Wars, genocide, reparations, etc (split from recruiting forum)

😂 I like you 😂 like I said, hitting bad, but teen boys talk dirty to each other lol, as do girls 😂 my nerdy son and all of his AP placement friends will scald your ears on XBox.. and it’s XBox 🤣 I went and told my husband what they were saying (to gauge if it was normal) and he was like ‘whew, thank God’ 😂
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My 14 yo son has a sense of responsibility for himself better than a lot of folks who spend all their time hand-wringing and whining about a “the woke agenda”, and he hasn’t even had to take a punch to the gut by a jackass coach to develop it.
39 years I've never laid a hand on a kid. But you do you and paint all of us with the same brush. If that makes me a jackass, send me the T-Shirt.
The woke agenda to brand any aspect of natural male behavior as "toxic" (LOL) has, and will be, a disaster. This will come as a shock to you , but teen boys and "speaking filthy" go hand-in-hand, regardless of whether football is involved.
I absolutely hate that stupid woke 🦬💩 and every po💩 that spews it.
I just Googled "football toxic masculinity" and didn't see Fox anywhere in the first several pages of links. I did see CNN, HuffPo, The Guardian, LA Times, NY Times, WaPo, etc. So whether or not it is a "woke" issue, it is certainly a point of discussion in the liberal media.
From the top turnbuckle....
39 years I've never laid a hand on a kid. But you do you and paint all of us with the same brush. If that makes me a jackass, send me the T-Shirt.
Yo, don't be so sensitive. I mean, you're 39, you're almost a man.

I called out the coach who hit a kid, not you. I do, however, think it's silly to call people who call out bad behavior whiny hand-wringers. Whether that makes me woke or not is up to you I guess since you paint with a similarly broad brush.
Yo, don't be so sensitive. I mean, you're 39, you're almost a man.

I called out the coach who hit a kid, not you. I do, however, think it's silly to call people who call out bad behavior whiny hand-wringers. Whether that makes me woke or not is up to you I guess since you paint with a similarly broad brush.
1) 39 years coaching
2) Never called you woke or a hand-wringer.
3) If I misinterpreted your post, that's on me.
D) Have a nice day.
1) 39 years coaching
2) Never called you woke or a hand-wringer.
3) If I misinterpreted your post, that's on me.
D) Have a nice day.
Ah, well I respect 39 years of coaching--it can be a thankless job, but also one that allows the opportunity to make a lasting positive impact. And no worries--it's almost time for kickoff and we are all restless. I sincerely hope you have a nice day too.
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Or you could stop defaulting to "fox news boogyman" in response.

I don't watch fox news, but it doesn't take a rocket science to know that there are cultural entities pushing the "toxic masculinity" conversation, and Fox news ain't it.

The reality is football is a toxic masculinity sport.

I love the sport. I was intially sad that my kids don't play, but I'm ok with it. Everytime I'm around the middle school or high school team its just disgusting how filthy these boys speak and act. This video right here does not surprise me in the least. In fact, I'm shocked we don't see more of it.

Again, I like the sport. I'm just saying it's toxic. I'm sure there's exceptions out there, but this seems pretty normal to me. This was normal when I grew up playing in the 80's & 90's
What is toxic masculinity? Is there toxic femininity too? Toxic androgyny?
What is toxic masculinity? Is there toxic femininity too? Toxic androgyny?
Yeah, It's those chicks that wear the pu$$y hats, don't shave their pits, have dreads, don't use deodorant, and dye their hair blue. They also tell you that an egg is a "baby chicken". I know they sure smell toxic for sure with a mix of B.O. and patchcouli wafting around them at all times.
Yeah, It's those chicks that wear the pu$$y hats, don't shave their pits, have dreads, don't use deodorant, and dye their hair blue. They also tell you that an egg is a "baby chicken". I know they sure smell toxic for sure with a mix of B.O. and patchcouli wafting around them at all times.
I'd always assumed such women were just examples of total stupidity.
I can't see toxic masculinity, femininity, etc. as real. It seems made up to suit an agenda.

What do you call a group of ultra-rich people, including politicians and businessmen, who are part of a private "club." They also secretly meet a couple times a year in a private secluded refuge to make decisions that influence the public and government sectors?

Would that be a secret-society?
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don’t like travis but the clip speaks for itself. The entitlement of these fools is insane. Who knew you had to honor your commitment and do what your boss tells you at a JOB

Where do I sign up to be a slave? I think 5-10 million $$$ a year might make it tolerable. Of course I’d have to give up the. $75,000 a year that a free man makes
Where do I sign up to be a slave? I think 5-10 million $$$ a year might make it tolerable. Of course I’d have to give up the. $75,000 a year that a free man makes
Many rich men are still slaves.

And many poor men are their masters.
Where do I sign up to be a slave? I think 5-10 million $$$ a year might make it tolerable. Of course I’d have to give up the. $75,000 a year that a free man makes

You signed a contract and are part of the 1%

Play it out and earn a new, better, market value next contract. Claiming "indentured servitude" in last year of a binding contract that you freely signed is laughable
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don’t like travis but the clip speaks for itself. The entitlement of these fools is insane. Who knew you had to honor your commitment and do what your boss tells you at a JOB

Must be tough making hundreds of thousands / millions playing a sport keeping in shape and never having to do normal 9-5 or longer jobs for way less pay lol

These individuals are ridiculous. They literally get to play a game their whole lives for money…..
don’t like travis but the clip speaks for itself. The entitlement of these fools is insane. Who knew you had to honor your commitment and do what your boss tells you at a JOB

They're not wrong. Unless you're at the top (a true 1 percenter), capitalism is economic servitude. You will be bound and owned by the system in exchange for cash. That's just how things work. However, athletes aren't unique in this experience. They're far from the only ones to have ever felt desperate to keep a job for the sake of someone (or several someones) they loved. If anything, they get treated far better than the average American. The fact that they even get to negotiate their terms speaks to how much higher up they are than the average -- negotiated contracts are for the well off and those with union jobs. Otherwise, you get what your boss says and get fired on a whim in half the states.

We can make the system better with regulations but it is what it is and so far the world hasn't come up with a substitute that does much better. Only mixed economies and/or a more regulated, people friendly version of capitalism.

Too many times people think their situation is unique. In this case, it's athletes. But all that argument does is divide. They'd be better off talking about changing things for everyone. Because being fired on a whim and/or having to scrape by on substandard wages is something a lot of us have in common. Even those with good jobs share the experience of trying to make ends meet within a system designed to suck you dry and drain you of every penny you've ever had.
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They're not wrong. Unless you're at the top (a true 1 percenter), capitalism is economic servitude. You will be bound and owned by the system in exchange for cash. That's just how things work. However, athletes aren't unique in this experience. They're far from the only ones to have ever felt desperate to keep a job for the sake of someone (or several someones) they loved. If anything, they get treated far better than the average American. The fact that they even get to negotiate their terms speaks to how much higher up they are than the average -- negotiated contracts are for the well off and those with union jobs. Otherwise, you get what your boss says and get fired on a whim in half the states.

We can make the system better with regulations but it is what it is and so far the world hasn't come up with a substitute that does much better. Only mixed economies and/or a more regulated, people friendly version of capitalism.

Too many times people think their situation is unique. In this case, it's athletes. But all that argument does is divide. They'd be better off talking about changing things for everyone. Because being fired on a whim and/or having to scrape by on substandard wages is something a lot of us have in common. Even those with good jobs share the experience of trying to make ends meet within a system designed to suck you dry and drain you of every penny you've ever had.
Oh give me a break. The poorest Americans live better than 99% of people on earth ever have throughout history.

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