I mean, I am on the same page that Putin is not particularly insane or much different than leaders from other modern strong man regimes - and no, he is not Stalin. I definitely do not think the American government or media has shown itself to be trustworthy in almost any situation. There is definitely more going on here than is being fed to the public.
But then you had to go and compare Putin to Lincoln and Jackson. Are you out of your Russian loving mind? Setting aside the fact that they were from a long past era where deaths and war was thought of differently than today - which is what I assume you were clumsily trying to say. But no, you had to actually compare Putin to iconic icons of American forefathers. Lincoln who was willing to endure civil war to free the slaves (and ensure federal supremacy over states rights) and Jackson who freed us (for a time) from the money lords.
Sure they were flawed men but Rule #1 of discourse on an American bulletin board - you do not compare a Russian leader to the fathers of our country - or your arguments (and your credibility) get buried in a ditch.