the information in these are probably not accurate but they are good to spot overall trends such as major offensives by either side or the addition of resources like western planes to Ukraine. You can either except this or not...I do not care.

Interesting video that summarizes the West's ability to conduct air operations (and defense) in a real war, or lack of. I think most of it was obvious in 2022, but by 2024 it sticking out like a sore thumb. He goes into production or the lack of quite well too. Basically, at the end of the day... even if the systems work which is suspect, they're not produced (and costs) in the quantity needed in a real war.

What a mind-numbingly inane video.
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Actually, he posts them without any commentary whatsoever. We know those numbers are to be taken with a grain of salt, but no one complaining about them provides any sort of counterpoint.

Well, at some point people have to look out for their own sanity. The thing about forums is a good forum is more akin to people having reasonable discussions, if possible, if one doesn't self-regulate than it can likely have a bearing on the forum. Just my take.

I would say send the numbers to Congress, obviously the Ukraine doesn't need additional funding.
So anyone who doesn't buy the ukraine victory is a putin stooge?
Nope. But conversely don’t get butt hurt about posting material from Putin stooges that were discredited and demonstrated as Putin stooges over two years ago.

Brian Berletic is Tony Cartalucci is Land Destroyer is The New Atlas. Why does he keep changing his online persona so much?
Well, at some point people have to look out for their own sanity. The thing about forums is a good forum is more akin to people having reasonable discussions, if possible, if one doesn't self-regulate than it can likely have a bearing on the forum. Just my take.

I would say send the numbers to Congress, obviously the Ukraine doesn't need additional funding.
It’s difficult to have a reasonable discussion with someone when their default position is that the US is bad, Ukrainians should leave, and the world should let Putin do what he wants to whoever he wants to do it to.

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