War in Ukraine

I think the whole suit thing was such nonsense, but if he was requested to wear a jacket, then hard to argue. His disrespect just compounded.

Strike 2 came just before Friday's meeting, when Zelensky arrived at the White House without a suit or jacket, as requested. It was perceived by White House staffers as disrespectful.

1. He really wasn't there to sign the stupid mineral deal. They don't even care, they want to see if he would agree to anything.

2. He said the Ukrainians would never sign a deal with Russia, so what are we all doing. The U.S. might as well sign a deal with Russia because the Ukraine will lose.

3. He even went as far as saying Russia is going to pay for everything, etc. This is mad talk i.e. Mad Jester (King)

4. He clearly doesn't care about the loss of life and clearly hasn't been listening to Vance, Trump, Rubio, others that they LOST.

5. He clearly was trying to strong arm them and Vance just called time of death.

6. He was warned multiple times over the last 2 weeks.

The black or green T-shirts are the least of his issues.
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Blindsided? They accepted the deal five days ago. As Rubio pointed out, the US was perfectly willing to sign the agreement then and there. It was the Ukrainian delegation who insisted on coming to Washington to make a show of it.
Watch the video, and you can see the MSM trying to make it happen. They were egging Z on.
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His language, by its definition over the past 35 years, he was asking for guarantees that the United States will go into direct military conflict with Russia, while also stating that he would never compromise with Russia for peace.

With an honest look at the situation, that is the only way one can interpret it. One has to jump through unsupported logical hoops to come to any other conclusion.

By comparing it to NATO article 5, you are agreeing. It states that an attack on one member nation is considered an attack on all member nations. Thus, an attack on Ukraine would be considered a direct attack on the US. It would also create US military exercises in Ukraine, thus not just US boots on ground at Russia's border, but ongoing exercises practicing attacks on Russia, from their border.

In Cuba, we went to Midnight on the Nuclear clock over less than that.

You do realize that numerous former Warsaw Pact countries, have joined NATO, for the very reasons that Zelensky stated, right? They feared that without the collective defense of NATO, Russia would just roll back into their countries when they chose to do so, and given what we've seen out of Russia with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, they were right.

A forced surrender of Ukraine that doesn't have any security guarantees, just kicks the can down the road, and allows Russia to rearm and reinvade, see the first and second Chechen wars if you need a point of reference. It's a gift to Putin from a man who admires him on a level that only true MAGAs can understand.

Trying to equate giving Ukraine weapons to defend themselves, after they've been invaded by Russia, to the Soviets trying to install short range nuclear weapons in Cuba as a preemptive strike weapons against US soil, is a false equivalence at best.
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We can argue back and forth all we want but Ukraine cannot win this war. Longer it goes on the more death on both sides. Ukraine doesn’t seem to have the right person in charge to actually make peace though.

I see people bitching about Trump and the blow up but that’s as close as this war has gotten to peace. Trump can do like Biden and talk tough but it doesn’t resolve this conflict. Getting both sides to the table to talk is what eventually resolves things.
He was, correctly, warning that Russia won't stop at Ukraine.

And yet Russia got stopped by a half staffed disgruntled conscript military with outdated weapons were already a generation behind what we have...

I'm pretty sure Europe is still shaking from the fear.
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Blindsided? They accepted the deal five days ago. As Rubio pointed out, the US was perfectly willing to sign the agreement then and there. It was the Ukrainian delegation who insisted on coming to Washington to make a show of it.

The first words out of Zelenskyy's lips were "Thank you". Vance and Trump behaved like children - denigrating Ukraine, Zelenskyy and making absurd claims that he and Ukraine haven't acted in a grateful way.

Here's the Presser:

We can argue back and forth all we want but Ukraine cannot win this war. Longer it goes on the more death on both sides. Ukraine doesn’t seem to have the right person in charge to actually make peace though.

I see people bitching about Trump and the blow up but that’s as close as this war has gotten to peace. Trump can do like Biden and talk tough but it doesn’t resolve this conflict. Getting both sides to the table to talk is what eventually resolves things.

You know this how?

Did you also predict the collapse of the USSR in 1991?

In reality, all it would take is a few key weapons systems and Ukraine would turn the tide and begin repelling Russia. Do you not think we possess the technology and arms to defeat Russian troops currently in Ukraine? Of course we have it. We've chosen not to put boots on the ground (agree with that), but we've also chosen to not give Ukraine the weapons necessary to win outright. Beyond my pay grade, but the rationale is probably along the lines of Putin is the devil we know. If he loses in Ukraine, he'd like fall out a window in short order, and then we have a federation of states there - possessing nuclear arms - that could fall into political disarray and civil unrest.

Zelenskyy has his work cut out for him.
We can argue back and forth all we want but Ukraine cannot win this war. Longer it goes on the more death on both sides. Ukraine doesn’t seem to have the right person in charge to actually make peace though.

I see people bitching about Trump and the blow up but that’s as close as this war has gotten to peace. Trump can do like Biden and talk tough but it doesn’t resolve this conflict. Getting both sides to the table to talk is what eventually resolves things.
If we'd given them them all the weapons we'd actually promised, and Jake Sullivan wasn't such a milksop coward putting stupid restrictions on which military targets Ukraine could strike, Russia would have been forced to retreat. Their logistics were beyond terrible, and they wouldn't have been able to maintain them if the Biden admin had allowed Ukraine to strike inside Russian territory from the beginning.

Russia is no stranger to retreat, they retreated from Chechnya the first time when they got punched in the mouth hard enough, and they retreated from Afghanistan when Moscovites got upset about their sons coming back 'cargo 200'.
I don’t know what this has to do with what I posted, but ok.
You originally suggested that we were "perfectly willing to sign the agreement". Trump didn't. He reasoned - and that's a term I use loosely with him - that Zelenskyy behaved in an ungrateful way.

Again, Z started out right off the bat by saying thank you.

I could link umpteen other videos where he and Ukraine have said thanks to our country and Trump and Biden non-stop.

The failed presser was all a pathetic, sad show.
No boots on the ground little Z man.
With the minerals deal there would be boots on the ground. Americans working the mines etc... that in turn would be the equivalent of military personnel.

If Russia then invaded or attacked Ukraine and American citizens were harmed that would not go over very well especially if the POTUS is Donald Trump or JD Vance.
Trump wants to get a deal done for his ego and legacy and he's supporting the stronger of the two, but what he didn't count on is Ukraine isnt going to just capitulate and let Trump claim victory at their expense.
Trump wants to get a deal done for his ego and legacy and he's supporting the stronger of the two, but what he didn't count on is Ukraine isnt going to just capitulate and let Trump claim victory at their expense.
Because in the first 100 days of an administration with tons of political capital, he’s worried about building a legacy lol.
Did you see the absolute glee with which the ambush was greeted at the Kremlin ?

I would think so.


The Russian news agency TASS was in the room.

Reuters and AP were not.

Wake up!

I would think they would rather Da Poootin in the room than you, he wasn't spreading the Russian Gate hoax like you were.
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