War in Ukraine

I can't fathom a scenario where the U.S. started a war with Mexico and two and a half years later the U.S. military only a few hundred miles in, no air superiority, our Navy getting hammered and then Mexico bullying its way up to San Antonio and retaking land up to the Alamo.

Are these clowns still in here propping up Russia?
Yeah, one tried smacking me around for saying the US would roll Russia in a convention war within several weeks. I guess I should have asked if they knew more than the guys I work with (which is where my info comes from) coming off active duty or still in the reserves that have seen combat action, worked at the Pentagon, may have been intel officers along the way and have far more insight than they do.
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The goal was never to hold land in Afghanistan, it was regime change. We succeeded in regime change but hated the results. We were never beat in Afghanistan, we just no longer justified the expense in man and treasure. It was never worth it.

The goals was to spend as much money as possible. That is it. Regards, its in the scorebook. The issue is, none of this is easy... unless one is comparing it to a video game.
The goals was to spend as much money as possible. That is it. Regards, its in the scorebook. The issue is, none of this is easy... unless one is comparing it to a video game.
Your statement was that we were beat on battlefield by a bunch of goat herders. Or at least that's what you implied. It's an insult to our military as well as patently false.

You can argue the mission was flawed but the military wasn't beaten.

If our military performed as poorly as Russia's has, particularly during this invasion the country would be calling for the presidents head........ And for good reason.
Your statement was that we were beat on battlefield by a bunch of goat herders. Or at least that's what you implied. It's an insult to our military as well as patently false.

You can argue the mission was flawed but the military wasn't beaten.

If our military performed as poorly as Russia's has, particularly during this invasion the country would be calling for the presidents head........ And for good reason.

The U.S. lost, you can cope or not cope its up to you but yes they lost to bunch of goatherders.... no funds, not really, no logistics, no real supplies or barely any, limited training if any at all, and live in caves.... certainly no F-15s as your great Commander in Chief said would be needed to beat the U.S. government.

There is no argument, you are the one tap dancing. The U.S. lost.

If our military performed as poorly as Russia's has, particularly during this invasion the country would be calling for the presidents head........ And for good reason.

Nobody is going to be calling for the President's head, the President doesn't even know where his own head is.
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ukraine.....all of that removing corruption bs, paying their citizens, trying stabilize and prop up the government.

this is nation building too.

We haven’t even begun to nation build in Ukraine, that bill is still yet to come.

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