Intel - even in theater - is a mixture of knowledge, propaganda, and bias. Forces engaged directly in conflict misinterpret intel and/or are influencing by propaganda and bias to come to wrong conclusions. Even honest brokers get suckered. Outside the theater? Forget it. We see and read what we can and append to what we think we know from prior events.
Americans know little about Syria which is not a knock on us, because neither do the French, Germans, UK, S. Americans, etc just as Russians are getting a Putin-filtered view of the invasion. I read several articles early on and several years into the conflict that Assad had popular support, throughout, that the White Hats were engaged in the revolt, and the Free Army was compromised by Islamists against the secular Assad government and may have been responsible for chem attacks. Like his father, Assad has dealt ruthlessly with revolt and entirely reasonable he could used chems if pressed.
We don't know but I think we'd no business in Syria. It was an internal matter.
If you think Assad was correct in putting down the revolt, you cannot fault Ukraine for fighting separatists in the east; Putin certainly supported it. This is at least the fourth time Russia has used the 'just protecting Russians' blueprint to seed & support separatists then invade to destabilize governments who find Westernization more appealing than zombie existence as a post-Soviet satellite being forced to remain in Russia's orbit.
I think your arguments go beyond objective criticism of the U.S. and into direct support of our enemies, none more than Russia. You literally choke to remotely criticize them, or to find this constitutional republic superior in any respect to Russia. That's warped guys.
What is your ideological and national allegiance? Left or right-wing anarchos, quasi-Marxist, Euro-efette technocrat -? Because frankly you seem to stand for nothing and wispily dance with the truth, coyly posture while committing to nothing except an American critique.