War in Ukraine

The longer we support Ukraine, the longer the war goes, the more men die. All in a war they will never win, even with our help. All for land they will never get back. All because of a comedian who refuses to negotiate to end the bloodshed.

Trump is simply hastening the inevitable to save lives.
The United States joining WWII led to a longer war and more men dying as well, so I guess we shouldn't have helped out then and let Hitler take over Europe?
Ha. I'm thinking you're the comedian here, not Zelensky.
You same knuckleheads would've been poor-mouthing Churchill back in the day and arguing that appeasement was the best path forward.
There are consequences to having the wrong person in power at critical times, and we're unfortunately seeing it play out with Trump.
The United States joining WWII led to a longer war and more men dying as well, so I guess we shouldn't have helped out then and let Hitler take over Europe?
Ha. I'm thinking you're the comedian here, not Zelensky.
You same knuckleheads would've been poor-mouthing Churchill back in the day and arguing that appeasement was the best path forward.
There are consequences to having the wrong person in power at critical times, and we're unfortunately seeing it play out with Trump.
You do realized we were drawn into WWII when we were attacked, right?
You can't have additional air defense to protect yourself from Russia, who is actively killing your civilians, because I don't know that you want to "settle".

He is hands down one of the dumbest individuals on the plant.
So under Trump, America won't honor Article 5 if countries aren't spending 5% of GDP on defense.

Pathetic given that we're the only NATO member to have invoked Article 5.


Your soldiers will fight whether you want them to or not.

You will give me a security guarantee now in order to torpedo negotiations whether you want to or not

You will bow the knee to me on international TV when I lie to your face about signing the agreement and then turn my signing ceremony into an arrogant PR circus act

You will give me free intelligence whenever I say whether you want to or not.

Zelensky is not the boss of America. He’s not the boss of NATO. He’s not even a member of NATO.

He really has proven impervious to reason.

Salve America!
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This ish is just embarrassing. It’s betrayal, plain and simple. I am not sure what the end goal is here but coziness with Putin ain’t gonna get us anywhere. Annex Canada? Stuff ain’t gonna fly, speaking of flying, maybe Elon should quit firing people and have rockets actually, ya know, not blow up.
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None of the Ukrainiacs will answer questions about what it would take for Ukraine to win. They scaret to face reality.
Those that are for this war prescribe to the John Bolton foreign policy. It's a foreign policy that has been an abject failure and served to actually weaken the US. That being said, it's a cult and no amount of arguing will ever change it. Better to let them go on about it forever. Thankfully, this war appears to be coming to an end soon.
Those that are for this war prescribe to the John Bolton foreign policy. It's a foreign policy that has been an abject failure and served to actually weaken the US. That being said, it's a cult and no amount of arguing will ever change it. Better to let them go on about it forever. Thankfully, this war appears to be coming to an end soon.

I’m not for it or against it per se. However it’s a sovereign country and Russia is trying to take it. It doesn’t make it right. Abandoning a country fighting for its sovereignty, I don’t know exactly what to make of it exactly. The fact that Putin is so frightened of a democracy on his border is telling. And the fact we’re gonna pull out, now… makes one wonder…what do we get by doing that? What are the concessions Russia is making?
I’m not for it or against it per se. However it’s a sovereign country and Russia is trying to take it. It doesn’t make it right. Abandoning a country fighting for its sovereignty, I don’t know exactly what to make of it exactly. The fact that Putin is so frightened of a democracy on his border is telling. And the fact we’re gonna pull out, now… makes one wonder…what do we get by doing that? What are the concessions Russia is making?
That’s propaganda, 66. The US media propaganda was in full swing already with the treasonous, lying, and disproven “RussiaGate” hoax. These Halliburton/Chaney clone Dems and neocons are trying to push NATO all the way to Russia’s border and are seeking “regime change” in Russia. It’s an offensive not defensive war on NATO’s part and on a nuclear power. There’s no evidence that what Putin is worried about is democracy or that Ukraine has ever been anything but an oligarchy and kleptocracy or that the present regime in Ukraine is not the product of a CIA coup. All the shrieking European voices refuse to act on their own: there is nothing authentic about them. We have no pressing American interest in another Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. It’s very profitable for the war industry, of course. Our most important national interest is in reversing years of lies and propaganda and trying to end the bloodbath and also in trying to reclaim some kind of honest relationship with Russia. If you remember, this was the Democrat line prior to springing the criminal RussiaGate hoax and campaign dirty trick. It is entirely normal and traditional for an American President to meet and negotiate with heads of state, including the Russians. The entire tradition of detente and then glasnost — and even the Cuban missile crisis (which resembled in many ways this present situation in reverse) — is the basis for these talks. What is not logical is American weapons being fired 400+ miles into nuclear-armed Russia.
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The United States joining WWII led to a longer war and more men dying as well, so I guess we shouldn't have helped out then and let Hitler take over Europe?
Ha. I'm thinking you're the comedian here, not Zelensky.
You same knuckleheads would've been poor-mouthing Churchill back in the day and arguing that appeasement was the best path forward.
There are consequences to having the wrong person in power at critical times, and we're unfortunately seeing it play out with Trump.

