War in Ukraine

a Ukrainian source is posting numbers on Russians and has done so consistently. seems like Russia as this bastion of truth and honest journalism would have a reputable program doing the same with Ukrainian losses. but I have yet to find anything that:
1. posts updates regularly.
2. posts any types of believable updates. One of the RT talk shows claimed Ukraine lost 100k people in a week. and had all types of studies and reports and findings to support it.
3. and/or you claims that don't pass the first smell test like the various sources claiming they have destroyed 6 of the 4 patriot systems we sent Ukraine. There have been several other similar cases of the Russians killing/destroying more than exist.
4. I have yet to see ANY Russian sources that go through the effort the Kyiv Independent does when they only report losses they have pictorial or video evidence of with associated geo-tags. Doesn't mean they are perfect, and war makes any calculations difficult. all their evidence tends to be sources from the Russian government/military.

some of their mil bloggers have been believable, and source at least their smaller number, but not consistent, nor compile their info like this so its hard to parse the information.

The Kiev independent is not "independent" so it's state run propaganda

“This is just a huge testing ground, where the whole world is testing their weapons, f--- it, and sizing up their d----,” he went on. "That’s all.”

The prospect of another wave of mobilization lingers, even as Moscow has been trying to lure people into signing contracts with the military. Russia’s annual autumn conscription draft kicked off in October, pulling in some 130,000 fresh young men.

130k men since October (around 8 weeks) for a country roughly half our size.

Now contrast that with...

Military recruitment is down. Why don’t young Americans want to join?

Big Bonuses, Relaxed Policies, New Slogan: None of It Saved the Military from a Recruiting Crisis in 2023
The Kiev independent is not "independent" so it's state run propaganda
So can you point out to me in this page where they are funded by the Ukrainian government? In fact the only sovereign state I can find giving them money listed here was a one time donation from Canada for $200k Canadian.

I mean … if you’ve got credible info showing they are Ukrainian funded then by all means let’s see it

So can you point out to me in this page where they are funded by the Ukrainian government? In fact the only sovereign state I can find giving them money listed here was a one time donation from Canada for $200k Canadian.

I mean … if you’ve got credible info showing they are Ukrainian funded then by all means let’s see it

Lol. Canada and the UK have "skin" in this game. How rich you cite Wikipedia. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's almost we aren't fighting a war that is supposedly in self defense.
It’s a stupid as hell deflection. While we’ve got our noses stuck in lots of places because we can’t help ourselves we don’t have an active military campaign that we need to execute. We absolutely don’t and likely never will have a military campaign on an adjacent border where we are in an open conflict with a bordering sovereign power. So it’s an absolutely moronic parallel to even attempt to draw but just like all of the other idiotic hot takes here we are! 🤷‍♂️
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Blah blah blah blah the average age of Ukrainian soldier is 43. It won't be long before this (cash cow) runs dry. All that's left is whether or not Zelensky is seen in public going forward after the deal is struck
deflection and moving the goalposts is a sure sign of defeat to go with a side of immaturity.
Lol with the "Google search"

Where does that conflict with the wiki page. Did you read it? They confirmed the Canadian one time donation and that is the only direct confirmation to the media platform I can find. So I can only guess you’re leaning on all the innuendo in the article? The website actually has ads and raised 1.4M pounds via crowd sourcing and go fund me. Where that money came from who knows.

But back to the point at hand can you point to any Ukrainian government funding?
Why can't I get an answer from the media source you posted 3 months ago? WTF does Pravda have to do with anything?
why would you expect a knowledgeable answer from any media, yet alone media you have openly and often complained about?

If there were a bunch of T-14s or later model T-90s on the battlefield, they would be outdated. but considering the preponderance of T-55s and T-64s on the battlefield they will do just fine in an armor engagement. any crew they have will be safer in it than any other tank, but the tank itself is just as vulnerable to being crippled as any other. Engine deck, and treads are weak points on every tank.

also depends on how Ukraine plans to use them. if its an unsupported charge across a minefield I don't think the Russians need to worry about them. If they are used to exploit an opening in the line, yes they should be worried. if its urban street fighting, not so much, but if its a ranged engagement, and depending on what sights the gun has, the Russians should absolutely be afraid. in that case its just another Desert Storm where Abrams demolished a whole bunch of T-72s with a better gun and better sights.
deflection and moving the goalposts is a sure sign of defeat to go with a side of immaturity.

Blah blah blah blah blah. Ukraine is not nor were they ever going to win this conflict. Immaturity is sitting there in your ivory tower virtue signaling about democracy in a place that decides who and how they practice religion. Add to that they have sent large numbers of military aged (now much higher ages) to certain death. That is not a good start to "democracy"
The Kiev independent is not "independent" so it's state run propaganda
right, so is the Russian stuff. so where is the better Russian version of the Kyiv "Independent".

also this would be one of those cases Ras likes to call out for attacking the messenger and not the message. well he would like to call it out if he wasn't biased all the way up the Volga
Where does that conflict with the wiki page. Did you read it? They confirmed the Canadian one time donation and that is the only direct confirmation to the media platform I can find. So I can only guess you’re leaning on all the innuendo in the article? The website actually has ads and raised 1.4M pounds via crowd sourcing and go fund me. Where that money came from who knows.

