War in Ukraine

I am not denying the Ukrainians have high loses. Just curious how you discount Everything that doesnt fit your views, yet random sources that fit your narrative are legit.
I'v seen far too many lies coming out of Kyiv and plus just from a common sense and pragmatic understanding of the situation, the opposing sides puts up more reasonable and believable narratives. The Ghost of Kyiv, Snake Island, Russia running out of missiles, babushka with pickels and sanctions are gonna crush Russia barratives are just as mendacious as the covid narratives that our govt sent out. And hell... our govt was just as full-throated about the covid narratives.
I'v seen far too many lies coming out of Kyiv and plus just from a common sense and pragmatic understanding of the situation, the opposing sides puts up more reasonable and believable narratives. The Ghost of Kyiv, Snake Island, Russia running out of missiles, babushka with pickels and sanctions are gonna crush Russia barratives are just as mendacious as the covid narratives that our govt sent out. And hell... our govt was just as full-throated about the covid narratives.


And if you were the President of an invaded country you would simply surrender and turn yourself over to be executed?

Blah blah blah blah blah. I'm American and there's only one threat (currently) to us and that's open borders. Stop being naive and listening to the establishment narrative of Ukraine/Russia. Let me simplify it... They are both 💩 holes run by corruption and are equally to blame for this farce that has swindled the US for North of 100 billion to this point and given us nothing in return. They can figure it out themselves. 🖕🖕 Them
really its the country with its 100+ million more people sending people to their deaths.

there is a reason self defense is justified in most countries. the defender is not responsible for the violence even if it ends up "worse".

really the whole argument that things would be better if Ukraine had rolled over early is based on pure speculation that ignores Russia's long established history in the area.

you guys just phrase your statements like this to deflect away from Russia's responsibility.

Blah blah blah blah the average age of Ukrainian soldier is 43. It won't be long before this (cash cow) runs dry. All that's left is whether or not Zelensky is seen in public going forward after the deal is struck
Blah blah blah blah blah. I'm American and there's only one threat (currently) to us and that's open borders. Stop being naive and listening to the establishment narrative of Ukraine/Russia. Let me simplify it... They are both 💩 holes run by corruption and are equally to blame for this farce that has swindled the US for North of 100 billion to this point and given us nothing in return. They can figure it out themselves. 🖕🖕 Them
The attitude that would have lost the Cold War. Yet I bet you screech about “Marxists” often.
Please cite me (specifically) what national security interests to the United States as it relates to Ukraine. I'll wait...
Did you really think the fate of West Berlin was critical to the survival is the nation? Of course not, but I’m glad we fought the Cold War anyways.

Russia poses the same threat now they did then. They just cover less territory, and they’re pretty clearly trying to get a lot of it back.
Did you really think the fate of West Berlin was critical to the survival is the nation? Of course not, but I’m glad we fought the Cold War anyways.

Russia poses the same threat now they did then. They just cover less territory, and they’re pretty clearly trying to get a lot of it back.

You are completely out of your mind if you think Russia poses the same threat now as the USSR did during the cold war. And thank goodness for leaders like Kennedy who was not interested in a pissing contest. And went out of his way against advice he was being given and did not provoke something unnecessary. Ukraine was a 💩 hole then and is possibly even more of a corrupt 💩 hole now. It's a shame the people of Ukraine have been drug into a pissing contest they absolutely can't win.
Did you really think the fate of West Berlin was critical to the survival is the nation? Of course not, but I’m glad we fought the Cold War anyways.

Russia poses the same threat now they did then. They just cover less territory, and they’re pretty clearly trying to get a lot of it back.

Cold War 2.0 with the same characters, and people aren't paying attention. China is ahead of the game this time, and Russia is trying to regain ground held by the Soviet Union to have the necessary footprint to project power.
Good to know where the leftist filth stand!

Where are the Ukrainian loss statistics?
a Ukrainian source is posting numbers on Russians and has done so consistently. seems like Russia as this bastion of truth and honest journalism would have a reputable program doing the same with Ukrainian losses. but I have yet to find anything that:
1. posts updates regularly.
2. posts any types of believable updates. One of the RT talk shows claimed Ukraine lost 100k people in a week. and had all types of studies and reports and findings to support it.
3. and/or you claims that don't pass the first smell test like the various sources claiming they have destroyed 6 of the 4 patriot systems we sent Ukraine. There have been several other similar cases of the Russians killing/destroying more than exist.
4. I have yet to see ANY Russian sources that go through the effort the Kyiv Independent does when they only report losses they have pictorial or video evidence of with associated geo-tags. Doesn't mean they are perfect, and war makes any calculations difficult. all their evidence tends to be sources from the Russian government/military.

some of their mil bloggers have been believable, and source at least their smaller number, but not consistent, nor compile their info like this so its hard to parse the information.

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