War in Ukraine

Soviet pilots flew MiGs in Korea and Soviet soldiers manned SAM sites in Vietnam and both shot down US pilots.

Giving Ukraine weapons, isn't even on the same continent as as having Soviet soldiers actually participate in the killing of US pilots.
You do understand that America is providing the coordinates to the targets. Ukraine doesn't haveThe capabilities. So America may not be putting troops on the ground (yet) but they are heavily involved
It was never a mystery, we've known about this since Vietnam.

What would Russians response be? Maybe the same as ours as they've signaled bombing runs into our bases in Alaska before pulling off at the last minute.

Or selling arms to Iran and others that have been fired at our troops and allies. The response will likely be the same. If Russia is do worried about it they could always retreat back to their borders and insist Ukraine do the same.
That would be good for themTo retreat, maybe that'll happen
You do understand that America is providing the coordinates to the targets. Ukraine doesn't haveThe capabilities. So America may not be putting troops on the ground (yet) but they are heavily involved

Lol, so providing intel to Ukraine = Russian soldiers piloting planes or operating SAM batteries that killed US servicemen?

It's really bizarre that you are trying this hard to draw a false equivalence to justify (non-existent) Russian retaliation.
I don't know what that means. Russia can give and train enemies of U.S. (which are everywhere now), those weapons there really isn't much of a defense for. This can be anything from ICBMs to anti-ship missiles and technology. These weapons can hit the U.S. from say the middle east. The biggest issue is the U.S. won't know if its carrying a nuclear payload.
That's my point, they've sold instruments and weapons of war to our enemies in the past, and still do. Those weapons have been used to kill and harm Americans.
Absolutely, both sides return to prewar borders.

"pre war" as in pre-2022 escalation borders?

That would be Russia still occupying parts of Ukraine, and I doubt Ukraine would be content to allow Russia to sit on their lands, keeping them from joining NATO, and rearming for an attack in the future.
"pre war" as in pre-2022 escalation borders?

That would be Russia still occupying parts of Ukraine, and I doubt Ukraine would be content to allow Russia to sit on their lands, keeping them from joining NATO, and rearming for an attack in the future.
Ukraine before conflict and Russia before conflict. Seems like it started before that but 2022 may be correct
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Ukraine before conflict and Russia before conflict. Seems like it started before that but 2022 may be correct
Given what Russia did to Chechnya after the first Chechen war ended in a "peace" agreement, and the fact that Russia didn't adhere to either Minsk agreement, I doubt Ukraine is going to trust Putin for that scenario even be entertained.

Especially since Russia continuing to occupy part of Ukraine keeps them from joining NATO, which is the only way they gain any long term protection from Russian imperial ambitions.

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