War in Ukraine

Your worldview is warped methinks.

First of all domestically, Congress *had* a border bill that was created in a bi-partisan manner and supported by Biden, but Trump shot it down because he wants this issue to be available to him for the election.


As for Ukraine, I've never argued for us sending our troops over there to fight.


Get your facts straight if you want to debate, bro.
They only put that bill in the table for a political bump they could use after years of stonewalling. Don't accuse one side of playing petty politics when the other is just as guilty.
They only put that bill in the table for a political bump they could use after years of stonewalling. Don't accuse one side of playing petty politics when the other is just as guilty.

The bill was there to act upon. Trump shot it down.

Hard not to call a spade a spade.
You guys are so gullible. It's no wonder we have the elected people that we do. Stupid people everywhere.

Apparently you're not only a member, but also their club President.

Anytime you wanna debate *facts*, Junior, come on back and try again.
I linked the full text, which parts do you find to be unpalatable?

Be specific.
Of course. Joe Biden, Obamas third term appointees, and all democrats want and need an open border. They all need and want an open border for chaos and destruction of this country. Biden repealed Trump directives and opened the border wide open. Under zero circumstances would a "Bipartisan bill" close the border and toss the illegals out. You are an idiot. A stupid person. Trump, the guy who has zero choice in this, didn't stop anything. You're laughable dumb.
Amen, brother. The level of pussitude of the minority here makes my head spin. Given I've got a daughter in law in the army, I can tell you we're all in.
All in..LMAO.
You havent done **** and you keyboard warriors are welcome to go volunteer.
Considering that Putin is on record saying that he has no desire to make peace, their opinion on "continuation" is somewhat moot.

The majority seem to be against giving up Ukrainian territory for a false peace with Russia though.

If you were the least bit honest, you'd own up to the fact that you don't advocate "peace", but rather Ukrainians surrendering themselves and their country to Putin.
I actually do care about people in general and do care about wasted tax dollars. I believe the reporting that many are fleeing being drafted in Ukraine and that in general the support for the war is waning.
If the Minsk Agreements would have been honored, Ukraine's existence would not be a question.

The only reason the Minsk agreements exist, is because Russia broke the UN charter and half a dozen direct treaties with Ukraine when it invaded in 2014.

Subsequently Russia never honored their own obligations under the Minsk agreements.


But you know all this.
The bill was there to act upon. Trump shot it down.

Hard not to call a spade a spade.
Why after years of denying there was even a problem, months ago it was a Republican fabrication........ would a bill even be necessary.

Hard for some to admit the hypocrisy of their party.........
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Of course. Joe Biden, Obamas third term appointees, and all democrats want and need an open border. They all need and want an open border for chaos and destruction of this country. Biden repealed Trump directives and opened the border wide open. Under zero circumstances would a "Bipartisan bill" close the border and toss the illegals out. You are an idiot. A stupid person. Trump, the guy who has zero choice in this, didn't stop anything. You're laughable dumb.
Read the bill, tell me which parts you couldn't stomach, to get the high points that Lankford put on his one sheet.

You are never going to get mass the deportations of brown people with Hispanic heritage (here legally or not) that you fantasize about, regardless of who is president or in Congress.
You don't think Putin and his MIC are making money? and loving this war going on and on?

I am glad we finally have somebody outing themselves as a foreign agent. nice to get a little honesty around here.

you can go look at any thread that involves us getting involved in someone else's war. my first response is some variant of "No". The Syria thread has me on the first page with a "no". even in this thread I argued against the no fly zone, I argued against us guarding certain behind the lines areas to free up Ukraine, I am still arguing with people about the Memorandum meaning we have to throw troops in to fulfill its terms.

I am as anti-interventionalist as they come. I just differentiate between being anti-interventionalist and being isolationist. which is too fine of a point for most people, including you apparently.

Putin didn't force you and your country to invade Iraqi, Panama, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan... nor did it force you or your country to bomb Yugoslavia and Yemen, nor did it force you or your government to arm countless other countries. Is Russia now benefiting from a war time economy, probably so.... did Russia enter Ukraine to make money? Not from my POV, but that's irrelevant even we disagree.... I'm not Russian.

I don't know what you mean about a foreign agent. If the words hurt your feelings, maybe look in the mirror. Nothing I am saying should be a surprise after the last 30+ years of this.
What nonsense. The longest sustainable period of Global Peace is thanks to the United States and the West. Prior to USA hegemony, you had two Global World Wars that were responsible for over 90 Million deaths. These wars were initiated by Autocrats (Czars, Kaisers, etc.) or Fascists/Communists (Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin).

Don't give me this whole Western Death Cult nonsense. Putin (another autocrat) clearly started all of these issues. If you take his regime out of the equation, there wouldn't be any violence. Russia-Ukraine were fine during the Boris Yeltsin era.

The US has become one of the most evil forces in the world today.
Fighting and dying so your Country can be taken over by the US of gay. Sad. Very few of the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians would have died for that.

Watch: Zelensky Says 'It's The World’s Fault' That Russia Is Gaining

He was specifically asked by a reporter whether he blames the United States for the military setbacks. That's when he asserted:

"It’s the world’s fault. They gave the opportunity for Putin to occupy. But now the world can help."

But he still seemed to lash out at Washington in particular, given the short supply of US-made Patriot systems. "All we need are two Patriot systems. Russia will not be able to occupy Kharkiv if we have those," he said.

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Watch: Zelensky Says 'It's The World’s Fault' That Russia Is Gaining

He was specifically asked by a reporter whether he blames the United States for the military setbacks. That's when he asserted:

But he still seemed to lash out at Washington in particular, given the short supply of US-made Patriot systems. "All we need are two Patriot systems. Russia will not be able to occupy Kharkiv if we have those," he said.

A good journalist would ask, how is it the world's fault when all you had to do was sign a peace deal in Istanbul?
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The US has become one of the most evil forces in the world today.

If you live here, by all means please deport yourself. Perhaps move to Russia - the world's shining star of civil liberties and free choice
Fighting and dying so your Country can be taken over by the US of gay. Sad. Very few of the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians would have died for that.

Oh snap, seems you're already there.

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