Just Trump helping Putin evade sanctions, nothing to see here.
Great decision! Finally someone standing up for the interests of American public!
First, this G7 made-for-TV

is not in America's interests.
Second, let me enjoy the little game you and your buddies love so much to play: "You know who else attacked neutral shipping?"
Third, lmfao at known propaganda rag
The Guardian's phrase "would tackle."
Fourth, F--- Fidel Castro's boy in Canadia.
Fifth, this is yet another of dozens or more attempts
after the 2024 election to bind the elected President with something deliberately intended to sabotage his campaign promise of peace talks and an end to the war. A promise and plan that helped him win the US election. That's a frank "attack on our democracy" and very "insurrection-y" on the part of Biden's handlers.
Bonus points. That "midnight" Treasury directive was based on an January 2025 interpretation of E.O. 14024. Sound familiar? That's the order of whoever was actually running the potato-headed "Biden" assault on our democracy and is absolutely "not who we are."
You see, E.O. 14024 is the exact order that also prohibited American companies from selling liquified natural gas (not to Russia) but to our so-called allied grifters. And that's
exactly the executive order that Biden himself said he never signed.
Of course that it is not in America's interest to F up
it's own peace initiative is reason enough. Salvia America!