The Azov whose HQ was destroyed nearly two weeks ago by UAF military for not following Ukraine command:
Ukrainian army destroy Nationalist HQ of Azov Nationalist battalion in Mariupol | They were founded as a national socialist group by wealthy Ukrainians, some of them Jews. Certainly a Nazi battalion would not have support in the Jewish community, nor have Jews as prominent commanders, and yet they do. It may be that Azov is an ultranationalist group that admittedly has some members who are neo_Nazis (below)
Azov is a force of about 900 in a military of 245K active, 220K reserve. There's no indication the populace are Nazis, so why would they have a military "rife with Nazism" as several here have stated or implied, and led by a Jew? Besides American Democrats characterizing conservatives, who would make such claims - ? And why would people parrot it without giving it even superficial examination?
Probably Putin and his Russophile water boys abroad; they certainly keep the ground here wet.
What appears certain is that Putin isn't in Ukraine to fight 'Nazis'.
A spokesman for the unit has said "only 10–20%" of its recruits are neo-Nazis, with one commander attributing neo-Nazi ideology to misguided youth.[72] Members of the unit have stated that the inverted Wolfsangel, rather than connected to Nazism, represents the Ukrainian words for "united nation"[17][43] or "national idea" (Ukrainian: Ідея Нації, Ideya Natsii)
Connection to antisemitism
More than 40 Israeli human rights activists signed a petition to stop arms sales to Ukraine arguing that Israel is selling military-style Tavor and Negev automatic weapons to the Ukrainian government knowing that some of these arms end up in the hands of the right-wing Azov militia.[110]
Despite accusations that the group is antisemitic, some members of the Jewish community in Ukraine support and serve in the Azov Battalion. One of its most prominent members is Nathan Khazin, leader of the "Jewish hundreds" during the 2013 Euromaidan protests in Kyiv.[111] In an interview, Andriy Biletsky explained that he regards Israel and Japan as role models for the development of Ukraine.[112]
Slavic paganism
Most soldiers of Azov are followers of a Ukrainian nationalist type of Rodnovery (Slavic Native Faith), wherefrom they derive some of their symbolism (such as a variation of the swastika symbol kolovrat). They have also established Rodnover shrines for their religious rites, including one in Mariupol dedicated to Perun.[113]
Azov Battalion - Wikipedia