We spent $$$ and over 500,000 dead Americans to save Europe twice and now they’re handing it over to the Mooslems. Who knows but one day in the distant future the Europeans might realize Hitler was a better option than Mohamed.

We spent $$$ and over 500,000 dead Americans to save Europe twice and now they’re handing it over to the Mooslems. Who knows but one day in the distant future the Europeans might realize Hitler was a better option than Mohamed.

View attachment 726597
And here is one of your two triggers for the next great conflict over there. The other trigger will be economic. Germany has been in recession for two years now. It won't be 10 years before this detonates. What will we do? Hopefully nothing. What will Russia do? Probably just sit back and laugh.
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And here is one of your two triggers for the next great conflict over there. The other trigger will be economic. Germany has been in recession for two years now. It won't be 10 years before this detonates. What will we do? Hopefully nothing. What will Russia do? Probably just sit back and laugh.
my guess is Russia will continue causing refugee crises, directing them into the heart of Western Europe as it has been doing since the mid 2010s
This ish is just embarrassing. It’s betrayal, plain and simple. I am not sure what the end goal is here but coziness with Putin ain’t gonna get us anywhere. Annex Canada? Stuff ain’t gonna fly, speaking of flying, maybe Elon should quit firing people and have rockets actually, ya know, not blow up.
We don't really want Canada. Too many crazy liberal electoral votes.

We want Alberta.

I’m not for it or against it per se. However it’s a sovereign country and Russia is trying to take it. It doesn’t make it right. Abandoning a country fighting for its sovereignty, I don’t know exactly what to make of it exactly. The fact that Putin is so frightened of a democracy on his border is telling. And the fact we’re gonna pull out, now… makes one wonder…what do we get by doing that? What are the concessions Russia is making?
You really should read up on the history of the region since the early 90s. There was a democracy on his border that was working very well until we/NATO forced a regime change and started poking that border with a cattle prod. After years of NATO military'posturing there, Putin got fed up and took back some of the buffer zone he had before.

I would be interested in hearing your plan for the situation.
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I’m not for it or against it per se. However it’s a sovereign country and Russia is trying to take it. It doesn’t make it right. Abandoning a country fighting for its sovereignty, I don’t know exactly what to make of it exactly. The fact that Putin is so frightened of a democracy on his border is telling. And the fact we’re gonna pull out, now… makes one wonder…what do we get by doing that? What are the concessions Russia is making?

Aren’t there several democracies on the Russian border?
The United States joining WWII led to a longer war and more men dying as well, so I guess we shouldn't have helped out then and let Hitler take over Europe?
Ha. I'm thinking you're the comedian here, not Zelensky.
You same knuckleheads would've been poor-mouthing Churchill back in the day and arguing that appeasement was the best path forward.
There are consequences to having the wrong person in power at critical times, and we're unfortunately seeing it play out with Trump.
Question for you and others that are supporting the continuous funding of Ukraine from the US. Is your point that Russia is so strong that without US support they will crush Ukraine and then take over europe? Or is it your position that Russia is so weak that they're struggling to defeat Ukraine?. And if that's the case then if they're weak enough that they can't defeat Ukraine how are they going to take over the rest of Europe if they somehow do be Ukraine?
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The United States joining WWII led to a longer war and more men dying as well, so I guess we shouldn't have helped out then and let Hitler take over Europe?
Ha. I'm thinking you're the comedian here, not Zelensky.
You same knuckleheads would've been poor-mouthing Churchill back in the day and arguing that appeasement was the best path forward.
There are consequences to having the wrong person in power at critical times, and we're unfortunately seeing it play out with Trump.
Go read up on your history, Chamberlain.
We were well engaged in assisting England before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. (which is why we JOINED the war)
Way to miss your own point.

You also missed the point that Germany and Japan were not nuclear powers with the threat of ending civilization with a war between US and them.

We were 'helping' Ukraine. The comedian refused to negotiate an end without "Security Guarantees", which effectively forces the US to "join the war". That is NOT going to happen. Period. Unlike the days of WWII, The US and Russia are two nuclear powers with the combined power to destroy the earth.

You guys shouldn't be asking, "Why is Trump refusing to escalate between US and Russia?" You really should be asking why so many are trying to pressure him to do so.

I would be interested to hear your plan/solution for the situation.
Open, serious request:

Please explain why we should be pouring money into a war to support the side that will never win, even with our help, led by a man who has stated that he will never sign a peace agreement, using funds that we don't have and have to borrow against our children's' future. All while we are too poor as a country to rebuild the communities that were destroyed by hurricanes and wildfires.

With Z's public profession that he will never sign a peace deal with Putin, and his public demand for "Security Guarantees" from the US (note, the vocabulary means a promise to fight Russia militarily on Ukraine's behalf), please tell me why we should be escalating toward armed conflict with the only other nuclear superpower on the planet.

Lastly, as it's become mind-numbingly popular to argue for the above, and accuse Trump of being a Russian lackey for his handling of the situation so far, please give us your detailed plan for resolving the situation.

(These are the same questions that European citizens need to be asking of their leaders as their leaders seem to be rushing them toward the same conflicts.)

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