War in Ukraine

They are (slowly like the last 2 years) but its immaterial, as the war is attrition based i.e. meat and ammo. None of what you are posting has any value because its not about taking large amounts of area, its about depleting the meat and ammo. Same thing I said a few years ago. In some cases, Russia isn't even wanting to take an area quickly to form caldrons, thereby the Ukrainians pour more meat in. You got to get the meat in there to start the stew.

The calls will continue for negotiation just as Finland did last week. Personally, I don't think this really ends until Russia forces them all into Poland.


Good to know they don't need my money and they can start sending it back. I'm waiting on the check.

Talk to Biden and Kamala about that one. I agree. Then again, sometimes we aren't sending them literal money or spending money, we are just digging up old equipment and sending it to them. Granted, we still pay freight costs but in many instances, the equipment is already there. (This is also why we can only send them $ 1 Billion this month of the $ 46 Billion package).

EDIT: Actually better yet, talk to those goobers in California and New York or the liberals on here that still keep voting for these fools.
Macgregor had been wrong on nearly every prediction and assertion he has made on the Russian invasion.

Same for Berletic. He is not a neutral source and has put forth demonstrated Russian propaganda since the start of the war.

Carlson is … Carlson. But hey he’s not lying to you this time right? He discredited himself on every topic when his texts were outed that even he didn’t believe what he was saying. And when he protested on their release he didn’t challenge their content he was mad they were published and demonstrating he was a hypocrite.

Hey it’s clear you want to believe them. Go ahead. And when you publish them here we will reply with what we believe. They are demonstrably propaganda.

So all Ukraine info isn't propaganda? The weekly Russian losses is completely accurate.
You're insinuating that I'm deflection, which I'm not. I'm not saying you specifically, I'm saying that both sides are not trustworthy.
And that point has been brought up just as much as the fact that Macgregor and Berletic are paid Russian hacks. Carlson is just a equal opportunity hypocrite looking for a payday
Good old EL. Troll on. Sadly, Ukraine is going to lose. Unless we intervene.
We're intervening dumbass. Notice the ATACMS blowing the **** out of the Russians in Crimea?

At the drop of a hat, we give Ukraine green light to blow up Russia proper.
We're intervening dumbass. Notice the ATACMS blowing the **** out of the Russians in Crimea?

At the drop of a hat, we give Ukraine green light to blow up Russia proper.

I hope they can, but I'm not seeing it. Those poor Ukraine soldiers are slowly being depleted

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