But back to the point at hand can you point to any Ukrainian government funding?

Again I provided a link that is not Wikipedia and you chose to believe Wikipedia and the Kiev independent (a type of Wikipedia) Soros backed funds along with aid with open source funding by the US department of state. Lol. Is that why you Neocons are ok with this type of trash?
Again I provided a link that is not Wikipedia and you chose to believe Wikipedia and the Kiev independent (a type of Wikipedia) Soros backed funds along with aid with open source funding by the US department of state. Lol. Is that why you Neocons are ok with this type of trash?
Actually I pointed out that your link confirms the wiki page. The wiki page listed two direct funds of the $200k Canadian and the £1.4M gofundme.

Also you’re now off and running with those goal posts as usual. No where has any Ukrainian funding of the website been provided. If anything you’ve provided data showing they in fact are not Ukrainian state media they are in fact independently funded but you don’t like the funding sources speculated on in the innuendo. So back on topic… link to that Ukrainian funding?
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Blah blah blah blah blah. Ukraine is not nor were they ever going to win this conflict. Immaturity is sitting there in your ivory tower virtue signaling about democracy in a place that decides who and how they practice religion. Add to that they have sent large numbers of military aged (now much higher ages) to certain death. That is not a good start to "democracy"
more deflection and immaturity.

got any links to me playing up Ukraine's democracy?

meanwhile your high horse continues to ignore the main driver of this conflict and all the deaths with Russia. I have merely said if Ukraine wants to fight to defend themselves, we shouldn't stop them. I have also pointed out that we have no way to keep them fighting as our only leverage only has strength as long as they are fighting. I have never pretended that this war was not going to get ugly as hades, been saying from Day 1 this is WW1 and not WW2, which was nothing but ugly and slaughter. never pulled a Ras and claimed either side would be getting a Nobel Peace Prize for their activities in this war.
right, so is the Russian stuff. so where is the better Russian version of the Kyiv "Independent".

also this would be one of those cases Ras likes to call out for attacking the messenger and not the message. well he would like to call it out if he wasn't biased all the way up the Volga

What part of propaganda do you Neocons not understand? 🖕 Russia 🖕 Ukraine money we don't have can be "borrowed" and spent much more wisely at home. No disrespect to any of you Neocons employeed by contractors but I truly hope you are nearing a career change.
Actually I pointed out that your link confirms the wiki page. The wiki page listed two direct funds of the $200k Canadian and the £1.4M gofundme.

Also you’re now off and running with those goal posts as usual. No where has any Ukrainian funding of the website been provided. So back on topic… link to that?
Neocons conveniently gloss over all the "NATO" aligned ties to funding this mouthpiece. It's there ND40 you just have to look for it. But if my livelihood was tied to it I would probably be singing it's praises as well.
Neocons conveniently gloss over all the "NATO" aligned ties to funding this mouthpiece. It's there ND40 you just have to look for it. But if my livelihood was tied to it I would probably be singing its praises as well.
LMAO I’ll take that as the obvious “ok they aren’t Ukrainian state media as I implied but I still don’t like them or their possible funding sources which are obviously independent of the Ukrainian government.” 😂

And I don’t have a livelihood I’m retired and life is quite good. 😎
more deflection and immaturity.

got any links to me playing up Ukraine's democracy?

meanwhile your high horse continues to ignore the main driver of this conflict and all the deaths with Russia. I have merely said if Ukraine wants to fight to defend themselves, we shouldn't stop them. I have also pointed out that we have no way to keep them fighting as our only leverage only has strength as long as they are fighting. I have never pretended that this war was not going to get ugly as hades, been saying from Day 1 this is WW1 and not WW2, which was nothing but ugly and slaughter. never pulled a Ras and claimed either side would be getting a Nobel Peace Prize for their activities in this war.

Neither did I. I absolutely think Ukraine and Russia can figure this out among themselves and we don't have to send billions of unacceptable $$$ just so Ukraine can fight there fight. I also contend that if the EU and the West (US) had stayed out of this we would not be where we are today. I'm sick of endless useless spending of resources with zero.zero benefit to the US
LMAO I’ll take that as the obvious “ok they aren’t Ukrainian state media as I implied but I still don’t like them or their possible funding sources which are obviously independent of the Ukrainian government.” 😂

And I don’t have a livelihood I’m retired and life is quite good. 😎

I'll take that as retired freelance Neocon.
Neither did I. I absolutely think Ukraine and Russia can figure this out among themselves and we don't have to send billions of unacceptable $$$ just so Ukraine can fight there fight. I also contend that if the EU and the West (US) had stayed out of this we would not be where we are today. I'm sick of endless useless spending of resources with zero.zero benefit to the US
The West, or specifically the US and UK, got involved in 1994 and the bill for that involvement came due in 2014. However we didn’t really even start managing that obligation until the full invasion in 2022
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