Based on what? This clearly isnt the russian military we were lead to believe existed. They cant even feed or fuel a large number of their forces, how are they going to systematically destroy a good sized country? , and they already have 75% of the military deployed, so it's not like they have a bunch of assets left to throw around.You're showing you bias and not showing much logic.
If he really wanted to target civilian targets for the purpose of total conquest, there wouldn't be a building left standing east of the Dneiper River.
This is just as dumb an argument as the one luther made for the no fly zone. You dont establish peace, or use peace as justification for a larger war. If he wanted peace he could have pushed in just far enough to clear the Ukrainian artillery, and then pulled back with a line in the sand. If ukraine put troops back there he could just push them out again. He is grabbing territory, not defending people.They invaded in order to stop the conflict happening on their border against ethnic Russians/Russian people. In addition, they saw an increasing security threat in Ukraine where NATO was involved in pushing military assets into the region and engaged in weapons of mass destruction.
Obama's "red line" comment was setting the stage for a false flag event in Syria. He knew that without some kind of provocation/manufactured consent, that he would not be able to act. And as is written there, the Pentagon appears to have delayed, but not stopped the inevitable.Your contention was the U.S. initiated the Syrian conflict; I responded how that is false. You'll note from the timeline that civil war began long before U.S. involvement. You made the erroneous clam of U.S. involvement in 2011 days ago to someone else, "gotdammit".
In addition, your link refers to the 2011 LIBYA intervention - also the timeframe for A. Spring in Syria - and notes:
Sounds like someone was sober in the room. You'll see similar sobriety in the full quote of your paragraph two. Do you Hirsch is implying Obama knew the chem attack(s) were bogus and trying to go ahead anyway? That's not what he's saying.
Are you using some chem incidents in which Assad abstained as proof he didn't use chem weapons? More recent review than Hirsch's claim that's not true, and chlorine was Assad's weapon of choice:
The U.S. coalition didn't intervene until Sept. 2014 to bomb IS and al-Nusra forces. In 2017-2018, Assad & ally forces were also attacked providing defense to SDF and NSA. You can argue from that angle at least an intent to inhibit Assad or cause his downfall.
The U.S. didn't initiate the Ukraine invasion either.
The U.S. didn't initiate the Ukraine invasion either.
I haven't discussed Syria, so the first part of your post regarding Syria isn't relevant to me. The US isn't involved in a war with Russia currently, so your statement that I support our enemy is incorrect. I have stated, I care not if Putin loses in Ukraine and goes home with his tail between his legs. I have no dog in their fight. However, I'm not going to go along with this charade of pushing untrue and distorted views of Russia and Ukraine that are pushed by our gov't and media (neither of which have proven themselves to be trusted). Nor do I trust what comes out of Russian media and the Russian government for the same reasons. Would I like to see Russia pull itself from the ashes and become a more free, democratic and prosperous Nation for the good of it's people? Sure. Are they there yet? No. Have they progressed to that goal under Putin? Yes. Could someone else do it better? Very likely.
I critique America because my ancestry dates back before the founding and I have 3 kids who will inherit whatever we are leaving them. My allegiance is with America, but America seems to have hopelessly lost her way. We are America in name only as our Nation no longer conducts itself based on American ideals.
Well, kind of an exaggeration on your part. There are Nazi-influenced people that we have armed and that we helped to put in positions of power back in 2014.The most untrue distortion comes from pretending Ukraine is a Nazi regime that is killing peaceful Russians in the Donbas
I wouldn't call him a patriot but I don't think I would call him a traitor either. Depends on what hes done since then.
The last I read was that Snowden is just sitting on a lot of illegally copied information and using it as bait or security to keep himself safe. We probably all agree that there's a lot our intelligence community is doing that we would disagree with and that we want a lot of what they do reeled in, but on the other hand it's really dangerous having Snowdens and Mannings and others with access to intelligence thinking that they know what's right and wrong. Manning can't even figure out if he's a he or a she, and Snowden had a lot of issues of his own.
Who knew that having the US government and all of our alphabet agencies go after someone created a stressful situation for people. If I am being hunted like that I am going to develop issues and start asking some fundamental questions about things I never did before.The last I read was that Snowden is just sitting on a lot of illegally copied information and using it as bait or security to keep himself safe. We probably all agree that there's a lot our intelligence community is doing that we would disagree with and that we want a lot of what they do reeled in, but on the other hand it's really dangerous having Snowdens and Mannings and others with access to intelligence thinking that they know what's right and wrong. Manning can't even figure out if he's a he or a she, and Snowden had a lot of issues of his own.